Phó Giáo sư, Tiến sĩ, Bác sĩ Paul Mitchell/ Assoc. Prof. Paul Mitchell, MD, PhD

Giới thiệu

Phó Giáo sư Paul Mitchell có hơn 25 năm kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực Nội Ung bướu. Ông học tập và tích lũy kinh nghiệm tại nhiều quốc gia như New Zealand, Anh và Australia. Trước khi làm việc tại Vinmec, ông giữ chức vụ Giám đốc Trung tâm Ung bướu tại Bệnh viện Austin (Australia) từ năm 1997 đến năm 2010 và chịu trách nhiệm giám sát và quản lý các dịch vụ liên quan đến Nội Ung bướu, Huyết học, Xạ trị, Chăm sóc giảm nhẹ và Di truyền lâm sàng. Bệnh viện Austin là bệnh viện lớn thuộc đại học Melbourne (Australia) bao gồm 3 cơ sở với tổng 7000 nhân viên và 800 giường bệnh,

Bên cạnh các hoạt động lâm sàng và quản lý, ông cũng rất tích cực trong nghiên cứu. Ông là tác giả của hơn 130 bài báo đã được thẩm định và đăng tạp chí, trong đó 31 bài báo có chỉ số ảnh hưởng (Impact factor) lớn hơn 10 và 9 bài báo được xếp thứ hạng cao trên các tạp chí uy tín như Tạp chí Ung bướu lâm sàng (Journal of Clinical Oncology) và tạp chí Lancet. Điểm SCOPUS-H của ông là 34. Ngoài ra, ông được mời phát biểu tại nhiều hội thảo với tổng cộng hơn 170 bài trình bày.

Phó Giáo sư Paul Mitchell có kinh nghiệm chuyên sâu về nhiều loại ung thư, đặc biệt là ung thư phổi. Ông là trưởng nhóm Ung thư phổi tại Bệnh viện Austin và đã tham gia nhiều nghiên cứu về ung thư phổi. Ông từng giữ chức chủ tịch Tổ chức Ung thư lồng ngực khu vực Australasia (Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia – TOGA) – một tổ chức lớn tại Australia và New Zealand có mục tiêu phòng ngừa, điều trị và chữa khỏi ung thư lồng ngực thông qua nghiên cứu, thử nghiệm lâm sàng, giáo dục và tuyên truyền. Từ năm 2016, ông thực hiện vai trò dẫn dắt Hiệp hội Nghiên cứu ung thư lồng ngực (Thoracic Alliance for Cancer Trials - TACT) – đây là tổ chức quốc tế hiện đang giám sát 14 nhóm nghiên cứu ung thư phổi. Bên cạnh đó, ông cũng một trong những chuyên gia thuộc nhóm cố vấn cho chính phủ Australia trong việc xây dựng chương trình sàng lọc ung thư phổi quốc gia.

Chức vụ

Giám đốc Trung tâm Ung bướu – Xạ trị

Kinh Nghiệm
  • 10/2023 – Nay: Giám đốc Trung tâm Ung Bướu - Xạ trị – Bệnh viện ĐKQT Vinmec Times City
  • 11/1995 – 10/2023: Bệnh viện Austin, Melbourne, Australia:
  • 2010 – 2023: Chuyên gia Nội Ung bướu cao cấp; Giám đốc quản lý Chất lượng và Sáng kiến điều trị ung thư; Trưởng Nhóm Ung thư phổi đa chuyên khoa
  • 1997 - 20210 Giám đốc Trung tâm Ung bướu, Bệnh viện Austin
  • 2007 – 11/2023: Giám đốc, Chương trình Quản lý Ung thư Đông Bắc Melbourne
  • 2010 – 2023: Giảng viên, Phó giáo sư Đại học Melbourne, Đại học Sydney, Úc

Các chức danh tại các hội đồng:

  • 2017-2021 Chủ tọa, Hội đồng cố vấn Ung thư phổi, Tổ chức Ung thư Australia (Cancer Australia)
  • 2015-2019 Chủ tịch, Nhóm Nghiên cứu Ung thư phổi khu vực Úc – Á (Australasian)
  • 2007-2011 Thành viên, Ủy ban Tài trợ nghiên cứu, Viện nghiên cứu Ung thư NSW
  • 2003-2011 Giám đốc, Tổ chức Nghiên cứu Ung thư Australia (Cancer Trials Australia)
Sách, báo, công trình nghiên cứu
  • Mitchell PLR, Hamilton I.  Endoscopic Palliation of Malignant Obstructive Jaundice. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; 3: 307-312 (1988)     
  • Harvey VJ, Evans BD, Mitchell PLR, Mak D, Neave LM, Langley GB, Dickson DSP:  Reduction of carboplatin induced emesis by Ondansetron. British Journal of Cancer; 63: 942-944 (1991)
  • Mitchell PLR, Evans BD, Allan SG, Forgeson GV, Mak D, Neave L, Humm G, Langley G, Dickson D, and Harvey VJ:  Ondansetron reduces chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting refractory to aggressive antiemetic regimens. New Zealand Medical Journal; 105: 73-75 (1992)
  • Mitchell PLR, Harvey VJ: Mitozantrone induced onycholysis. European Journal of Cancer; 28: 243-244 (1992)
  • Mitchell PLR, Harvey VJ, Lane MR, Evans BD, Thompson PI, and Hamilton I:  Palliation of biliary obstruction in patients with advanced breast cancer using endoscopic stents. British Journal of Surgery; 80: 1188-1189 (1993)
  • Rege K, Powles R, Norton J, Mahendra P, Mitchell PLR, Agrawal S, Mehta J, Treleaven J: An unusual presentation of acute myeloid leukaemia with pericardial and pleural effusions due to granulocytic sarcoma.  Leukaemia Lymphoma; 11: 305-307 (1993)
  • Mitchell PLR, Powles R, Rege K, Treleaven J, Catovsky D, Mehta J, Jameson B. Phenoxyethanol is effective topical therapy of Gram-negative cellulitis in neutropenic patients. Journal of Hospital Infection; 25: 53-56 (1993)
  • Ellis P, Evans BD, Mak D, Mitchell PLR, Melville P, Stone C, Thompson P, Harvey V. Patient assessment of a combined medical and nursing preparation to cytotoxic chemotherapy.  Supportive Care in Cancer; 1: 209-213 (1993)
