In what season is chickenpox most common?

Chickenpox is one of the acute infectious diseases, highly contagious in the community. Children are the group at high risk of getting chickenpox because of their weak resistance and the opportunity to come into contact with a relatively large living environment. Chickenpox can occur year-round, but the most common period of chickenpox in the spring from February can last until June.

1. Chickenpox usually occurs in what season?

Chickenpox is an acute infection caused by a virus. Chickenpox occurs at any age and is most common in school-age children. According to statistics, up to 90% of patients infected with chickenpox are children aged 2-7 years old.
Chickenpox is a seasonal infectious disease that occurs all year round in our country, but the number of infected people usually increases in the spring. Chickenpox occurs in what month? Children get chickenpox usually from February to June, especially March and April of the year. This is the time when the humidity in the air is quite high, creating favorable conditions for the virus to spread and spread.

2. How is chickenpox transmitted?

Chickenpox is very contagious in the community and spreads mainly through the respiratory tract. Healthy people can become infected if they breathe in droplets from a patient with chickenpox when they sneeze or cough. Children are especially susceptible to infection due to their low resistance and wide exposure.
In addition, some other ways of infection can occur if healthy people are not careful when contacting patients with chickenpox such as the disease can be spread from blisters, blisters when they break, or spread from the skin. injury or sores from the patient. Especially in pregnant women who are unfortunately infected, it will be very easy to transmit the disease to the fetus through the placenta.
tiêm thủy đậu
Bệnh thủy đậu rất dễ lây lan trong cộng đồng và lây chủ yếu qua đường hô hấp

3. How dangerous are chickenpox complications?

Chickenpox, if properly cared for and treated, especially with good skin hygiene and personal hygiene, will heal within 10-14 days without leaving any complications. However, the disease can cause serious complications if not properly cared for such as:
Infection of the pox and lead to skin sores in children: If not treated properly and aggressively, it can leave scars. bad on the skin. Sepsis seriously affects the health of children, if not treated promptly, can lead to death. Complications of meningitis and encephalitis caused by chickenpox. However, these cases are rare but leave severe sequelae such as deafness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and mental retardation,... Complications of pneumonia may appear in some pediatric patients caused by avian influenza virus. caused by beans.
tiêm thủy đậu
Tiêm thủy đậu là cách phòng ngừa bệnh thủy đậu chủ động, hiệu quả

4. How to prevent chickenpox

Children and adults after being naturally infected with chickenpox, the body has a very high immunity, the body's immune system creates an adequate amount of natural immune antibodies, exists very stably and almost Rare cases of second chickenpox infection. In addition, the most active, effective and safest way to prevent chickenpox is to give children chickenpox injections. The chickenpox vaccine has been shown to be very effective, with up to 95% protection after vaccination.
Chickenpox vaccine is indicated for children from 1 year of age and adults who have never had chickenpox before. The schedule for chickenpox vaccination for children is:
Children aged 1 - 12 years: give two chickenpox injections at least 3 months apart. For children under 4 years of age, the recommended vaccination schedule is the 1st dose at 12 months of age and the 2nd dose at 4-6 years of age. Children 13 years and older and adults: 2 shots of chickenpox at least 1.5 months apart. Women should complete the chickenpox vaccination schedule at least 3 months before becoming pregnant. In summary, chickenpox is one of the acute infectious diseases, highly contagious in the community. Children are the group at high risk of getting chickenpox because of their weak resistance and the opportunity to come into contact with a relatively large living environment. Chickenpox can happen all year round, but the time of people getting chickenpox usually in the spring from February can last until June. Therefore, the most active and effective prevention is vaccination. chickenpox vaccine. Parents need to have their children vaccinated according to the doctor's appointment to achieve the highest effectiveness.
Vaccination and consultation department of Vinmec International General Hospital provides the varicella varicella vaccination service of MSD (USA). Vaccines at Vinmec are preserved by the cold chain (cold storage, vaccine refrigerators with over-temperature alarms,...). Besides, parents can check their child's injection history and injection plan via computer, phone conveniently.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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