Is a urinary tract infection dangerous?

Hello doctor, is urinary tract infection dangerous?
Nguyen Anh Tu (1991)
Hello! Urinary tract infections often cause symptoms such as: Frequent urge to urinate, even after urinating, the urge to go again, urine is often very little. There is a burning pain when urinating. The color of the urine is more cloudy than normal, there is a pink color in the urine, there is also blood, frequent urination, and a strong odor. The patient feels pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort. Body fatigue, fever, chills, nausea...
If not treated early, UTIs in men can progress to prostate abscess, orchitis, epididymitis.. ., blocking the vas deferens, increasing the risk of infertility. Urinary tract infection in pregnant women is at risk of causing amniotic infection, fetal infection, increased risk of premature rupture of membranes, premature birth...
So when there are any signs of urinary tract infection You need to go to the hospital to check, do tests and have the most specific treatment. Avoiding the situation for a long time will be complicated and expensive in treatment.
Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!

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