  • Mitchell PLR, Shepherd VB, Procter HM, Dainton M, Cabral SD, Pinkerton CR. Peripheral blood stem cells used to augment autologous bone marrow transplantation. Archives of Disease in Childhood; 70: 237-240 (1994)
  • Evans BD, Chapman P, Dady P, Forgeson G, Perez D, McKeage M, Mitchell PLR. Carboplatin and chlorambucil combination chemotherapy as treatment for patients with ovarian cancer.  International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer; 4: 66-71(1994)
  • Mehta J, Powles RL, Treleaven J, Shields M, Agrawal S, Rege K, Mitchell PLR, Allard S. Cimetidine-induced myelosuppression after bone marrow transplantation. Leukaemia Lymphoma; 13: 179-181 (1994)
  • Mehta J, Powles RL, Mitchell PLR, Rege K, De Lord C, Treleaven J. Graft failure after bone marrow transplantation from unrelated donors using busulfan and cyclophosphamide for conditioning. Bone Marrow Transplant; 13: 583-587 (1994)
  • Samuel LM, Harvey VJ, Mitchell PLR, Thompson PI, Mak D, Melville P, Evans BD.  Phase II trial of procabazine, vincristine and lomustine (POC) chemotherapy in disseminated cutaneous malignant melanoma.  European Journal of Cancer; 30A (14); 2054-2056 (1994)
  • Rege K, Mehta J, Treleaven J, Jameson B, Mellor ST, Mitchell PLR, Milan S, Powles RL. Fatal pneumococcal infections following allogeneic bone marrow transplant. Bone Marrow Transplant; 14: 903-906 (1994)
  • Stranks G, Height SE, Mitchell PLR, Jadayel D, Yuille MAR, De Lord C, Clutterbuck RD, Treleaven JG, Powles RL, Nacheva E, Oscier DG, Karpas A, Lenoir GM, Smith SD, Millar JL, Catovsky D, Dyer MJS. Deletions and rearrangement of CDKN2 in lymphoid malignancy. Blood; 85: 893-901 (1995)
  • Gore ME, Preston N, A'Hern RP, Hill C, Mitchell PLR, Chang J and Nicolson M. Platinum - Taxol non-cross resistance in epithelial ovarian cancer. British Journal of Cancer; 71: 1308-1310 (1995)
  • Mitchell PLR, Clutterbuck RD, Powles RL, De Lord C, Morilla R, Hiorns LH, Titley J, Catovsky D, Millar JL. Interleukin-4 enhances the survival of SCID mice engrafted with human B-cell precursor leukaemia. Blood; 11:4797 (1996)
  • Mitchell PLR, Morland B, Stevens MCG, Dick G, Easley D, Meyer L, Pinkerton CR.  Clinical benefits of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor used in established febrile neutropenic:  a randomised study of paediatric patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology 15:1163-1170 (1997)
  • Steele JPC, Clutterbuck RD, Powles RL, Mitchell PLR, Horton C, Morilla R, Catovsky D, Millar JL.  Growth of human T-cell lineage acute leukemia in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice and non-obese diabetic SCID mice.  Blood 90(5): 2015-2019 (1997)
  • Thomas DM, DeBoer R, Mitchell PLR, Cebon JS, MacGregor DP, Berlangieri S, Tochon-Danguy H, Knight S, Clarke CP, Scott AM.  The role of positron emission tomography in assessing response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer.  Medical Journal of Australia 169:  227 (1998)
  • Siderov J, Mitchell PLR.  Cancer Chemotherapy in the elderly.  The Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, April; 28(2):  124-129 (1998)
  • Millar JL, Millar BC, Powles RL, Steele JPC, Clutterbuck RD, Mitchell PLR, Cox G, Forssen E, Catovsky D.   Liposomal vincristine for the treatment of human acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice.  British Journal of Haematology, 102:718-721 (1998)
  • Mitchell PLR, Al-Nasiri N, A'Hern R, Fisher C, Horwich A, Pinkerton CR, Shepherd JH, Gallagher C, Slevin M, Harper P, Osborne R, Mansi J, Oliver T, Gore M.  Treatment of ovarian non-dysgerminomatous germ cell tumours - an analysis of 69 cases.  Cancer: 85(10):  2232-2244 (1999)
  • Mitchell PLR, Pinkerton CR.  Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in established febrile neutropenia.  Journal of Clinical Oncology; 17: 2002 (1999)
  • Saso R, Kulkarni S, Mitchell PLR, Treleaven J, Swansbury GJ, Mebta J, Powles R, Ashbley S, Kuan R, Powles T.  Secondary myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukaemia (MDS/AML) following mitoxantrone based therapy for breast carcinoma.  British Journal of Cancer; 83: 91-94, (2000)
  • Mitchell PLR.  Quality of life and cisplatin-gemcitabine chemotherapy.  J Clin Oncol; 18: 2791 (2000)
  • Siderov J, Mitchell PLR.  Chemotherapy-Induced Diarrhoea.  The Australian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy; 30(5):  229-230 (2000)
  • Clarke S, Zalcberg J, Olver I, Mitchell PLR, Rischin D, Dalley D, Green M, Egan Y.  Open label, multi-centre phase II study of Tomudex (Raltitrexed or ZD1694) in patients with inoperable squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck.  Annals of Oncology 11: 239-241 (2000).
