Is acute laryngitis dangerous?

The article was professionally consulted by Dr. CKII Nguyen Van Thai - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

Acute laryngitis is inflammation of the lining of the larynx lasting less than 3 weeks. This is a fairly common disease in our country and is mainly caused by a virus entering the body. So is acute laryngitis dangerous?

1. What is laryngitis?

Acute laryngitis is inflammation of the lining of the larynx that lasts less than 3 weeks. Acute laryngitis has many causes and clinical manifestations are also very different, depending on the cause and age, the disease is classified: acute laryngitis in children and acute laryngitis in adults, but children are more common.

2. Is acute laryngitis dangerous?

2.1. With children

Acute laryngitis in children needs to be carefully monitored because it is easy to cause difficulty breathing in the larynx and can affect the child's life.
Laryngitis and subglottic laryngitis: It is a disease that occurs mainly in children aged 1-3 years old. The disease is often detected at night in young children with common nasopharyngitis, which progresses slowly and suddenly presents with laryngeal dyspnea. Hard cough, old man, voice was almost normal but then became deeper and harder. Children still play normally in the morning, spasmodic laryngitis or laryngitis pseudodiphtheria: localized inflammation and edema in the lower pharynx, laryngospasm causing shortness of breath, often occurring in the middle of the night and in the morning. Shortness of breath and wheezing, hoarse voice. Coughing, contracting the respiratory muscles and the intercostal muscles. Shortness of breath may pass in half an hour, but another episode of dyspnea may recur. No fever, no other systemic signs. Inflammation of the larynx: Swollen lid, painful swallowing, difficulty breathing, increased salivation, a lot of saliva, neck leaning forward, shortness of breath increased when lying on the back often caused by Hemophilus Influenza bacteria. Diphtheria laryngitis: Caused by Loeffler bacteria entering the larynx, causing edema and ulceration with pseudomembranous membranes. The white, tough, sticky, pseudomembranous membrane causes airway obstruction causing worsening laryngeal dyspnea, hoarseness, accompanied by endotoxin shock, which makes the prognosis very severe and easily leads to death.
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2.2 In adults
Acute laryngitis in adults usually does not cause dangerous conditions and is well-reversible.
Influenza laryngitis: can be caused by influenza alone or in combination with other bacteria, causing the following diseases:
Exudative: The patient has fever, prolonged fatigue. Laryngeal examination sometimes shows a submucosal purpura that is specific for influenza laryngitis. Edema: As the next stage of exudation, the edema is usually localized to the thermosphere and the posterior surface of the funnel cartilage. Patients with swallowing pain and sometimes difficulty breathing, voice changes little. Ulcers: Laryngoscopy showed shallow ulcers, red margins, edematous funnel cartilage and pyrogen cartilage. Inflammatory form: Severe systemic symptoms, high fever, rapid pulse, emaciated face. Difficulty swallowing, sore throat, stinging in the ears, hoarse voice or disappearing completely, difficulty breathing in the larynx. The area in front of the larynx is inflamed, swollen, and painful. After the inflammation is over, it leaves a scar on the larynx. Necrotic form: The cartilage membrane is inflamed and necrotic, the loose connective tissues in the neck are inflamed, hard or inflamed, the larynx is enlarged and covered with a false membrane. Difficulty speaking, painful swallowing, and difficulty breathing. Full body symptoms, high temperature, rapid and weak pulse, rapid shallow breathing, low blood pressure, urine with albumin, very poor prognosis, often death due to bronchiolitis, cardiovascular collapse.

3. Treatment of laryngitis

3.1 Principles of treatment
With laryngitis there is no difficulty in breathing The most important thing is to abstain from talking and avoid cold. Medical treatment: Using antibiotics, reducing inflammation, anti-histamine H1, expectorant, reducing cough... Local treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs of the Corticoid group, anti-inflammatory enzymes, essential oils... Improve health resistance, nutritional supplements, electrolytes. With laryngitis with difficulty breathing Laryngeal dyspnea grade I: Medical treatment. Laryngeal dyspnea grade II: Emergency tracheostomy. Grade III laryngeal dyspnea: Emergency tracheostomy combined with active resuscitation.
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3.2 Specific treatment
Antibiotics Beta lactams:: Amoxicillin, cephalexin; 1st and 2nd generation cephalosporins; Anti-enzyme drugs Macrolide group: Azithromycin, roxithromycin, clarythromycin... Anti-inflammatory Anti-inflammatory steroids: Prednisolone, methylprednisolone, Anti-inflammatory enzymes: Alpha chymotrypsin, lysozym... Local treatment Nebulization, laryngeal pump with suspension of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory enzymes, antibiotics. Gargle with local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions: BBM... Antipyretic, pain relief: Infusion, paracetamol, aspirin... Support the body: Supplementing with trace elements, vitamins, vitamins , nutrition...

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