Can men get HPV?

Men and women who have had sex with someone who has HPV can be infected and spread it without even knowing it. Please refer to the article below to know how to prevent diseases caused by HPV virus.

1. What is HPV virus?

HPV is a sexually transmitted virus that can be passed from female to male through sexual intercourse. This virus has about 100 types, of which up to 40 types cause diseases of the genital organs in both men and women, and up to 15 types are extremely dangerous for reproductive health. HPV 16 and HPV 18 are the two types that are most likely to cause inflammation in the female cervix. This virus is transmitted to cause vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, anal cancer, penile cancer, and head and neck cancer in men and women.
Nam giới có thể nhiễm virus HPV
Nam giới có thể nhiễm virus HPV

Men and women are equally likely to get HPV and pass it on, not just women. HPV is transmitted from women to men in the following ways:
Having sex too soon, having unprotected sex Having many sex partners Having sex with a partner who has had many other partners Genital warts are a of the typical manifestations of HPV infection in men. Genital warts, also known as genital warts, appear in the genital area of ​​men such as: foreskin, penis body, urethral mouth, scrotum, perianal, pubic area... Manifestations of the following: These are: Acne that can be raised or flat, small or large; Acne is usually painless...

2. How to detect HPV in men?

It is difficult to detect HPV in men through a specific test. Men often discover HPV virus when going to the doctor for diseases such as warts, genital warts. When examining and testing these diseases, it is clear that HPV infection is present. The condition that HPV develops in the genital area in men for a long time will be the cause of serious diseases such as:
Anal cancer: With bleeding, pain, itching in the anus, abnormal discharge, Swollen lymph nodes Penile cancer : Thicker skin on the penis, skin discoloration, lumps on the penis that are usually painless, a soft, red rash on the penis Throat cancer: There will be a sore throat, prolonged earache, difficulty opening the mouth wide, difficulty moving, lymphadenopathy in the neck...
Sử dụng bao cao su để hạn chế lây nhiễm HPV
Sử dụng bao cao su để hạn chế lây nhiễm virus HPV

3. Treatment for HPV in men?

There are measures to treat HPV-related diseases in men and women. Warts in men caused by HPV can be treated by:
Using creams prescribed by a doctor or methods such as electrocautery, nitrogen spray is for the warts to dry up and disappear or remove warts Usually warts will be able to regenerate after a certain time, and depends on the patient's treatment cooperation. HPV vaccine to prevent virus most effectively HPV vaccine is provided Licensed for use in Vietnam are Gardasil (USA) and Cervarix (Belgium). Each vaccine will have a different number of HPV strains that can be prevented, who are vaccinated, the schedule of injections as well as the preventive effect. Vinmec International General Hospital is providing the above two types of HPV vaccination service with the following advantages:
General monitoring before, during and after vaccination at Vinmec Health System and always has an emergency team ready to coordinate with the vaccination department to handle cases of anaphylaxis, respiratory failure - circulatory arrest, ensuring timely and correct treatment when problems occur. Vaccines are imported and stored in a modern cold storage system, with a cold chain that meets GSP standards, keeping vaccines in the best conditions to ensure quality. Parents will receive a reminder message before the vaccination date and their child's vaccination information will be synchronized with the National Immunization Information System. In particular, men infected with HPV virus or women can limit the risk of contracting the virus by:
Abstinence from sex, safe sex Limit low sex partners, faithful relationships Use condoms to minimize HPV infection between men and women When there are signs of HPV infection, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately for examination and treatment.

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