Uses of Glypressin

Glypressin medicine 1mg has the main ingredient is Terlipressin. Prepared in the form of a bottle, the packaging is a box of 1 vial with 1 tube of 5ml solvent. To ensure safety, patients should carefully read the instructions for use before use.

1. What are the uses of Glypressin 1mg?

Currently, Glypressin 1mg is indicated in the treatment of:
Patients with bleeding esophageal varices; People with decompensated cirrhosis suffering from liver and kidney syndrome grade 1. 2. Contraindications to Glypressin 1mg Glypressin 1mg drug is contraindicated in cases of:
Pregnant women; People with septic shock. Children; Women are breastfeeding. 3. Dosage and how to use Glypressin 1mg How to use: Glypressin 1mg used intravenously.
In case of esophageal varices: Inject starting dose of 2mg every 4 hours. It is recommended to maintain treatment until bleeding is controlled within 24 hours or up to 48 hours. After the initial dose, the dose may be reduced to 1 mg IV every 4 hours in those less than 50 kg or experiencing adverse effects. In case of grade 1 hepato-renal syndrome: 3-4 mg every 24 hours x 3-4 injections. Note: The average duration of treatment is 10 days.
How to handle when missed dose, overdose of Glypressin 1mg:
In case of forgetting dose of Glypressin 1mg, it is advisable to make up for it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and use a new dose. When using Glypressin 1mg overdose, it can cause hypoglycemia such as pale skin, sweating, heart palpitations...Patients need to stop the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for treatment. handled in a timely manner.

4. Glypressin 1mg . drug interactions

Glypressin 1mg may interact when used with:
Non-selective portal vein beta-blockers. Propofol and Sufentanil. 5. Side effects of Glypressin 1mg When using Glypressin 1mg, patients may experience some unwanted effects such as:
Blue face, body; Mild hypertension; Arrhythmia, coronary insufficiency or bradycardia; Headache; Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and automatic bowel movements; Bronchospasm, difficulty breathing; Uterine spasms, uterine muscle circulatory disorders. 6. Pay attention to precautions when using Glypressin 1mg medicine Glypressin 1mg medicine is only for prescription by your doctor. During the investigation with Glypressin 1mg, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure, heart rate and fluid balance. Administer intravenously to avoid localized necrosis at the injection site. Use caution when using Glypressin 1mg with people with hypertension, septic shock. Use caution when using Glypressin 1mg in children and the elderly. Use caution when using Glypressin 1mg in people who drive and operate machinery. Above is all information about Glypressin 1mg, you need to read carefully the instructions for use, consult your doctor / pharmacist before use. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy drugs to treat at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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