Constant worry, fear, feeling insecure are signs of what disease?

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The doctor asked me: I am often worried, afraid, feeling insecure, what are the signs of illness? Is it an anxiety disorder?
Anonymous customer question
Hi Doctor, I have a question that I would like to consult with you. Recently, my child's mood often fluctuates up and down, he is often worried, restless and very insecure. Temperament suddenly became more hot-tempered, very angry. I have overthinking everything, the feeling of being abandoned by everyone around me and being very forgetful (the forgetfulness has been around for a long time). Children often feel tired, lethargic, and sloppy every time they get up. I don't know what my disease is and how to treat it? Thank you for reading and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Anonymous customer questions
Hello doctor. I am 31 years old this year. I often appear anxious about the little things in life. Feeling scared all the time. For example, worry about the future, worry that people will think badly of you. Fear of everything and often feel depressed about life. Gets angry very easily. So please tell me what disease I have and how to treat it? Thank you doctor
Le Huu Linh (1990)
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How long have you had this condition? Are you stressed or taking any medication? If not, the problems you are having may be an anxiety disorder or depression (depending on the duration of the illness). Therefore, you should take the time to visit the hospital to receive useful advice from specialist doctors.
You can visit Vinmec Health System facilities nationwide for more detailed advice and guidance from experienced doctors. Thank you for sending the frequently asked questions about what are the signs of anxiety, fear, and insecurity to Vinmec. Best regards!

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