Can vestibular disorders be cured?

The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Huynh An Thien - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec International Hospital Da Nang.

Vestibular disorder is a disease that occurs in all ages, more common in adults. Without early treatment of vestibular disorders, the disease can cause unpredictable complications, directly affecting the health and life of the patient.

1. What is vestibular disorder?

The vestibule is a system of the nervous system, located behind the two cochlea, whose main task is to maintain posture, posture, coordinate eye, head and trunk movements. When we move, bend, turn, ... the vestibule will tilt and shake according to these movements to keep the body's balance. Vestibular disorder is a disease that causes an imbalance in posture, causing patients to often experience dizziness, lightheadedness, tinnitus, nausea, staggered walking, etc. The disease is very recurrent. affecting work and quality of life.

2. Is vestibular disorder dangerous?

Vestibular disorders may only appear for a few days and then go away, but they can also persist and recur many times. This condition not only seriously affects the patient's life and work, but also can cause many dangerous complications. During the illness, if the patient tries to walk, he may fall, causing trauma to the skin, scratches or even broken arms and legs, traumatic brain injury (caused by hitting the head on a hard object/hard ground). .. The most dangerous complication of vestibular disorders is a stroke caused by poor blood flow to the brain. Therefore, when detecting the disease, the patient should perform active vestibular disorder treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

3. Causes of vestibular disorders

Stress căng thẳng
Căng thẳng, stress có thể gây rối loạn tiền đình

To treat vestibular disorders thoroughly, the patient first needs to clearly identify the cause of this condition. Accordingly, the common causes leading to vestibular disorders are:
Due to low blood pressure, stroke, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, ... causing blockage of blood vessels, poor blood flow to the brain Due to stress Stress, insomnia, work pressure damage the nervous system. When the 8th nerve is damaged, the vestibular system will receive incorrect information and will malfunction and disorder. As a result of diseases such as brain tumors, neuritis, neuritis, otitis media, etc. The disease is common in elderly people with reduced function of some organs. People who are too fat or too thin are at risk of vestibular disorders. Having a lot of blood loss, irregular sex, drinking too much alcohol, poisoning the body or using some drugs, ... are also the causes of vestibular disorders. Often living in an environment with too much noise, changing seasons (suddenly hot - cold), sedentary,...

4. Symptoms of vestibular disorders

triệu chứng của rối loạn tiền đình
Chóng mặt, hoa mắt là triệu chứng thường gặp ở bệnh nhân rối loạn tiền đình

The most characteristic manifestation of vestibular disorders is dizziness accompanied by dizziness, inability to control posture, dizziness, difficulty standing and sitting down, especially when turning. In addition, the patient also has symptoms of nausea or vomiting, headache, numbness in the legs, inability to concentrate and forgetfulness. In addition, patients with vestibular disorders also present with heart rate, rapid breathing, or palpitations, palpitations, high blood pressure (if the cause is hypertension) or low blood pressure (in case of high blood pressure). disease caused by low blood pressure),... In some cases, the patient has a lot of headaches, numb hands and feet, trembling,...
When having the above signs, the patient should go to the doctor for vestibular disorders . The doctor will perform EEG measurement, cerebral blood flow or imaging tests such as X-ray, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging, etc. After accurately diagnosing the disease and its cause, the doctor will The doctor will give the best treatment plan for vestibular disorders for the patient.

5. Is vestibular disorder curable?

Vestibular disorders can be cured, recurrence and complications can be avoided if the patient performs the right and active treatment. Patients should not buy drugs to treat themselves because there are many drugs that can cause unhealthy side effects. Therefore, patients need to consult a doctor when treating vestibular disorders.
In addition to taking medicine, patients should perform regular and gentle exercises for the cervical vertebrae to help blood circulation, reduce anemia to the brain. In case the elderly experience dizziness, accompanied by sudden headache, blurred vision, high fever, vision loss, hearing loss, etc., they should go to the hospital for examination because it may be a negative effect of the elderly. vestibular disorders. At the same time, patients should also actively treat chronic diseases that cause vestibular disorders such as low blood pressure, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia,... according to the doctor's instructions.
To treat vestibular disorders, patients with blood fat, atherosclerosis, ... should pay attention to abstinence in eating but not excessive abstinence to avoid malnutrition. Elderly people with the disease should not abuse alcohol, need to drink enough water every day. Elderly people should also bathe with warm water in an airtight chamber to keep their body warm in the cold season. At the same time, the patient should exercise regularly, preferably walking every day for about 60 minutes, avoiding sitting for too long in one position without changing position.
Vestibular disorders can cause many dangerous complications such as injury or stroke. Therefore, when detecting the disease, patients need to treat vestibular disorders according to the doctor's instructions to improve their quality of life and avoid the risk of unpredictable complications.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases, including Neurology. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, customers will be welcomed and used modern facilities and equipment along with perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of experts. Good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad.

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