Can color blindness be cured?

The article was professionally consulted by MSc Hoang Thanh Nga - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
Color blindness, also known as dyschromia, is one of the eye diseases that causes patients to be able to see things around but cannot distinguish their colors, so it will be difficult. at work and in daily life.

1. Statistics on color blindness

Color blindness is a disease that many people suffer in society, the most common form of color blindness is red and green, more common in men than women. It is estimated that about 8% of men in Northern Europe and about 3% of men of Asian and African ancestry are red and green color blind. Meanwhile, for women, that figure is only about 0.5% worldwide.
The rate of yellow and blue blindness is less than 1/10,000. The number of people with complete color blindness is very rare and only about 1 in 40,000 (worldwide). People of Pacific ancestry are at greater risk of being completely color blind.

2. Signs of color blindness

In each different patient, the symptoms of color blindness will be different, some people have severe symptoms and some people have mild symptoms. However, they all have one thing in common: they cannot clearly distinguish colors or encounter confusion when identifying colors between:
Red - green utensils and objects green - blue utensils and objects Unable to recognize any of the colors Children show signs of color blindness when:
Frequently using the wrong colors when drawing Trouble distinguishing colors or utensils of different colors In low light it is difficult to distinguish colors Have sensitivity to light With colorful pages often cannot read Children often complain of headaches, eye pain when looking at objects red objects on green and vice versa Children are not interested in counting objects of different colors or do not want to color them in different colors
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3. Can color blindness be cured?

There are many questions about whether color blindness can be cured. However, up to now, there is no definitive treatment for color blindness, especially in the case of genetic color blindness.
Because there is no definitive treatment, people with color blindness will often have to learn to adapt and live with the disease. Once you get used to the condition, color confusion can be just a minor inconvenience in life. In fact, there are many patients who do not know they are colorblind until adulthood. Some ways for patients to live with color blindness are:
Learn to remember the color order of objects, familiar things in everyday life. Have someone with normal vision color label their clothes and organize items for easy matching. Use apps on smartphones or computers specifically for people with color blindness. In case the color blind person is a child, it is necessary to talk to the teacher to help the child better recognize colors because colorblind children often have difficulty seeing the words on the green board or when reading the printed text on the page. Multi-color, multi-ink. Using glasses for the color blind People with color blindness can be either red, blue, or both red and blue, or completely color blind. Although there is no definitive cure for color blindness, it can be diagnosed before birth, so it is necessary to examine before having a baby to rule out the possibility of color blindness in the child.

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