Distinguishing myeloma from spondylolisthesis

Myeloma is an extremely dangerous disease, the disease can compress the spinal cord, causing paralysis and death for patients if not detected and treated early. However, myeloma is often confused with spondylolisthesis because the initial symptoms are quite similar. Therefore, patients need to distinguish the symptoms between these two diseases.

1. What is myeloma?

Myeloma is cancer caused by malignant plasma cells. Plasma cells produce antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) and are an important part of the immune system that help the body fight and destroy germs.
Bone marrow is the soft tissue inside some hollow bones. In addition to plasma cells, bone marrow also has cells that make different types of blood cells. Spinal cord tumors begin when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells from any part of the body have the potential to become cancerous and can spread to other areas.

2. What is spinal degeneration?

thoái hóa cột sống
Thoái hoá cột sống

The spine extends from the skull to the pelvis, has the role of supporting body weight and protecting spinal nerves. The spine supports the dispersion of the body's gravity, reducing spinal pressure.
Spondylolisthesis is a medical term that includes spondylolisthesis and disc degeneration. Usually, spondylolisthesis is used to describe osteoarthritis of the spine. Spondylolisthesis can occur in the cervical spine, thoracic spine, or lumbar spine. Lumbar spondylosis and cervical spondylosis are the most common conditions.

3. Distinguishing myeloma from spondylolisthesis

Spinal cord tumor is an extremely dangerous disease, because the disease can compress the spinal cord, causing paralysis and death for the patient if not detected and treated early. However, myeloma is often confused with spondylolisthesis because the initial symptoms are quite similar. Therefore, patients need to distinguish the symptoms between these two diseases.
3.1 Symptoms of myeloma
Most of the intramedullary tumors have indistinct onset and slow progression, so they are easily overlooked. Clinical symptoms when detecting a tumor in the spinal cord include:
Pain and neurological dysfunction such as: Sensory, movement disturbances, sphincter causing difficulty urinating and constipation, muscle spasticity, muscle atrophy , respiratory disorders. Skin damage; infection ; Tongue hypertrophy; Tests show hypercalcemia; Cervical spinal cord tumors can cause weakness in the arms or, more seriously, paralysis of the arms and legs; Tumors of the thoracic and lumbar spinal cord can cause weakness, numbness, and loss of sensation in the limbs or chest area.
Tê, yếu liệt bả vai, cánh tay, ngón tay
Triệu chứng tê, yếu liệt bả vai, cánh tay, ngón tay là dấu hiệu của thoái hoá cột sống

3.2 Symptoms of Spondylolisthesis
As your body ages, the bones and ligaments in the spine become weak, the discs degenerate and weaken, causing disc herniation and disc protrusion. As a result, you may experience some symptoms of spondylolisthesis. Symptoms include:
Cervical spondylosis:
Neck pain, stiff neck, difficulty in neck movement. Pain may radiate down one shoulder or arm. Numbness, weakness of shoulder blades, arms, fingers; Hiccups, headaches, dizziness. Lumbar spondylosis :
Low back pain persists for many weeks; Pain increases when sitting for long periods of time, performing curved positions, turning or lifting objects; The pain can spread down the leg, causing paralysis, weakness, making it difficult for the patient to move. 3.3 Routine physical examination to detect disease
Spinal cord tumors can form in any part of the structure of the spinal cord and spine. The cause of myeloma pain is easily confused with spinal degeneration; intercostal neuritis, nerve root pain, disc herniation. Therefore, patients need to have a regular check-up every 6 months or when they see the first signs of myeloma, they must go to the doctor immediately.
However, in fact, there are many cases that are misdiagnosed because the manifestations of both diseases are pain, muscle spasticity and nerve root compression. Therefore, when experiencing pain and movement disorders or sensory disturbances such as numbness and weakness in limbs, it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.

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