  • Boyer MJ, Mitchell PLR, Goldstein D, Millward MJ, Olver IN, Clarke SJ, Richardson G.  Phase II study of paclitaxel and oral etoposide in patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.  Lung Cancer 32: 89-94; (2001)
  • Karanikas V, Thynne G, Mitchell PLR, Ong CS, Gunawardana D, Blum R, Pearson J, Lodding J, Pietersz G, Broadbent R, Tait B, McKenzie I.  Mannan Mucin-1 peptide immunization:  Influence of cyclophosphamide and the route of injection.  Journal of Immunotherapy, 24:172-183; (2001)
  • Jennens RR, Rosenthal MA, Mitchell PLR, Presneill J.  Outcome of patients admitted to the intensive care unit with newly diagnosed small cell lung cancer.  Lung Cancer; 38: 291-296 (2002)
  • Nowak A, Byrne M, Williamson R, Ryan G, Segal A, Fielding D, Mitchell PLR, Musk B, Robinson B.  Multicentre phase II study of cisplatin and gemcitabine in malignant mesothelioma.  British Journal of Cancer, 87(5): 491-6(2002)
  • Gunawardana D, Basser RL, Davis I, Cebon J, Mitchell PLR, Underhill C, Bardy P, Kilpatrick T, Green MD, Fox RM, Begley CG.  Phase I study of recombinant human leukaemia inhibitory factor in patients with advanced cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 9:  2056-2065; (2003)
  • Mitchell PLR, Lee FT, Hall C, Rigopoulos A, Smyth F, Hekman A-M, vanSchijndel GM, Powles R, Brechbiel MW, Scott AM.  Targeting primary human Ph+ B-cell precursor leukemia engrafted in SCID mice using radiolabelled anti-CD19 monoclonal antibodies.  Journal of Nuclear Medicine; 44: 1105-1112 (2003)
  • Mitchell PLR, Basser R, Chipman M, Begley AG, Cebon J, Davis I, Zalcberg J, Appia F, Green M.  A phase I dose-escalation study of docetaxel with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support in patients with solid tumours.  Annals of Oncology 14: 788-792, (2003)
  • Scott AM, Wiseman G, Welt S, Adjei A, Lee FT, Hopkins W, Divgi CR, Hanson LH, Mitchell PLR, Gansen DN, Larson SM, Ingle JN, Hoffman EW, Tanswell P, Ritter G, Gohen LS, Bette P, Arvay L, Amelsverg A, Blopck D, Rettig WJ, Old LJ.  A phase I dose-escalation study of sibrotuzumab in patients with advanced or metastatic fibroblast activation protein-positive cancer.  Journal of Clinical Oncology; 9(5):1639-1647 (2003)
  • Naksook C, Romios P, Mitchell PLR. Consumer Intervention in the Austin Bowel Cancer Consortium CSSP:  Implications for Clinicians and Health Services. RACP Vol 2 No 2 Autumn, (2003)
  • Mileshkin L, Blagi J, Mitchell PLR, Underhill C, Grigg A, Bell, R, McKendrick R, Briggs P, Seymour J, Lille K, Smith J, Zeldis J, Prince H.   Multicenter phase 2 trial of thalidomide in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma:  adverse prognostic impact of advanced age.  Blood, 102, 69-77, (2003)
  • Mitchell PLR, Basser R, Chipman M, Grigg A, Mansfield R, Cebon J, Davis I, Appia F, Green M.  A phase II study of escalated-dose docetaxel with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support in patients with advanced breast cancer.  Annals of Oncology 15(4):585-9, (2004)
  • Foo S, Mitchell PLR, Berlangieri SU, Smith C, Scott AM.  F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography provides additional staging and restaging information in patients with Hodgkin’s and non hodgkin’s lymphoma compared to conventional imaging.  Internal Journal of Medicine, 34(7):388-97 (2004)
  • Mitchell PLR, White CA.  Austin Bowel Cancer Consortium: Changing culture in bowel cancer care.   Medical Journal of Australia, 180(10):S79-82 (2004)
  • Goldstein D, , Mitchell P, Michael M, Beale P, Friedlander M, Zalcberg J, White S, Clarke S. Australian experience of a modified schedule of FOLFOX with high activity and tolerability and improved convenience in untreated metastatic colorectal cancer patients.  Br J Cancer 92, 832-837, (2005)
  • Loi S, Ngan SY, Hicks RJ, Mukesh B, Mitchell P, Michael M, Zalcberg J, Leong T, Lim-Joon D, Mackay J, Rischin D.  Oxaliplatin combined with infusional 5-fluorouracil and concomitant radiotherapy in inoperable and metastatic rectal cancer:  a phase I trial.  Br J Cancer, 92(4):655-61, (2005)
  • Yap KK, Yap SK, Byrne AJ, Berlangieri SU, Poon A, Mitchell P, Knight SR, Clarke PC, Harris A, Tauro A, Rowe CC, Scott AM.  Positron Emission Tomography with selected mediastinoscopy compared to routine mediastinoscopy offers cost and clinical outcome benefits for preoperative staging of non-small cell lung cancer.  Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging.  32(9):1033-40 (2005).
  • Gan HK Mitchell PLR, Galettis, Davis I, Cebon J, Zimet A, de Souza P, Links M.  A phase 1 and pharmacokinetic study of a minimally neurotoxic schedule of gemcitibine and oxaliplatin in patients with solid tumours. Cancer, Chemotherapy & Pharmacology , 58(2):157-164 (2006).
  • Loveland BE, Zhao A, Vaughan H, Karanikas V, White S, Gan H, Hamilton K, Cing P-X, Pietersz A, Apostolopoulos V, Kyriakou P, McKenzie IFC, Mitchell PLR.  Mannan-MUC1 pulsed dendritic cell immunotherapy:  a phase I trial in patients with adenocarcinoma.  Clin Cancer Res 12 (3), 869-877 (2006).
  • Seshadri T, Gook D, Lade S, Spencer A, Grigg A, Tiedemann K, McKendrick J, Mitchell P, Stern C, Seymour JF.  Lack of evidence of disease contamination in cryopreserved ovarian tissue harvested from patients with Hodgkin Lymphoma and analysis of factors predictive of oocyte yield.  Br J Cancer, 94; 1007-1010 (2006).
  • Michael M, Thompson M, Hicks RJ, Mitchell PL, Ellis A, Milner AD, DiIulio J, Scott AM, Gurtler V, Hoskins M, Clarke SJ, Tebbutt NC, Foo K, Jefford M, Zalcberg J.  Relationship of hepatic functional imaging to irinotecan pharmacokinetics and genetic parameters of drug elimination.  J Clin Oncol.  24(26):4228-4235 (2006).
  • Mitchell PL, Goldstein D, Michael M, Beale P, Friedlander M, Zalcberg J, White S, Thomson J, Clarke S.  Addition of gabepentin to a modified FOLFOX regimen does not reduce oxaliplatin-induced neurotoxicity.  Clin Colorectal Cancer.  6(2):146-151 (2006).
  • Michael M, Mitchell PL, Goldstein D, Clarke S.  The prognostic factors predictive of response and survival to a modified folfox regimen:  the importance of an elevated neutrophil count.  Clin Colorectal Cancer. 6(4):297-304, (2006).
  • Lee ST,  Berlangieri SU, Poon AMT, Mitchell P, Pathmaraj K, Tabone K, Byrne AJ, O’Keefe GJ, Knight SR, Clarke CP, Scott AM. Prevalence of occult metastatic disease in patients undergoing 18 F-FDG PET for primary diagnosis or staging of lung carcinoma and solitary pulmonary nodules. Internal Medicine J 37 (11):753-759  (2007)
  • Jiang X, Galettis P, Links M, Mitchell PL, McLachlan AJ.   The effect of oxaliplatin, tumour type and infusion rate of gemcitabine on the population pharmacokinetics of gemcitabine and its metabolite in patients  with cancer.  Br J Clin Pharmacol.  65(3): 326-333 (2007).
