Foods to avoid to avoid diverticulitis

People can develop small bulging sacs in the lining of the large intestine. When the pouches become inflamed or infected, it leads to a very painful condition known as diverticulitis. In addition to abdominal pain, people with diverticulitis may experience nausea, vomiting, bloating, fever, constipation, or diarrhea. Many experts believe that a low-fiber diet can lead to diverticulitis and diverticulitis. So what to eat with diverticulitis? The article will provide foods to avoid to avoid diverticulitis.
This may be why people in Asia and Africa, where diets tend to be higher in fiber, have very low rates of this disease. Diverticulitis usually causes no or few symptoms; leaving many people unaware that they even have diverticulitis. Diverticulitis may need to be treated with antibiotics or, in severe cases, surgery and, importantly, changes in food consumption habits.

1. What is diverticulitis?

Diverticulitis is a condition in which polyps (small tumors) called inflammatory sacs appear in the patient's intestinal wall. These polyps can exist without causing any symptoms and the person may not even know they are there.
Bệnh viêm túi thừa có thể không có triệu chứng

If polyps become inflamed or infected, they can cause symptoms such as abdominal cramps, severe pain in the area where the diverticulum is inflamed, swelling, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.
Constipation often contributes to the development of diverticulitis. People develop polyps from excessive muscle contraction over many years as the body tries to move small, hard stools. A high-fiber diet helps combat constipation by softening stools, which then move more comfortably and easily through the digestive tract. They also put less pressure on the polyps, which prevents flare-ups of diverticulitis.
The risk of diverticulitis may be related to age, history of constipation, obesity, inactivity and, importantly, lack of fiber. Studies show that people in Africa and Asia, where high-fiber diets are common, rarely develop diverticulitis. On the other hand, diverticulitis occurs in 50% of the Finnish population due to low fiber intake and aging population.
Fiber, or plant material, plays an important role in digestion, softening stools and helping stools move more smoothly through the colon. A lack of fiber can cause constipation, make stools harder and harder to pass, and put strain on the muscles of the colon. And because pockets of inflammation often form in places where digestive muscles are stretched or weakened, constipation can make the development of diverticulitis more likely.
Because constipation causes pressure to build up in the colon, it can also lead to inflammation or infection of existing diverticula in the colon, causing diverticulitis.

2. What to eat with diverticulitis?

In fact, there are no specific foods known to trigger diverticulitis. And no special diet has been shown to prevent this from happening. In the past, people with small diverticulum sizes in the lining of the colon were told to avoid nuts and popcorn. It is thought that these foods can stay in the diverticulum and cause inflammation (diverticulitis). But there is no evidence that these foods cause diverticulitis.
If you have diverticulitis, focus on a healthy diet high in fiber. High-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, soften waste and help it pass through the large intestine faster and easier. This reduces pressure in the digestive tract, which can help reduce the risk of diverticulitis forming and developing.
Một vài thực phẩm giàu chất xơ giúp giảm bệnh viêm túi thừa
If you think you have diverticulitis, talk to your doctor about your condition. Your doctor may recommend that patients with suspected diverticulitis follow a liquid diet for several days to allow the digestive tract to rest and heal.

3. Best and worst foods to manage or prevent diverticulitis

3.1. Best foods to eat to manage and prevent diverticulitis

Fiber is an indispensable ingredient for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It promotes beneficial bacteria, keeps the digestive tract clean, and helps form large stools that are easier to pass through the intestines. If you're trying to find a way to prevent or manage diverticulitis, here are some of the best high-fiber foods to eat and the amount of fiber in each serving:
Whole grains (1 grain) /3 cup): 8.6g Kidney beans (1/3 cup): 7.9g Lentils (1⁄2 cups): 7.8g Black beans (1⁄2 cups): 7.6g Chickpeas (1⁄2 cup): 5.3g Baked beans (1⁄2 cups): 5.2g Pears (1 medium): 5.1g Soybeans (1⁄2 cups): 5.1g Peeled sweet potatoes (1 medium): 4.4g Chickpeas (1⁄2 cups): 4.4g Bulgur (1⁄2 cups): 4.1g Mixed vegetables (1⁄2 cups): 4g Raspberries (1⁄2 cups): 4g Raspberries black (1⁄2 cups): 3.8g Almonds (30 grams): 3.5g Cooked spinach (1⁄2 cups): 3.5g Vegetables or soybeans: 3.4g Apples (1 medium): 3.3g Dried dates (5 pieces): 3.3g For years, doctors have advised people with diverticulosis not to eat nuts, seeds or popcorn because of things they believe can be harmful. clog the diverticulum openings and lead to flare-ups of diverticulitis. But research has never proven that eating these foods increases the risk of developing diverticulitis, and doctors no longer make this recommendation.
Because foods high in fiber are often also high in vitamins and other nutrients, it's best to get the fiber you need from food. But if dietary restrictions prevent a person from getting all of the fiber they need with a meal, their doctor may recommend a fiber supplement. Psyllium, found in supplements like Metamucil and Konsyl, is another option for a fiber boost. This supplement can be sold as a powder or liquid, in granules, capsules, or as a sponge cake. Methylcellulose-based supplements, like Citrucel, are usually sold in powder or granule form.
Chicory root fiber, inulin, oligofructose and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) can increase good bacteria and improve immune function.
Fiber and good bacteria are important components of a healthy digestive tract. Fiber itself helps promote the growth of good bacteria, but there are also foods that contain positive bacteria that promote good digestion and prevent constipation that leads to diverticulitis including:
Kefir Yogurt Kimchi Miso Kombucha

3.2. Foods to avoid to manage diverticulitis

Because diverticulitis reveals inflammation, people with the disease need to avoid high-fiber foods if they want to quickly improve the condition. The reason is that foods rich in fiber, although very good for us, do not soothe an irritated digestive system. For that reason, people with diverticulitis should wait until the inflammation is under control before eating fiber again. If diverticulitis causes severe diarrhea or even bleeding, your doctor or dietitian may order bowel rest (not oral) until the condition is under control. A clear liquid diet may be the next step, where patients can switch to a diet consisting of only water, broth, and apple juice.
Most likely the person will have to follow a low fiber diet (consume less than 15g per day) until symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea stop. Low fiber foods (under 2g per serving) include:
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Một vài thực phẩm ít chất xơ nên dùng để tránh viêm túi thừa

Beef, poultry and fish (100g) White bread (1 slice) Cheese sticks (1⁄2 cups) Cream of wheat, instant (3⁄4 cups) Eggs (1 quả) Fruit juice (1⁄2 cups) Canned chickpeas (1⁄2 cups) Ice cream (1⁄2 cups) Salads, assorted (1 cup) Mashed potatoes, skinless (1⁄2 cups) Milk (1 cup) ) Nut butter (fine), including peanuts, soybeans, almonds and sunflower (2 tablespoons) White pasta (1⁄2 cups) Peaches, canned (1⁄2 cups) Pears, canned (12 cups) ⁄2 cups) Pudding or tapioca (1⁄2 cups) White rice (1⁄2 cups) Soy milk, rice milk or almond milk (1 cup) Tofu (1⁄2 cups) Canned tuna (100 grams) Yogurt (200 grams) Dietary changes are the most effective way to prevent diverticulitis. A diet rich in fiber that includes fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and whole grains will help prevent pouches from forming and becoming infected. If you are diagnosed with diverticulitis, allow your digestive tract some time to heal on its own by following a low-fiber diet.

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