Uses of Amlosun

Amlosun is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure and angina. To use Amlosun safely and effectively, patients should consult a pharmacist or specialist before using it.

1. Amlosun drug ingredients

Amlosun belongs to the group of blood pressure drugs, made in the form of tablets.
The ingredients in Amlosun include:
Amlodipine active ingredient has 5mg content in Amlosun 5 and 10mg in Amlosun 10. Excipients have just enough tablet strength.

2. Uses - Indications for use of Amlosun

2.1. Amlodipine is an active ingredient that acts on the calcium transport channel, inhibits the activity of this channel, thereby preventing the amount of calcium from entering the cell. Amlodipine is absorbed almost entirely from the gastrointestinal tract at a relatively slow rate. Saturation of Amlodipine in serum is reached 6 to 12 hours after entering the body. The bioavailability of Amlodipine is quite good, about 60-80%. After metabolism, Amlodipine will be mainly excreted from the body through urine. The half-life of Amlodipine ranges from 35 to 50 hours. 2.2. Indications for use of Amlosun drug Amlosun is indicated in the treatment of the following cases:
Hypertension. Patients with ischemic heart disease have symptoms. Symptoms of stable angina pectoris.

3. How to use and dose Amlosun

Dosage of Amlosun for adults:
Use with a starting dose of 1 Amlosun tablet, extending the dose for a period of 2 weeks. If there is no significant change, increase to 2 Amlosun tablets. Dosage of Amlosun for the elderly:
Reduce the starting dose to 1⁄2 Amlosun tablets and increase the dose gradually to meet the blood pressure in the most reasonable way. How to use Amlosun:
Amlosun is used orally. Take Amlosun with cooled boiled water. Amlosun can be taken before, during or after a meal. To use Amlosun safely and effectively, patients need to take it at a fixed hour. Note: Amlosun dosage above is for reference only. The specific dose of Amlosun depends on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Amlosun, patients should consult their doctor or healthcare professional.

4. Contraindications to the use of Amlosun

Do not use Amlosun in the following cases:
People who are allergic to Amlodipine, Dihydropyridine active ingredients or excipients in the drug. Children under 12 years of age are contraindicated to use Amlosun. Contraindications are absolute. This means that Amlosun can not be used for any reason in cases of contraindications. Any decision about the dosage and how to take Amlosun should be made by your doctor.

5. Amlosun side effects

People who use active ingredient Amlodipine regularly may have some unwanted side effects such as:
Edema of feet and hands; Blush; Rarely some conditions such as cough, asthma, even impotence, ... In addition to the above signs, Amlodipine can cause other unwanted effects. Patients should be closely monitored and advised to notify their doctor of any side effects encountered during the use of Amlodipine.

6. Amlosun interactions with other drugs

Use caution when taking Amlosun with anesthetics and Lithium. Monitor patients when Amlosun is combined with anti-inflammatory drugs, especially Indomethacin. Amlosun often causes harmful interactions with drugs that are highly protein bound such as coumarin derivatives, hydantoin.... To avoid drug interactions, before being prescribed Amlosun, patients should inform their doctor about the drugs. medications you are taking, including dietary supplements. The doctor will base on that to prescribe the appropriate Amlosun.

7. Notes when using Amlosun and how to store it

Note when using Amlosun:
The patient must absolutely not change the dose without consulting the doctor. Note when using Amlosun for people who have to drive vehicles or use machines, because the relevant information has not been verified much. Pregnant or nursing women should use caution when taking Amlosun because of possible risks to mother and baby. In case of forgetting to use 1 dose of Amlosun, the patient should take it immediately if it is not close to the next dose (you can flexibly take the missed dose 1-2 hours from the doctor's prescription). In case of drug overdose and unusual signs, it is necessary to notify the doctor / pharmacist for appropriate treatment instructions. Store Amlosun drugs properly:
Store Amlosun medicines in specialized medical containers. Avoid direct sunlight on Amlosun. Keep Amlosun out of reach of children and pets Store Amlosun in a place with suitable humidity. Above is all information about Amlosun drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Amlosun is a prescription drug, patients need to use the drug as prescribed by the doctor, absolutely do not self-treat at home.

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