  • Clarke S, Goldstein D, Mitchell P, Michael M, Beale P, Friedlander M, Zalcberg J, White S.  Modification of leucovorin dose within a simplified FOLFOX regimen improves tolerability without compromising efficacy. Clin  Colorectal Canc. 6(8):578-82,(2007).
  • Mitchell P, Marlton P, Grigg A, Seymour JF, Hertzverg M, Enno A, Herrmann R, Bond R, Arthur C.  A phase II study of liposomal daunorubicin, in combination with cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisolone in elderly patients with aggressive non-hodgkin’s lymphoma. Leukemia & Lymphoma. 49(5):924-31 (2008).
  • Do H, Solomon B, Mitchell PL, Fox SB, Dobrovic A.  Detection of the transforming AKT1 mutation E17K in non-small cell lung cancer by high resolution melting.  .  BMC Research Notes 2008; I:14. 
  • Do H, Krypuy M, Kovalenko S, Mitchell PL, Fox SB, Dobrovic A.  High resolution melting analysis for rapid and sensitive EGFR and KRAS mutation detection in formalin fixed paraffin embedded biopsies.  BMC Cancer 2008; 8:142. 
  • Lee ST, Ghanem M, Herbertson RA, Berlangieri SU, Byrne AJ, Pathmaraj K, O’Keefe GJ, Tabone K, Mitchell P, Knight S, Clarke P, Feigen M, Scott AM.  Prognostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. ( Epub ahead of print) Mol Imaging Biol 2009; Mar 28.
  • Azad A, Herbertson R, Pook D, White S, Mitchell P, Tebbutt N.   Motesanib diphosphate (AMG 706), an oral angiogenesis inhibitor, demonstrates clinical efficacy in advanced thymoma.  Acta Oncol  2009;48(4):619-21.
  • Chua W, Goldstein D, Lee CK , Dhillon H, Michael M, Mitchell P,  Clarke SJ, Iacopetta B.  Molecular markers of response and toxicity to FOLFOX chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer. British Journal of Cancer 101(6):998-1004, (2009).
  • Azad A, Chionh F, Scott AM, Lee ST, Berlangieri SU, White S, Mitchell PL.  High Impact of 18F-FDG-PET on Management and Prognostic Stratification of Newly Diagnosed Small Cell Lung Cancer.  Molecular Imaging and Biology 2010; 12: 443-451
  • Gan H, Azad A, Cher L, Mitchel PL.   Neurolymphomatosis - Diagnosis, Management and Outcomes in Patients Treated with Rituximab.  Neuro-Oncology 12(2):212-215 (2010)
  • Do H, Samemi R, Murone C, Mitchell PL, Dobrovic A. Rarity of AKT1 and AKT3 E17K mutations in squamous cell carcinoma of lung. Cell Cycle 2010; 9: 1-2
  • Mitchell P, Broad A, Galettis P, Rosenthal M, Abraham R, Burns I, Clarke S, DiIulio J, Milner, Links M.    A randomized phase 2 sequencing and pharmacokinetic study of gemcitabine and oxaliplatin in advanced non-small cell lung cancer.  Asia-Pacific Journal  of Clinical Oncology 2011; 7: 376-384.
  • Mileshkin L, Hicks RJ, Hughes BG, Mitchell PL, Charu V, Gitlitz BJ, Macfarlane D, Solomon B, Amber LC, Yu W, Pirzkall A, Fine BM. Changes in 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose and 18F-fluorodeoxythymidine positron emission tomography imaging in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with erlotinib. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17 (10): 3304-3315
  • Sem Liew M. Arulananda S. Seow J. Mitchell P. John T. Bronchoepidural fistula in a man with actinomycosis complicated non-small cell lung cancer. J Thoracic Oncology 2011; 6(10):1761-2
  • Mitchell P, Mok T, Barraclough H, Strizek A, Lew R, van Kooten M. Smoking history as a predictive factor of treatment response in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: A systematic review. Clinical Lung Cancer 2012; 13(4): 239-251
  • Scott AM, Mitchell PL, O’Keefe G, Saunder T, Hicks RJ, Poon A, Baum C, Brega N, McCarthy TJ, Toner G.  Pharmacodynamic Analysis of Tumour Perfusion Assessed by (Oxygen-15)-water PET Imaging during Treatment with Sunitinib Malate in patients with Advanced Malignancies. Eur J of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2012; 2: 31
  • Arulananda S, Liew MS, Battye S, McDonald C, Mitchell P. Pulmonary metastases: a rare manifestation of a very common cancer. Aust J Dermatology 2013: 54 (3); e70-e73. Doi: 10.11.11/j. 1440-0960.2012.00904.x
  • Chouaid C, Agulnik J, Goker E, Herder GJM, Lester JF, Vansteenkiste J, Finnern H, Lungershausen J, Eriksson J, Kun K, Mitchell PL. Health-related quality of life and utility in patients with advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer – A prospective cross-sectional patient survey in a real world setting. J Thoracic Oncol 2013; 8: 997-1003
  • Mitchell P, Ball D, Richardson G, Irving L, Thursfield V, Giles G, Wright G. Lung Cancer in Victoria: are we making progress?  MJA 2013; 199: 674-679 
  • John T, Starmans MHW, Chen Y-T, Russell PA, Barnett SA, White SC, Mitchell PL, Walkiewicz M, Azad A, Lambin P, Tsao M-S, Deb S, Altorki N, Wright G, Knight S, Boutros PC, Cebon JS. The role of cancer-testis antigens as predictive and prognostic markers in non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS One 2013; 8: 1497-1507
  • Ball D, Thursfield V, Irving L, Mitchell P, Richardson G, Torn-Broers Y, Wright G, Giles G. Evaluation of the Simplified Comorbidity Score (Colinet) as a prognostic indicator for patients with lung cancer: a cancer registry study. Lung Cancer 2013; 82: 358-361 
  • Nowak A, Brown C, Millward M, Hughes B, Bibby D, Kremmidiotis G, Doolin G, Mitchell P, Pavlakis N, Coskinas X, Sebastian L, Boyer M, Parnis F, Lavranos T, Stockler M. A phase II clinical trial of the vascular disrupting agent BNC105P as second line chemotherapy for advanced malignant pleural mesothelioma. Lung Cancer 2013: 81: 422-427
  • Liew MS, Sia J, Starmans MHW, Tafreshi A, Harris S, Feigen M, White S, Zimet A, Lambin P, Boutros PC, Mitchell P, John T. Comparison of toxicity and outcomes of concurrent radiotherapy with carboplatin / paclitaxel or cisplatin / etoposide in stage III non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Medicine 2013; 2(6): 916-924
  • Mitchell PLR, John T. Should we screen for lung cancer in Australia? MJA 2013; 199: 586 (letter)
