Do you have a complete understanding of the vagina?

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

In fact, many people are still shy and embarrassed when it comes to "vagina", even embarrassed if they learn about this part. This inadvertently makes the structure of the vagina not fully understood, sometimes some other facts are still misunderstood.

1. Vagina structure

The vagina is a muscular tissue and tube of the female genitals, is a narrow canal, made of muscles and begins to lead from the cervix to the outside of the body. The outside of the vaginal opening is partially covered by a thin membrane, called the hymen. The innermost end is the area of ​​the cervix that connects to the vagina.
Many people mistakenly believe that the vagina includes some other parts such as labia and clitoris. In fact, these parts belong to a part of the vulva and outside the vaginal structure, specifically:
Labia: Consists of the two labia majora and labia minora surrounding the vaginal opening; The clitoris: A very sensitive area near the top of the vulva, also known as the clitoris or the clitoris. The vagina is an important organ that helps a woman have sex with her partner and perform reproductive functions. In addition, this is also the place where menstruation flows out every month according to the menstrual cycle.

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2. Vagina Shape and Size

Research shows that there is no standard size or shape for a woman's vagina. This means that the vaginas of any and all women of reproductive age will have many differences. Factors such as age and height influence the size of an adult female's vagina.

3. Slit pants may not be hygienic

Unlike other types of underwear, behind the slit pants is a fabric strap that is close to the anal skin. This design can facilitate bacteria and feces from the rectum to enter the vagina as well as the urinary tract in case the cloth string slips forward. Therefore, women especially should not use tight underwear if they are suffering from diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems.

4. Is the G-spot located in the vagina?

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Chưa có bằng chứng chứng minh sự tồn tại của điểm G

There is no proof that the G-spot actually exists physically. In 1950, German physician Ernst Grafenberg suggested that a particular area on the anterior wall of the vagina is very sensitive to touch, and stimulation of this position can bring about orgasm in women. However, until now, experts continue to argue about the existence of the G-spot on the vaginal wall and have not reached a final conclusion.

5. The maximum time to change a new tampon is 8 hours

Leaving a tampon in the vagina for longer than 8 hours can lead to toxic shock syndrome (TSS) - a bacterial infection. Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome include:
High fever; lightheadedness or fainting; a rash like a sunburn; Vomiting or diarrhea; Weakness or severe muscle pain; Swelling and redness in the eyes, mouth, throat and vagina; Headache and disorientation.

6. Do not douche

Doctors discourage douching for three main reasons:
Increased risk of yeast infections due to vaginal pH imbalance; Infection of the uterus and other pelvic organs; Increased risk of pneumonia. In fact, unpleasant odors in the intimate area all come from the vulva - a part located outside the vagina. Therefore, women only need to keep the vulva clean with water and a specialized vaginal wash solution to prevent odors and at the same time avoid infections.

7. Vaginal discharge

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Vaginal discharge will change in quantity, color, and character throughout the month of a woman's cycle. They are sometimes transparent or milky in color with a normal vaginal odor; It can be creamy, sticky or similar to egg white, depending on the phase of the cycle you're going through inside your body.

8. Benefits of Kegel Exercises

Kegels are exercises that tighten the muscles around the vagina, similar to movements that try to stop the flow of urine. Also known as pelvic floor exercises, Kegels can help:
Prevent urinary incontinence or fecal incontinence or control "gas" by keeping the uterus, urethra, and intestines from protruding into the vagina; Strengthens the vaginal and pelvic muscles to improve orgasm.

9. Signs of vaginitis

Signs of inflammation of the vagina, vulva or cervix due to an imbalance in the environment inside the genitals include:
Increased abnormal discharge; Change in the smell of secretions; Itching or irritation around the vagina. Causes of inflammation can be deep douching, irritation to vaginal cosmetics, pregnancy, infection or antibiotics.

10. Pain during sex

Nearly three-quarters of women will experience pain during intercourse at some point in their lives. There are many different reasons why women experience pain during sex, so seek support and advice from a doctor if this condition persists and affects quality of life. In addition, the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also offers some tips to improve pain during sex as follows:
Use lubricants; Have sex when both are comfortable; Try painless sex methods; Make time for foreplay, which is stimulating like a massage.

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Đau khi quan hệ tình dục

11. C-section and vaginal birth

If a woman has given birth by cesarean section, she can still have a vaginal vaginal birth in subsequent pregnancies. Several criteria must be met to decide whether a woman should have a cesarean section (TOLAC) or attempt a vaginal delivery. According to statistics, about 60-80% of women who choose to have a cesarean section still have the ability to have a vaginal birth.
In short, the vagina is a very important part of the human reproductive process, as well as playing a major role in satisfying the sexual needs of both men and women. A more complete understanding of the vaginal structure as well as other relevant information is a way for women to have appropriate care and protection for the private area.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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