The most common gynecological diseases

This article is expertly consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.

Learning about gynecological diseases is very necessary so that men can detect and treat them promptly, helping to limit future complications. Common male diseases such as infertility, prostatitis, balanitis, cystitis, erectile dysfunction, etc. will be discussed in detail below.
Prostatitis The disease occurs mainly in men in adulthood, causing many inconveniences to daily activities and reducing quality of life. The main symptoms of this disease include:
Pain or discomfort in the perineum, testicles, abdomen, urethra, waist, pelvis, anus, groin, penis; Difficulty urinating, urinary frequency or urgency, pain when urinating, abnormal color of urine; Sex life changes. Foreskin stenosis is a condition in which the foreskin is narrow at the end of the foreskin and cannot be completely pulled out of the glans. This condition is mostly normal in infants and will go away as the child gets older. However, if foreskin stenosis occurs and does not go away on its own, it can cause symptoms such as:
Difficulty urinating (straining, flushing when urinating) can affect kidney function if left untreated; The foreskin is swollen and inflamed (swollen, hot, red, painful) with an unusual discharge or discharge.
Khi có cảm giác buồn đi tiểu nhưng phải đứng một lúc trong nhà vệ sinh mới đi tiểu được
Hẹp bao quy đầu gây tiểu khó, có thể ảnh hưởng đến chức năng thận nếu không được điều trị
This is a disease caused by blood stagnation in the venous system around the testicles for a long time, causing the veins to dilate, restricting blood supply to the testicles, causing damage to the function of the testicles. testicular.
Manifestations of testicular varicose veins are often not obvious, mainly a feeling of heaviness, discomfort or pain in the testicles, especially when exercising too much or standing or sitting for a long time.
The percentage of healthy young adults with varicose veins is about 15% and rises to 40% in infertile individuals. The disease does not exclude any age but occurs mainly in adult men.
Premature ejaculation This is a common disease in men with the manifestation that the patient is almost unable to control ejaculation, leading to feelings of discomfort, boredom in relationships and affecting marital life.
However, the disease is curable if treated early. Premature ejaculation due to psychological factors can be overcome by itself, but if the condition persists, it should be diagnosed and treated by a specialist, absolutely should not take drugs arbitrarily.
Infertility Infertility is a condition in which couples live together and have regular unprotected intercourse for 1 year but still do not have children. Infertility disease is also quite common in today's society, with causes that can come from both husband and wife. The main preventive measure is to go to the reproductive health periodically to detect it early and increase the effectiveness of treatment.
Vợ chồng
Rối loạn cương dương là tình trạng dương vật không thể cương cứng hoặc cương cứng không hoàn toàn

Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction is a condition in which the penis cannot get an erection, or the erection is incomplete, or the time is too short for sexual intercourse. This condition can lead to impotence. Although the disease is not too dangerous to health, it greatly affects the quality of family life, faith and bravery of men. If the disease is detected, it is necessary to go to the medical facilities immediately for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Urethritis urethritis is an inflammatory disease occurring in the urethral canal due to infectious causes that should be diagnosed and treated early to avoid complications such as cystitis, prostatitis or urethritis. complete,... Main symptoms of urethritis include:
Painful urination, burning urine, frequent urge to urinate; Pain along the urinary tract, yellow, cloudy or foul discharge in the urinary tract. This is a disease in a rather hot and humid area of ​​the body, which is an ideal environment for the fungus to grow. The disease usually occurs in summer with prolonged heat waves. Symptoms of the disease include:
Itching in the intimate area, groin area, inner thigh and spreading towards the buttocks or around the anus; Lesions form patches with well-defined margins, scaly, and small papules around the margins. The affected area is usually dark in color and occurs in both groins. The disease can be completely cured if diagnosed and treated early.
Male diseases are a group of diseases belonging to the genitals of men that greatly affect health as well as sexual life. Current studies show that the proportion of men with gynecological diseases is increasing. However, because it is a delicate issue, sufferers are often afraid to share and make the condition even more dangerous, affecting reproductive health and quality of marriage and family life.
Men when they find themselves showing signs of any kind of male disease should see a doctor to most accurately diagnose the condition they are having and take timely intervention measures, should not be subjective or afraid to visit the doctor. .

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