Odor and yellow urine is what disease?

Pure yellow and odorous urine usually lasts only a few days and goes away on its own. However, if combined with other symptoms such as painful urination, painful urination, long-lasting bad smell, ... then you should see a doctor because it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection.

1. Rule out pathological causes of yellow and odorous urine

You should rule out the following causes before suspecting that smelly and yellow urine is related to a medical condition:
Drink less water: Drinking less water makes urine concentrated. The less water you drink, the stronger your urine will smell and the darker it will be. Due to drugs: Some vitamins and drugs when taken into the body will change the color and smell of urine. For example, vitamin B2 makes urine bright yellow, some tranquilizers turn urine red, pain relievers turn urine orange, blood pressure medications turn urine black, etc. Food: Eating too many foods rich in protein, spicy foods with strong odors such as ginger, garlic make urine dark yellow and unpleasant smell.

2. When is smelly and yellow urine associated with pathology?

If the above causes are not present, you can think of smelly and yellow urine as a sign of disease. Smelly urine is usually caused by bacteria and fungi that live in the urinary tract. Therefore, smelly and yellow urine is highly likely related to urinary tract infection.
Viêm đường tiết niệu khiến nước tiểu có mùi hôi và màu vàng
Viêm đường tiết niệu khiến nước tiểu có mùi hôi và màu vàng

To suspect a urinary tract infection, in addition to showing yellow, smelly urine, the patient also shows symptoms such as painful urination, nocturia, pain in the lower abdomen, ... Bacteria multiply more and more. The more obvious the inflammation is, the more the patient must go to the doctor. Some diseases caused by typical urinary tract infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, ...

3. Treatment of urinary tract infections

To know the exact level of infection, you need to go to medical facilities for examination and treatment.
About examination: During the examination, you may be asked about your symptoms, medical history, medications you are taking, etc. To know the exact cause of the disease and the progress of the disease. During the progression of the disease, the doctor will order some types of tests such as urinalysis, kidney function tests, bladder ultrasound, urine culture, ... About treatment: Urinary tract infections are disease is treatable. Depending on the degree of inflammation, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. It is important that you follow the treatment time, not because the symptoms have reduced but stop taking the medicine. You need to take a full dose to completely stop the disease, limiting the risk of recurrence.
Xét nghiệm nước tiểu giúp tìm ra nguyên nhân gây bệnh để điều trị hiệu quả
Xét nghiệm nước tiểu giúp tìm ra nguyên nhân gây bệnh để điều trị hiệu quả

4. Urine is dark yellow, has a bad smell and is related to sex

In women, when there is a change in the nature of urine, you often think that the cause is due to sex. However, unlike men, the urinary tract and genital tract in women are different. Therefore, a change in the color or smell of urine is usually not related to sex. Unless, the male friend has an inflammatory disease of the genital tract, it is likely that after sex, the semen flowing out of the vulva touches the urine, causing an unpleasant odor. If not, the health problem lies with you, there is a high chance that you have a urinary tract infection when accompanied by symptoms such as painful urination, frequent urination, a very unpleasant odor,...
Odorful urine and If you don't have symptoms of frequent urination, painful urination, you don't need to worry too much, but if you see any of these symptoms, you should go to a medical facility for examination and advice. by qualified doctors to find the cause of the disease.
To protect your health as well as detect urological diseases early, customers can choose either the Urology Screening Package - Stones or the Urology Examination and Screening Package of Vinmec International General Hospital . The examination package helps to detect kidney problems at the earliest through urine tests and modern imaging methods. The package is suitable for all ages, genders and is especially necessary for people with risk factors for urinary kidney disease.

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