Recipes from squash cure diabetes

It is possible to use squash to treat the following diseases: - To quench thirst due to long-term heat accumulation, use peeled squash, eat 2-3 ounces a day, use 5-7 days. If the thirst does not stop, the squash should be peeled and put in a sealed jar, buried in a damp place for about a month, then taken up and used with clear water, drank daily or burned and pressed for drinking water. - If the pepper is thirsty and accompanied by distillation (hot in the bone), use squash to remove the intestines, fill it with Hoang Lien powder and bring it up like sticky rice, when it is ripe, grind it fine, complete with corn kernels, each drink 30 -40 tablets with squash decoction. - In case of thirst, urinating a lot, use 12g squash seeds, 12g Hoang Lien, 12g dong pulses, excellent drink. - If thirst is quenched, the disease is mild, use squash leaves 30-40 g to drink. Treatment of typhoid, dysentery, thirst, use squash covered with soil 10cm thick, baked until cooked, and then pressed to drink water. Use the skin of the squash 15-20. g, excellent drink. Treatment of boils and sores: - To treat large boils on the back, cut the squash into slices 1-2 cm thick, face up on the swollen spot, when that slice of squash is damaged, replace it with another slice, the boil will quickly dissipate. - If the boil is inside, use dried squash seeds to drink 2-3 times a day, 20g each time, anti-inflammatory effect, push pus, relieve boils, cure colon blockage.

Squash has many uses for health. (Artwork)
- In case of boils to skin sores for a long time, use crushed squash leaves to apply once a day for a few days to heal. If the sores are itchy, use a sharp squash cord to soak and soak every day. Treatment of leprosy and pruritus on the face: Use squash seeds, peach kernels, and finely ground, add honey to rub your face, 3-4 times a day will be cured. If there is a dark stain on the face, use a sharp squash cord to wash it several times a day. Smooth skin, keep beauty: - Want white skin, beautiful, forever young and never old, use pumpkin seeds peeled, powdered, filled with corn kernels with honey, each time taking 30-40 tablets, day two times, when hungry. - To keep the skin fresh and beautiful, use 5 parts peeled squash seeds, 4 parts peach blossoms, 2 parts kumquats, 2 parts crushed, mixed well, drink a teaspoon after meals, 3 times a day . If you want whiter add more squash seeds, if you want pinker add more peaches.
According to

Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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