  • Lester JF, Agulnik J, Akerborg O, Chouaid C, De Geer A, Finnern HW, Herder GJM, Lungershausen J, Mitchell PLR, Vansteenkiste J, Ziske C, Goker E. What constitutes best supportive care in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients? – Results from the lung cancer economics and outcomes research (LUCEOR) study. Lung Cancer 2013; 82: 128-135
  • Eberhardt WE, Mitchell PL, Schiller JH, Brown MP, Thomas M, Mills G, Jehl V, Urva S, De Leo J, Anak O, Papadimitrakopoulou V. Feasibility of Adding Everolimus to Carboplatin and Paclitaxel, With or Without Bevacizumab, for Treatment-Naive, Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer. Invest New Drugs 2014; 32: 123-134
  • Wright GM, Thursfield VJ, Ball DL, Richardson GE, Irving LB, Giles G, Mitchell P. Surgical resection and long-term survival outcome for non-small cell lung cancer: A comparison of Victorian population-based studies spanning a decade. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol 2014: 10: 75-79 
  • Hughes B, Mileshkin L, Townley P, Gitlitz B, Eaton K, Mitchell P, Hicks RJ, Wood K, Punnoose L, Amler L, Fine B.M., Loecke D, Pirzkall A. Pertuzumab and erlotinib for patients with previously treated locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: a phase II utilizing FDG-PET/CT imaging. The Oncologist 2014; 19: 175-176
  • Butts C, Socinski MA, Mitchell PL, Thatcher N, Havel L, Krzakowski M, Nawrocki S, Ciuleanu T-E, Bosquée L, Trigo JM, Spira A, Tremblay L, Nyman J, Ramlau R, Wickart-Johansson G, Ellis P, Gladkov O, Pereira J, Eberhardt W, Helwig C, Schröder A, Shepherd FA. Tecemotide (L-BLP25) versus placebo after chemo-radiotherapy for stage III non-small cell lung cancer (START): a randomised double-blind phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncology 2014; 15: 59-68
  • Do H, Wong NC, Murone C, John T, Solomon B, Mitchell PL, Dobrovic A. A critical re-assessment of DNA repair gene promoter methylation in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Scientific Reporter 2014; 4: 4186
  • Mitchell PLR, Quinn MA, Grant PT, Allen DG, Jobling T, White S, Zhao A, Karanikas V, Vaughan H, Pietersz G, McKenzie IFC, Gargosky S, Loveland BE. A phase II, single-arm study of an autologous dendritic cell treatment against mucin 1 in patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer. J ImmunoTher Cancer 2014, 2: 16-20
  • Stirling RG, Evans SM, McLaughlin P, Senthuren M, Millar J, Gooi J, Irving L, Mitchell P, Haydon A, Ruben J, Conron M, Leong T, Watkins N, McNeil JJ. The Victorian Lung Cancer Registry Pilot: Improving the quality of lung cancer care through the use of a disease quality registry. Lung 2014; 192: 749-758
  • Chia P-Y, Mitchell PLR, Dobrovic A, John T. Prevalence and natural history of ALK positive Non Small Cell Lung Cancer and the clinical impact of targeted therapy with ALK inhibitors. Clinical Epidemiology 2014; 6: 423-432.
  • Mitchell PLR, Thatcher N, Socinski MA, Wasilewska-Tesluk E, Horwood K, Szczesna A, Martín C, Ragulin Y, Zukin M, Helwig C, Falk M, Butts C, Shepherd FA. Tecemotide in unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer in the phase III START study: Updated overall survival, further endpoints and biomarker analyses. Annals Oncology 2015; 26: 1134-1142
  • Mitchell P. Evolving treatment paradigms in lung cancer: role of immuno-oncology. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology (editorial). 11: 1-1. 2015.
  • Rivalland G, Loveland B, Mitchell PLR. Update on MUC1 immunotherapy in cancer: A clinical perspective. Expert Opinion in Biological Therapy 2015: DOI: 10.1517/14712598.2015.1088519
  • Gray HJ, Benigno B, Berek J, Chang J, Mason J, Matos M, Mileshkin L, Mitchell P, Moradi M, Recio FO, Michener CM, Alvarez Secord A, Tchabo NE, Chan JK, Young J, Kohrt H, Gargosky SE, Goh JC.Progression free and overall survival in ovarian cancer patients treated with CVac, a mucin 1 dendritic cell therapy in a randomized phase 2 trial. J ImmunoTher Cancer 2016, 21 June; DOI 10.1186/s40425-016-0137x
  • Ameratunga M, Asadi K, Lin X, Walkiewicz M, Murone C, Knight S, Mitchell P, Boutros P, John T. PD-L1 and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as prognostic markers in resected NSCLC. PLoS One 2016; April 22. DOI: 10,1371/journal.pone.0153954.
  • Rivalland G and Mitchell P. Combined BRAF and MEK inhibition in BRAF-mutant NSCLC. Lancet Oncology 2016; 17 (7); 860-862
  • Chia PL, Do H, Morey A, Mitchell P, Dobrovic A, John T. Temporal changes of EGFR mutations and T790M level in tumour and plasma DNA following AZD9291 treatment. Lung Cancer 2016, August, DOI 10.1016/j.lungcan.2016.05.003
  • Do H, Cameron D, Molonia R, Thapa B, Rivilland G, Mitchell PL, Murone C, John T, Papenfuss A, Dobrovic A. Digital PCR of genetic rearrangements for monitoring circulating tumour DNA. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 2016; 924: 139-146.
  • Thapa B, Mitchell P, John T and others. Calretinin but not caveolin-1 correlates with tumour histology and survival in malignant mesothelioma. Pathology 2016; 48(7): 660-665.
  • Mitchell P and John T. Immunotherapy of lung cancer comes of age. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2016; 4: 947-949.
  • Thapa B, Salcedo A, Lin X, Walkiewicz M, Murone C, Ameratunga M, Asadi K, Deb S, Barnett S, Knight S, Mitchell P, Watkins DN, Boutros P, John T.  Immune Micro-Environment, Genome –Wide Copy Number Aberrations and Survival in Mesothelioma. J Thorac Oncol 2017; 12(5): 850-855
  • Babak Tamjid, Phuong Phan, Thomas John, Paul Mitchell, Hui Gan. Outcome of patients with synchronous and metachronous primary lung cancer after diagnosis of head and neck cancer. J Head and Neck 2017; 39(8): 1544-1549
  • Hongdo Do, Ramyar Molania, Paul L Mitchell, Rita Vaiskunaite, John D. Murdoch, and Alexander Dobrovic Reducing artifactual EGFR T790M mutations in DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue use of thymine-DNA glycosylase. Clin Chemistry 2017; 63(9): 1506-1514
  • Thai A, Chia PL, Russell PA, Do H, Dobrovic A, Mitchell P, John T. De novo activating epidermal growth factor mutations (EGFR) in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Internal Medical Journal 2017; 47(9): 1071-1074.
