Normal neurological and motor development in children 5-15 years old

Normal neurological and motor development in children is always a topic of interest to parents. The following physical development assessment characteristics for children from 5 to 15 years old will be a measure to help parents monitor their child's development from the time they start school to puberty. then.

1. Neurodevelopmental and motor characteristics in children over 5 years old

According to documents of the Ministry of Health, for children aged over 5 years old, in order to understand the characteristics of neurological and motor development in children, thereby inferring what 5-year-old children know what to do, it is necessary to base on the following principles: following skills:
1.1. Gross motor skills Child can stand on one leg for 10 seconds Child hopscotch Knows how to catch a bouncing ball Child can walk on his heels forward and backward 1.2. Fine motor skills Children can draw squares, imitate drawings Know how to hold pencils and paint colors Know how to draw human figures (3 parts)
Đặc điểm phát triển thần kinh, vận động của trẻ trên 5 tuổi
Trẻ 5 tuổi biết cầm bút, bắt chước hình vẽ

1.3. Language skills Children 5 years and older can define and explain things and words in a concrete and very realistic way.
Therefore, the 5-year-old child's speechlessness is really a problem that needs a lot of attention for parents. Children should be taken to specialized medical facilities to find out the cause and how to treat it with appropriate psychotherapy or chemotherapy.
1.4. Personal - social skills Children know how to put on their own clothes Children can bathe and go to the toilet by themselves 1.5. Cognitive skills Tendency to ask less questions, self-inquiry by listening and observing Children are aware of their age Knows a variety of colors Can recognize shapes and textures of objects Understand what is the opposite Recognize letters and numbers

2. Features of neurodevelopment, motor in children 6-7 years old

Đặc điểm phát triển thần kinh, vận động của trẻ 6 tuổi
Đến độ tuổi từ 6 - 7 tuổi, trẻ rất thích hoạt động ngoài trời
Monitor the neurological and motor development of 6 - 7 year olds by testing the following skills to better understand the child's personality and behavior:
2.1. Personal - social skills At this age, children are more interested in their surroundings. They often pay attention to what teachers and friends think of them. Actively participate in group games 2.2. Cognitive skills At school age, after getting used to school, children often enjoy it. Children start going to school but not all children learn well; There are still many children who are not confident about going to school

3. Neurological and motor development characteristics in children 8-9 years old

The neurological and motor development of 6-7 year olds through skills shows a huge change in perception and personality:
Children begin to accept defeat in the game Children's curiosity continue to develop Develop the ability to recognize and feel objects with your hands
Đặc điểm phát triển thần kinh, vận động của trẻ 8 tuổi
Tính tò mò của trẻ tiếp tục phát triển từ 8 - 9 tuổi

4. Neurodevelopmental and motor characteristics in children 10-12 years old (pre-puberty period)

Monitoring the neurological and motor development of children from 10 to 12 years old through testing skills is very important in shaping the child's personality and lifestyle later:
At this age, Collectivity develops, children often play in groups. Has begun to feel shy in front of the opposite sex. Children are often interested in how adults treat each other, the impressions of children formed during this period will have a long-term influence later.

5. Characteristics of neurodevelopment, motor in children 13 - 15 years old: Puberty period

The neurological and motor development of children during puberty is usually quite rapid and special in both physical and psychophysiology, parents pay attention to shape the right thoughts for their children. In terms of cognition, children have the following characteristics:
Children grow rapidly in height and weight. Significant sexual development. Girls often start menstruating during this period. A 14-year-old woman who has not had a period is still considered normal because puberty in women can range from 12 to 18 years old. Children have changes in temperament. Children develop intellectually, have a new way of thinking, move from thinking of children to thinking of adults. Parents should pay attention to the neurological and motor development characteristics in their children in each stage to detect any abnormal signs that may appear as well as adjust the appropriate way of educating and raising children, helping them normal physical and psychological development.

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Source: Ministry of Health
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