Foods that are bad for the heart

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor General Internal Medicine Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Improving your diet will help reduce your risk of heart disease in many ways, including: Lowering blood cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, lowering sugar levels, and increasing the effectiveness of insulin in the blood. A good diet will help prevent obesity and improve the function of the heart and blood vessels.

Foods that are not good for the heart should not be added to your and your family's diet on a regular basis include:

1. Fast food is not good for the heart

Saturated animal fats, especially when combined with carbohydrates, can adversely affect heart health. Therefore, you should avoid fast food restaurants. On the other hand, this place tends to use low quality ingredients and use unhealthy cooking methods.

thức ăn nhanh
Thức ăn nhanh chứa nhiều chất béo bão hòa, có thể gây ảnh hưởng xấu tới sức khỏe tim mạch

2. Sugar, salt, fat

Over time, large amounts of salt, sugar, saturated fat, and refined carbs increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. If you are concerned about your heart health, you should avoid overdoing these heart-healthy foods. Get them only through healthy fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy.

3. Smoked Bacon

More than half of bacon's calories come from saturated fat, which can raise low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) - bad cholesterol, increasing your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Bacon is often full of salt, which raises blood pressure and makes the heart work harder. High amounts of sodium (the main component of salt) can lead to stroke, heart disease, and heart failure. Preservatives used in these foods have also been linked to cardiovascular problems.

Thịt ba rọi xông khói
Thịt ba rọi xông khói không tốt cho tim mạch

4. Red meat is not good for the heart

Eating too much beef, lamb, and pork can increase your odds of heart disease and diabetes. This is explained by the fact that they are high in saturated fat, which raises cholesterol.

5. Processed meat is not good for the heart

What should people with heart disease avoid? The answer certainly cannot be without processed foods. Sausages and canned meats are heart-healthy foods. They are high in salt and most are high in saturated fat.

Thịt hộp xúc xích
Thịt hộp xúc xích là những thực phẩm người bệnh tim không nên ăn do chúng có lượng muối và lượng chất béo bão hòa cao

6. Alcohol

Moderate drinking won't harm your heart unless you have high blood pressure or high triglycerides - a type of fat in the blood that can increase your odds of heart disease. However, heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke, and weight gain.

7. Soft drinks

Adding a small amount of sugar to the body won't hurt, but a can of soda always contains more sugar than recommended for the whole day. Regular soda drinkers tend to gain more weight and are more likely to suffer from obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Nước ngọt.
Nước ngọt có chứa một số chất không tốt cho bệnh tim

8. Candy is not good for the heart

For many years, fat was considered the biggest cause of heart disease. But a report published last year in JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that a diet high in sugar may pose a bigger threat by contributing to obesity, increased inflammation, elevated cholesterol and diabetes, all Both are risk factors for heart disease.

9. Butter

Avocado is one of the foods that are bad for the heart. Avocados are high in saturated fat, which raises bad cholesterol and increases the risk of heart disease. You should replace butter with olive oil or vegetable oils that contain heart-healthy mono and polyunsaturated fats.

Người bệnh cần hạn chế ăn bơ

10. French fries

French fries are high in fat and salt, which is a heart-healthy food. One study found that people who ate french fries 2 to 3 times a week were more likely to die early. Another slightly better option is to make your own oven fries with healthy olive oil, even better if you use sweet potatoes.

11. Fried chicken is not good for the heart

Fried chicken contains a lot of calories, fat and sodium. Studies have linked fried foods to type 2 diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure — all of which increase the odds of heart failure. Therefore, you should choose skinless chicken breast and bake it instead of frying it to be healthier.
To protect cardiovascular health in general and detect early signs of myocardial infarction and stroke, customers can sign up for Cardiovascular Screening Package - Basic Cardiovascular Examination of Vinmec International General Hospital . The examination package helps to detect cardiovascular problems at the earliest through tests and modern imaging methods. The package is for all ages, genders and is especially essential for people with risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Khám sàng lọc tim mạch, khám bệnh
Khách hàng sử dụng gói dịch vụ sàng lọc bệnh tim mạch tại Vinmec

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

23 lượt đọc

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