  • Itchins M, Chia PL, Hayes SA, Howell VM, Gill AT, Cooper WA, John T, Mitchell P, Millward M, Clarke SJ, Solomon B, Pavlakis N. Treatment of Alk-rearranged non-small cell lung cancer. A review of the landscape and approach to emerging patterns of treatment resistance in the Australian context. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2017; 13: suppl 3:3-13
  • Emory J and Mitchell PLR. Lung cancer in Asian women and the health system implications for Australia. Lancet Oncology 2017: 18 (12): 1570-1571.
  • Arulunanda S, Do H, Musafer A, Mitchell P, Dobrovic A, John T. Combination osimertinib and gefitinib for C797S and T790M mutated non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2017; 12 (11): 1728-1732
  • Chia PL, Devitt B, Clay T, Mclachlan S-A, Mitchell P, John T. Attitudes of patients and physicians on repeat biopsies for lung cancer. Expert Rev of Quality of Life in Lung Cancer 2017; 2 (3): 181-202
  • O’Keeffe LM, Taylor G, Huxley RR, Mitchell P, Woodward M, Peters SAE. Smoking as a risk factor for lung cancer in women and men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021611. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-021611
  • Arulananda S, Mitchell P. BRAF Mutations - A Good News Story for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Oncogene-Addicted NSCLC. J Thoracic Oncology 2018; 13 (8): 1055-1057
  • Arulananda S, Mitchell P. Elderly patients with stage III NSCLC survive longer when chemotherapy is added to radiotherapy – fortune favours the bold. Transl Lung Cancer Res 2018; 7 (Suppl 4): S388-S392. Doi: 10.21037/tlcr.2018.08.12
  • Afshar N, English DR, Thursfield V, Mitchell PL, te Marvelde L, Farrugia H, Giles GG, Milne RL. Differences in cancer survival by sex: a population-based study using cancer registry data. Cancer Causes Control 2018; 29 (11): 1059-1069
  • Mazza, D., Lin, X., Walter, F. M., Young, J. M., Barnes, D. J., Mitchell, P., Brijnath, B., Martin, A. & Emery, J. D. (2018). The LEAD study protocol: a mixed-method cohort study evaluating the lung cancer diagnostic and pre-treatment pathways of patients from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds compared to patients from Anglo-Australian backgrounds. BMC Cancer, 18(1), 754. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4671-4
  • Ren S, Tian Q, Amar N, Yu H, Rivard C, Caldwell C, Ng T, Tu M, Gao D, Ellison K, Suda K, Rozenboom L, Rivilland G, Mitchell P, Zhou C, Hirsch F. The immune checkpoint, HVEM may contribute to immune escape in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer lacking PD-L1 expression. Lung Cancer 2018; 125: 115-120
  • Mileshkin L, Dunn C, Cross H, Duffy M, Shaw M, Antippa P, Mitchell P, Akhurst T, Conron M, Moore M,Philip J, Bartlett J, Emery J, Zambello B. Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre lung cancer clinical audit: collecting the UK National Lung Cancer Audit data from hospitals in Australia: VCCC lung cancer audit. Internal Medical Journal 2018; 49
  • Thai A, Stuart E, te Marvelde L, Milne RL, Knight S, Whitfield K, Mitchell P. Hospital lung surgery volume and patient outcomes. Lung Cancer 2019
  • Rivilland G, Mitchell P, Murone C, Asadi K, Morey A, Starmans M, Boutros P, Walkiewicz M, Solomon B, Wright G, Knight S, Thomas J. Mesenchyme to epithelial transition protein expression, gene copy number and clinical outcome in a large lung cancer surgical cohort. Translational Lung Cancer Research 2019; 3: 11
  • Arulananda S, Do H, Rivilland G, Loh Z, Musafer A, Lau E, Mitchell P, Dobrovic A, John T. Standard dose Osimertinib for erlotinib refractory T790M-negative EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer with leptomeningeal disease. J Thoracic Dis 2019; 11: 1756-1764
  • Loh Z, Mitchell P, John T, Arulananda S. RET-rearranged non-small cell lung cancer and therapeutic implications. Internal Medical Journal 2019; 49: 1541-1545
  • Gunjur A, Chong G, Lim A, Lau E, Mitchell P. Arulananda S, John T. Occult gastrointestinal perforation in a patient with EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer receiving combination chemotherapy with atezolizumab and bevacizumab: Brief report. Clinical Lung Cancer 2019; 21: 014
  • Arulananda S, Mitchell P, John T. DDR alterations as a surrogate marker for TMB in SCLC – Use it or lose it? J Thoracic Oncol 2019; 14: 1498-1500
  • Garon E, Reinmuth N, Falchero L,.. Mitchell P ..Pichon E. CheckMate 384: Phase IIIb/IV trial of nivolumab 480mg Q4W versus 240mg Q2W after < 12 months nivolumab in previously treated NSCLC. J Clini Oncol 2019; 37 (suppl 8): 100
  • Hardcastle N, Kron T, Cook O, Mitchell P, Siva S. Credentialling of vertebral stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy in a multi-centre trial. Phys Med: Eur J Med Physics 2020; 72: 166-21
  • Leal J, Peters G, Szaumkessel M, Leong T, Asadi K, Rivilland G, Hongo D, Senko C, Mitchell P, Quing C, Dobrovic A, Thapa T, John T. Mitchell P et al. NTRK and ALK mutations in malignant pleural mesothelioma and pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours. Lung Cancer 2020; 146: 154-159  doi:10.1016/j.lungcan.2020.05.019
  • Prall O, McEvoy C, Byrne D, Irvani A, Browning J, Choong D, Yellapu B, Beck S, Smith K, Luen S, Mitchell P, Desai J, Fox S, Fellowes A and Huiling X.  A malignant neoplasm from the jejunum with a MALATI-GLI1 fusion and 26-year survival. International J Surg Path 2020; 28(5): 553-562
  • Pham J, Conron M, Wright G, Mitchell P, Ball D, Phillip J, Brand M, Zalcberg J, Stirling RG. Excess mortality and undertreatment in elderly lung cancer patients: treatment nihilism in the modern era. ERJ Open Res. 2021 7(2)
  • Mazza D, Lin X, Walter, F. M., Young, J. M., Barnes, D. J., Mitchell, P., Brijnath, B., Martin, A, O’Byrne K,  Emery, J. D. (2018). Do ethnic patients report longer intervals than Anglo-Australian patients: Findings from a prospective observational cohort study. Eur J Cancer Care 2021 doi:10.1111/ecc.13492
  • Samuel E, Lie G, Balasubramanian A, Hiong A, So Y, Voskoboynik M, Moore M, Shackleton M, Haydon A, John T, Mitchell PLR, Markman B, Briggs P, Parakh. Impact of radiotherapy on the efficacy and toxicity of anti-PD-1 inhibitors in metastatic NSCLC. Clinical Lung Cancer 2021; 22 (3) e425-e430 
  • Bergin B, Whitfield K, White V, Milne R, Emery J, Bolting A, Hill D, Mitchell P, Order D, Walpole E, te Marvelde L, Thomas R. Optimal Care Pathways: A national policy to improve quality of cancer care and address inequalities in cancer outcomes. Cancer Policy 2020
  • Heynemann S, Mitchell P. Relevance of sun safety in patients commencing crizotinib for non-small cell lung cancer. Australasian J Dermatology 2021; 62(2): e332-e333 doi:10.1111/ajd.13503
  • Park K, Haura EB, Leighl NB, Mitchell P (and 30 others). Amivantamab in EGFR Exon 20 insertion-mutated non-small cell lung cancer progressing on platinum chemotherapy. Initial results from the CRYSALIS Phase 1 study. J Clin Oncol 2021; 39: 3391-3402 doi:10.1200/JCO.21.00662.
