Diet for people with dyslipidemia

Dyslipidemia is a dangerous disease and can leave many complications such as pancreatitis, atherosclerosis. Adjusting the diet when having dyslipidemia plays an important role in the treatment and at the same time limiting some dangerous complications that may occur to the patient.

1. What is the disease of dyslipidemia?

Blood lipids are an important component in the human body, they play a role in helping the body develop normally and stay healthy. Some types of blood lipids include: LDL, HDL, and triglycerides.
Accordingly, dyslipidemia is defined as having one or more of the following disorders: hypertriglyceridemia, elevated total blood cholesterol, increased LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol) or decreased HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) ). However, if the disorder of blood lipid metabolism is prolonged, it can cause atherosclerosis, narrowing of blood vessels and is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases.
In fact, dyslipidemia does not have any abnormal manifestations, the disease is only detected through blood tests. The symptoms of atherosclerosis also progress silently, so it is difficult for patients to detect.
Lấy máu xét nghiệm
Xét nghiệm máu giúp phát hiện và chẩn đoán bệnh rối loạn chuyển hóa lipid máu

2. Building a nutritional regimen when having disorders of blood lipid metabolism

The main cause of dyslipidemia is due to improper nutrition, too much animal fat, foods high in cholesterol (animal organs, eggs, butter, milk) or the diet eating excess energy and using alcoholic beverages, stimulants. In addition, dyslipidemia is also caused by genetic factors, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism or diabetes.
Therefore, nutrition plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of complications of the disease. It is necessary to develop a nutritional regimen when having disorders of blood lipid metabolism. Patients with dyslipidemia need to adhere to the following principles:
Patients need to reduce the total energy intake in the daily menu to lose weight according to body mass index (BMI) if the condition occurs. overweight and obesity. In some cases of mild lipid metabolism disorders, the weight index may decrease stably after the patient applies an appropriate weight loss diet. Accordingly, patients should reduce their food intake slowly, step by step and should not be in a hurry, on average each week, about 300Kcal reduction compared to the previous diet until reaching the energy corresponding to the mass index level. body BMI;

Reduce fat (lipid) according to BMI standards: In which, fat should only account for 15-20% of the total energy supply to the body. Patients should limit their consumption of saturated fats and eat unsaturated fats instead; In the daily diet, it is necessary to ensure that the amount of protein accounts for about 12 - 20% of total energy, this diet includes animal protein and vegetable protein. Patients can increase their protein intake by eating low-fat meat and soy products because these foods contain a lot of phytoestrogens and isoflavones, which have the effect of reducing total cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol and triglycerides in the body;
Đậu nành đỗ tương
Sử dụng đậu nành chứa nhiều estrogen thực vật và isoflavones tốt cho người bệnh

Reduce the amount of cholesterol in the diet by not using foods with a lot of cholesterol such as: animal viscera, animal skin, brain, egg yolk and seafood, especially crab bricks, shrimp bricks... cereals combined with tubers. These foods can make up about 55-60% of the energy in the diet. Patients with dyslipidemia should eat brown rice to provide more fiber to eliminate endogenous cholesterol, and at the same time limit the amount of sugar and bile in food and drink daily. In addition, in the diet for people with disorders of blood lipid metabolism, vitamins and minerals cannot be lacking. Therefore, patients should eat more vegetables and fruits, and use foods rich in antioxidants to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease such as food sources rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and selenium.
The meal portion can also be divided into several meals, each meal is spaced about 3 hours apart and should have all 4 main food groups, but minimize the amount of fat, increase the amount of vegetables and less sweet fruits.

3. Blood lipid metabolism disorder eat what?

Because the main cause of dyslipidemia is due to food and nutrition, in addition to using drugs as directed by specialists, patients need to develop a nutritional regimen. When suffering from dyslipidemia, it is appropriate to follow the principle of combining regular exercise and sports.
The following are some foods that are recommended to eat with dyslipidemia?:
Raw processed cereals: rye bread, raw rice,...; Fat-free milk; Lean meat or poultry without skin;
thịt nạc thịt lợn
Người rối loạn chuyển hóa lipid máu ăn thịt nạc

Oily nuts such as peanuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin,... Fatty fish, eat at least 2 times a week; Unsaturated vegetable oils: sunflower oil, olive oil, soybean oil,...; Garlic: Garlic has the effect of increasing HDL-Cholesterol, reducing cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-Cholesterol in the blood and preventing atherosclerosis, preventing the formation of blood clots. However, if you eat too much garlic, it can lead to eyelid inflammation, conjunctivitis, damage to the stomach lining, leading to stomach ulcers. Therefore, patients with dyslipidemia with a history of gastric disease and eye inflammation should not use it;

Onions: Onions have the effect of reducing cholesterol in the blood, and at the same time improving the condition of atherosclerosis; Soybean: Has a cholesterol-lowering effect, especially reducing LDL-cholesterol levels. Soybean and soybean products are very good for patients with dyslipidemia; Cucumber: Cucumber contains a lot of fiber, which has the effect of improving digestion, increasing excretion and reducing cholesterol absorption effectively; Seaweed: contains a lot of iodine and magnesium, which prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels. Chili: Chili has a high vitamin C content, which has the effect of improving the body's microcirculation, reducing blood cholesterol; Cauliflower: Has a very high fiber content, rich in vitamins and minerals, especially flavonoids. This is a substance that cleans the arteries, has the ability to eliminate cholesterol deposited on the vessel walls, prevent platelet aggregation, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases; Bitter melon: rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C and a variety of minerals, helping to reduce blood fat and improve the body's resistance;
Mướp đắng
Mướp đắng chứa nhiều vi chất tốt cho người bệnh rối loạn chuyển hóa lipid máu

Mung bean sprouts: Mung bean sprouts contain a lot of vitamin C, fiber, ... these nutrients are all beneficial in eliminating waste in the body, reducing blood cholesterol, and at the same time reducing cholesterol deposition in the artery wall; Carrots: Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Therefore, carrots are very good for people with coronary heart disease, reducing blood fat and lowering blood pressure; Mushrooms: Some mushrooms such as shiitake, reishi, and wood ear mushrooms have the effect of reducing cholesterol and blood triglycerides; In addition to the above foods, patients should increase their intake of fruits such as apples, kiwis and fruits rich in vitamin C such as oranges and tangerines.

4. What should patients with dyslipidemia eat?

From the principles of nutrition when suffering from dyslipidemia, patients should pay attention and limit the following foods:
Fat, animal organs, skin, crab bricks, shrimp bricks; Full fat milk, condensed milk; Egg yolks, cheese, butter...; Poultry meat without the skin removed; Pastries and cakes made from egg yolks and containing saturated fat; Limit sugar, honey, sweets Processed foods high in fat such as cheese, sausages, cold cuts,... Grease contains a lot of saturated fat.
Chế độ ăn ít đường
Người bệnh rối loạn mỡ máu cần hạn chế sử dụng đường ngọt
In addition, patients should limit fast foods, fatty fried foods, instant noodles. Should quit smoking, minimize the use of alcohol and stimulants. Exercise regularly to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight.
In case the adjustment of diet and activities does not reduce blood cholesterol, patients need to use cholesterol-lowering drugs as prescribed by the doctor. In particular, each person should pay attention to periodic health check-ups and blood lipid checks if they are at high risk of dyslipidemia to prevent the risk of unpredictable complications.
Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, customers will be welcomed and used modern facilities and equipment along with perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of experts. Good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad.
Especially when treating and visiting patients at Vinmec, customers are also advised by the medical team on nutrition and lifestyle maintenance for prevention and treatment to best suit their health.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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