Uses of Cevit 500

Cevit 500 medicine is often applied in the prevention and treatment of diseases related to vitamin C deficiency. Dosage and important notes in the process of using the drug will be updated specifically in the article below. read reference.

1. Ingredients of Cevit 500

Pharmaceutical ingredients in each tube of solution include:
Vitamin C: 500 mg; Excipients are just enough for 1 syringe of 5ml. The drug is in the form of an infusion solution.

2. What are the uses of Cevit 500?

Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic Acid, usually occurs in most of the metabolic processes inside the body. They support increased absorption of iron in the stomach and antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals. Vitamin C also helps to increase the stability of blood vessel walls, strengthen the body's resistance, and hinder the penetration of microorganisms and toxins.
Cevit 500 is used in many cases such as:
Support for prevention and treatment of Scurvy; Supplement with vitamin C to prevent bleeding, limit the fragility of the vessel wall; In cases of diseases due to bacterial infections, vitamin C will contribute to increasing resistance against those diseases; Against anemia caused by poor absorption of iron in the intestines; Support against cancer, flu; Combination to increase the effect of antiallergic drugs.

3. Recommended dose and usage

Dosage for adults to use from 500mg - 1000mg / day (should not exceed 1g / day). This dosage may change based on the user's physical condition and medical condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor for the most accurate prescription.
Usually vitamin C is used orally. In cases where it is not possible to drink, the patient can use it in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injection. The injection procedure will be performed by qualified medical staff. Patients do not arbitrarily inject drugs into the body without supervision or support from medical staff. Before injecting, it is necessary to shake the solution in the ampoule and observe the color of the solution, the standard is from clear to light yellow.

4. In case the drug is not prescribed

Do not use the drug for people with glucose deficiency - 6- Phosphate dehydrogenase ( G6PD ); People with urinary tract stones, Thalassemia, oxalate metabolism disorder; People who are allergic to Vitamin C or other excipients in the drug.

5. Some unwanted effects may be encountered

Some risks may appear such as: Nausea, heartburn, muscle cramps, dizziness, kidney stones, drowsiness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased oxaluria, flushing, headache, ..
In case of any unusual complications on the body after using the drug, please immediately notify a specialist doctor or go to the nearest medical facility for examination.

6. Interactions of Cevit 500 with other drugs

Causes errors in the measurement of glucose in the urine; Vitamin C and iron will be increased absorption through the gastrointestinal tract, stomach and intestines; When taken with Aspirin increases the urinary excretion of Vitamin C; Fluphenazine blood levels will be reduced when combined with vitamin C; Vitamin C will destroy vitamin B12 if the two are taken together.

7. Notes during storage and use

When using Cevit 500 in high doses and for a long time, it will cause the phenomenon of drug resistance, so it is necessary to balance the dosage to keep the effectiveness; When administered intravenously, there is a risk of hemolysis, temporary dizziness or fainting, decreased endurance of red blood cells...; In rare cases can lead to cardiac arrest or anaphylaxis ; Caution should be exercised when giving high doses of vitamin C to people with G6PD deficiency because of the increased risk of hemolysis; There is a risk of scurvy to the fetus when pregnant women use high doses of vitamin C. Cevit 500 is stored at a cool temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, in a cool and dry place. In particular, you need to keep the medicine away from the sun, small children and pets.
Above is information about medicine cevit 500. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of treatment, you need to take the drug exactly as directed by your doctor.

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