  • Heynemenn S, Mitchell P. Developments in systemic therapies for the management of lung cancer. Int Med J 2021; 51 10.1111/imj.15609
  • Peters S, Pujol JL, Dafni U, Dómine M, Popat S, Reck M, Andrade J, Becker A, Moro-Sibilot D, Curioni-Fontecedro A, Molinier O, Nackaerts K, Insa Mollá A, Gervais R, López Vivanco G, Madelaine J, Mazieres J, Faehling M, Griesinger F, Majem M, González Larriba JL, Provencio Pulla M, Vervita K, Roschitzki-Voser H, Ruepp B, Mitchell P, Stahel RA, Le Pechoux C, De Ruysscher D; ETOP/IFCT 4-12 STIMULI Collaborators. Consolidation nivolumab and ipilimumab versus observation in limited-disease small-cell lung cancer after chemo-radiotherapy - results from the randomised phase II ETOP/IFCT 4-12 STIMULI trial. Ann Oncol. 2022 Jan;33(1):67-79. doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2021.09.011. Epub 2021 Sep 23. PMID: 34562610.
  • Heynemann S, Yu H, Churilov L, Rivilland G, Asadi K, Mosher R, Hirsch F, Rivard C, Mitchell P. NaPi2b expression in a large NSCLC cohort. Clinical Lung Cancer 2021;23(2): e90-e98 doi:org/jcllc.2021.11.05
  • Wang M, Yang C-H, Mitchell P ( and 22 other authors). Sunvozertinib, a selective EGFR inhibitor for previously treated non-small cell lung cancer with exon 20 insertion mutations. Cancer Discovery 2022 12(7). Doi:10.1158/2159-8290
  • Itchins M, Ainsworth H, Alexander M, Dean S, Dharmaj D, Pavlakis N, Clarke SJ, Brown S, Torres J, Saqib A, Ladura R, O’Byrne K, Moore M, Yip PY, Solomon B, John T, Kao S, Mitchell PLR, Parakh S. A multicentre real-world experience of Impower 150 in mutation-driven tumours and CNS metastases. Clinical Lung Cancer 2022: 8(22) doi.10.1016/jcllc.2022.07.016
  • Lohinai Z, Dora D, Caldwell C, Rivard C, Suda K, Yu H, Rivilland G, Ellison K, Rozeboom L, Dziadziuszko R, Mitchell P, John T, Millan I, Ren SR, Hirsch FR. J Surg Oncol 2022; 125 (6): 1042-1052
  • Soon J, Kenny J, Simons K, Mitchell P. What resourcing is required to ensure the sustainability of cancer multi-disciplinary meetings? (submitted Value in Health 2023).


  • Mitchell P. Highest ranked application. Grant in aid NIVORAD Trial patient specimens analysis. Centre for Cancer Immunotherapy – Translational Research Hub Collaborative Scheme, supported by the VCCC Alliance.
  • Mitchell P, Hau E. Concurrent thoracic radiotherapy in patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer receiving chemotherapy and immunotherapy. AstraZeneca supported Investigator-Initiated TROG Co-operative Group Study
  • Dobrovic A, Wright G, John T, Solomon B, Do H, Mitchell P (CIF). Using chromosome rearrangements as tumour-specific markers for disease monitoring in lung cancer using droplet digital PCR. NHMRC Project Grant application APP1139777
  • Cook M, Stockler M, Yip D, Thomas D, Nowak A, Mitchell P (CIG) et al. Molecular determinants of autoimmunity and immune response adverse events in advanced cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Cancer Australia. NHMRC application APP1130330
  • Mitchell P, John T, Siva S. Nivolumab and radiotherapy or nivolumab plus ipilimumab in the treatment of brain metastases in patients with small cell lung cancer. ALTG 16/004 / CTC 0149 / BMS. Investigator-initiated ALTG Co-operative Group Study.
  • Mitchell P, O’Byrne K, Siva S. A randomised phase 2 trial of nivolumab and stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer, progressing after first or second line chemotherapy. ALTG 14/002; CTC 0135; BMS CA209-453. Investigator-initiated ALTG Co-operative Group Study.
  • Mazza D, Emory J, Walter F, Young J, Barnes D, Mitchell P (CIF) et al. LEAD Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Pathways: A comparison between CALD and Anglo-Australian patients. APP1100024 Priority-driven Collaborative Cancer Research Scheme. Cancer Council Australia with the support of Cancer Australia.
  • Fong K, et al. Mitchell P (AI). Optimising screening for lung cancer. NHMRC APP1099154;
  • Mitchell P. Establishment of a global lung cancer clinical trials group. Asbestos diseases research grant, Slater and Gordon.   
  • Mitchell P and John T: Research in pleural mesothelioma. Signorelli Foundation
  • Davidson A, Boyer M, Millward M, Mitchell P (CID), McLachlan S-A, Hughes B. NITRO: A randomised phase III trial of adding nitroglycerin to first line chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer. NHMRC Project Grant. 2014 – 2016
  • John T, Mitchell P, Ganju V, Cebon,J, Knight S. Melbourne Mesothelioma Research Collaborative. Cancer Council Victoria. 2014 - 2016
  • Mitchell P, John T. Improving the effectiveness of therapeutics in mesothelioma.
