Diet for people with inflammatory bowel disease

The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Dong Xuan Ha - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
People with inflammatory bowel disease or other gastrointestinal diseases need to pay close attention to building a reasonable diet to ensure nutrition for the body and not make the disease worse.

1. Low-residue diet for people with inflammatory bowel disease

Low-residue diets are often recommended by doctors for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis. This is a diet that cuts down on indigestible foods and only eats easily digestible foods such as: cereals, nuts, bread, green vegetables, fresh or dried fruit ...
"Residue" here is understood as the undigested food that is formed into feces. Thus, a low-residue diet means eating foods that are easy to digest to reduce the amount of stool, in order to reduce the symptoms of flatulence, bloating, diarrhea ...
In addition to those with inflammatory bowel disease, People who experience heat during or while recovering from surgery are also often advised by their doctors to adopt this diet. However, not all patients with inflammatory bowel disease are suitable for a low-residue diet, depending on the condition and condition of each person. You should consult with your doctor and nutritionist to choose the most suitable diet for you.

2. What should people with inflammatory bowel disease eat?

2.1 Principles in nutrition Patients should not eat too strict, which can easily lead to undernutrition. The following principles should be kept in mind:
Do not eat foods that make you feel uncomfortable, allergic, full of stomach, abdominal pain Diversify daily meals to fully supplement nutrients and create appetite for yourself Limit processed foods as much as possible because they contain many additives that can affect the digestive system Avoid drinks in the form of soluble or effervescent nuggets because they can cause diarrhea 2.2 Human foods Inflammatory bowel disease should eat For starch: As mentioned above, people with intestinal inflammation should eat easily digestible foods such as:
White bread, biscuits without filling; Cereals, nuts, oatmeal;
Chế độ ăn uống cho người bị viêm đường ruột
Ngũ cốc, các loại hạt, bột yến mạch tốt cho người bị viêm đường ruột
Popcorn, popcorn; Rice noodles, pasta...; For vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are very good for people with intestinal inflammation, especially fruits that contain a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C is very good for ulcers on the intestinal lining, helping the ulcers to heal faster. more healthy. The vegetables and fruits that should be added to the daily diet of people with enteritis include:
Green vegetables: spinach, asparagus...; Carrots, radishes, squash, pumpkins, peeled potatoes, seedless tomatoes....; Ripe bananas, avocados, melons, watermelons, dried fruits, canned fruits with skins and seeds removed...; For milk: People with inflammatory bowel disease can drink milk and eat dairy products such as yogurt, cheese... but should not use much because milk can cause people who are lactose intolerant to have diarrhea or cramps.
As for meat and fats Animal meat does not contain fiber, so patients can eat lean meats such as beef, chicken, pork, lamb, fish... or can eat more eggs for protein supplementation. Note, prioritize white meat and limit red meat.
Although it is recommended to eat foods that are easy to digest, people with inflammatory bowel disease can completely eat fats such as: margarine, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, ketchup, milk cream, sa sauce - slices, honey, syrup...
For sweets and drinks: For sweets, desserts, the patient can eat in moderation the following items:
Cakes, cookies Jelly, pudding, custard Cream Hard candies Sponge bread Bread For drinks, patients should:
Drink from 2.5 - 3.5 liters of filtered water per day, divided into several times. After waking up in the morning should drink 300ml of water Can drink tea, coffee, carbonated drinks in small amounts Drink filtered fruit juice.

3. What should people with intestinal inflammation avoid eating?

People with inflammatory bowel disease should pay attention and limit the following foods:
Whole grain bread, crackers, pasta Nuts, beans and coconuts in breads, cereals, candies Shells of all kinds fruits, vegetables Some fruits such as: raisins, figs, pineapples, plums Raw vegetables and fruits
Chế độ ăn uống cho người bị viêm đường ruột
Người bị viêm đường ruột nên kiêng ăn các loại rau củ quả sống
Some vegetables have been cooked such as: cabbage, corn, onion, cauliflower, peas.. Tofu, lentils Cartilaginous meat, fatty meat Peanut butter, jam Melons salt Butter Popcorn Fruit juice with seeds and unrefined The above is a list of foods people with inflammatory bowel disease in general should avoid. However, each person's body and body is different. Many patients can still eat some foods on the list of foods to avoid above, many people need to abstain from certain foods that are off the list. Patients themselves should know which foods are good for them, should keep track of the foods they have eaten in the first week and choose the ones that are right for them, without adversely affecting their health.
Patients should consult a doctor and a nutritionist to find the right diet for their inflammatory bowel disease.
With 14 years of experience in the field of Endoscopy - Gastroenterology, Doctor Dong Xuan Ha proficiently performs diagnostic gastrointestinal endoscopy techniques, emergency interventions and therapeutic interventions. Currently, he is a gastroenterologist at the Department of General Internal Medicine, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
If you have a need for consultation and examination at Vinmec Hospitals under the national health system, please book an appointment on the website for service.

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