  • Vojakovic Grant.
  • Mitchell P, Knight S, Putt F, John T. A pilot study of a dataset for lung cancer
  • Cancer Australia Grant – Lung Cancer Initiative 2011-2012
  • Mitchell P, Williams D, Murone C, John T. MUC1 expression in NSCLC
  • Merck Serono Research Grant
  • Mitchell P, Murone C, Morey A. EML4-Alk fusion genes plus MET and TTF1 (NKX2-1) amplification in the Australian NSCLC population. Pfizer Research Grant
  • Dobrovik A, Mitchell P and others. Identifying therapeutic targets by profiling DNA repair lung cancer. Cancer Australia 3-yrs Project Grant ID 1009892 (funded/co funded by the National Lung Cancer Program)
  • Watkin N, Mitchell P and others. Victorian Lung Cancer Initiative
  • Victoria Cancer Agency Tumour Stream Grant. 2012 – 2014
  • Mitchell P, Knight S, McDonald C, Delaney P. Victoria Cancer Agency 2008 Cancer Clinical Trials and Tumour Stream Research Funding Program. Application of scanning confocal endomicroscopy to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with lung cancer.
  • Mitchell P, Nice E, Morey A, Dobrovic A. NHMRC Project Grant 415903.
  • Biomarkers and EGFR inhibitor treatment of Lung Cancer. 2007-2013
  • Mitchell PLR, Scott AM, Knight S, MacGregor D, Thurlow P. AHMRF ($10,000) and Roche ($75,000). Assessment of the Epidermal Growth Factor pathway in early-stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Investigator-initiated study (Lead Investigator).
  • Scott AM, Mitchell PLR, et al. National Institute of Health (USA)
  • Phase I study of 131I -huA33 with oral capecitabine in colorectal cancer.
  • Mitchell PLR, Loveland B, et al. Primabiomed and Austin Research Institute
  • A phase II study of mannan-MUC1 pulsed dendritic cell immunotherapy in patients with advanced ovarian carcinoma. Investigator-initiated study (Lead Investigator)
  • Mitchell PLR, Links M, et al. Eli Lilly and Sanofi-Synthelabo. Combination gemcitabine and oxaliplatin for advanced non-small cell lung cancer – an Australian multi-centre randomised phase II sequencing study. Investigator initiated study (Lead Investigator)
  • Mitchell PLR and Street A. Eli-Lilly, AstraZeneca, Cancer Council Victoria, La Trobe        University. Establishment of Lung Cancer Nurse diploma course.
  • Mitchell PLR, Clarke S, Goldstein D, et al. Sanofi-Synthelabo. Gabapentin to reduce neurotoxicity of FOLFOX in patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Investigator-initiated study (Joint lead investigator)
  • Mitchell PLR, Loveland B, et al. PrimaBiomed and Austin Research Institute
  • A phase I study of mannan-MUC1 pulsed dendritic cell immunotherapy in patients with adenocarcinoma. Investigator-initiated study (Lead Investigator)
  • Clarke S, Mitchell PLR, Goldstein D et al. Sanofi-Synthelabo. Comparison of high versus low dose folinic acid in the FOLFOX regimen used to treat patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Investigator-initiated study (Joint lead investigator)
  • Mitchell PLR, McKenzie I, Loveland B, et al. Austin Research Institute. A phase I immunotherapy study of MUC1 vaccine in combination with IL-12 in patients with MUC1 positive malignancy. Investigator-initiated study (Joint lead Investigator).
  • Mitchell PLR, Links M, et al. Eli Lilly and Sanofi Synthelabo. A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of gemcitabine and oxaliplatin in patients with solid tumours. Investigator initiated study (Lead Investigator). ($170,000)
  • Goldstein D, Mitchell PLR, et al. Sanofi-Synthelabo. A modified FOLFOX regimen used to treat patients with advanced colorectal cancer. Investigator-initiated study (Joint lead investigator)
  • Mitchell PLR, White C, et al. Royal Australasian College of Physicians (funding provided by Commonwealth and Victorian Health Departments; competitive tender 4 projects funded). The Austin Bowel Cancer Consortium: a Clinical Support Systems Project
  • Mitchell PLR, Marlton P et al. Gilead Sciences. A phase II study of daunoxome-substituted CHOP chemotherapy in elderly patients with aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Investigator-initiated study (lead investigator).
  • Mitchell PLR, Basser R, Green M, et al. Aventis. A phase II study of escalated dose docetaxel with granulocyte colony stimulating factor support in patients with advanced breast cancer. Investigator-initiated study (lead investigator).
  • Mitchell PLR, McKenzie I, et al. Austin Research Institute. A phase I immunotherapy study of MUC1 vaccine with cyclophosphamide priming in patients with MUC1 positive malignancy. Investigator-initiated study (Joint lead Investigator)
  • Mitchell PLR, Basser R, Green M, et al. Aventis. A phase I dose escalation study of docetaxel with granulocyte colony stimulating factor in patients with solid tumours Investigator-initiated study (lead investigator).
  • Mitchell PLR, Lee FT, Scott A. Austin Hospital Medical Research Foundation Grant.Targeting primary human Ph+ B-cell precursor leukaemia engrafted in SCID mice using radiolabelled Anti-CD19 monoclonal antibodies.
  • Mitchell PLR. Leukaemia Research Fund, UK. Targeting human leukaemia engrafted in SCID mice.
  • Mitchell PLR, Pinkerton R. Amgen and Royal Marsden Hospital. Clinical benefits of G-CSF used in established febrile neutropenia: a randomised study in paediatric patients. Investigator-initiated study (lead investigator).
Chuyên khoa
Dịch vụ
  • Ung thư phổi
  • Ung thư đường tiêu hóa
Quá trình đào tạo
  • 1980: Cử nhân chuyên ngành Sinh học con người Đại học Auckland, New Zealand
  • 1984: Cử nhân Y khoa (Bác sĩ, chuyên ngành Ngoại) Đại học Auckland, New Zealand
  • 1992: Đào tạo chuyên ngành Nội ung bướu, Chương trình fellowship của trường Royal Australasian College of Physicians
  • 2002: Tiến sĩ Y khoa Đại học Auckland, New Zealand
  • 2008: Tốt nghiệp Viện Australian Institute of Company Directors
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Khách hàng đánh giá Bác sỹ Paul Mitchell/ Assoc. Prof. Paul Mitchell, MD, PhD:  0 lượt

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