Ciclopirox: Uses, indications and precautions when using

Ciclopirox is a medicine used to treat fungal skin infections, a fairly common dermatological disease today. The drug has indications for use and some notes in the process of taking the drug that patients need to follow to achieve the highest effectiveness.

1. Learn about the drug Ciclopirox

Ciclopirox is a drug for the treatment of fungal skin infections, typically conditions of tinea pedis, ringworm... The drug is also used in the treatment of vitiligo, a skin infection that manifests clinically with symptoms. symptoms such as changes in skin color on the neck, chest, arms and legs, which may be lighter or darker in color. Ciclopirox works by stopping the growth and reproduction of fungi in the body. Ciclopirox is a topical medication, so the patient needs to clean and dry the damaged skin that needs to be applied. The drug should be applied in a thin layer to the damaged skin and surrounding skin, applied gently about twice a day as prescribed by the treating doctor. After applying the medicine, the patient should wash their hands thoroughly and be careful not to cover and bandage the area that has just been re-applied. Absolutely do not apply the medicine to the eyes, nose, mouth and sensitive areas such as the vagina. If the medicine is not carefully applied to these areas, immediately rinse with water several times. Ciclopirox is used regularly at certain times of the day to achieve the best effect for the patient. Maintain applying Ciclopirox for the time prescribed by the treating doctor even after the symptoms have cleared up after a few days to ensure thorough treatment of the infection in the patient. Usually, within the first week of application, the symptoms of infection may tend to improve markedly, however, if the fungal infection is getting worse or does not get better after about 2 weeks with the fungal infection. Oily skin and 4 weeks with other skin infections, it is necessary to immediately notify the treating doctor for appropriate treatment.
Nứt tay có bôi thuốc sát khuẩn Betadine và thuốc tra mỡ mắt được không?
Ciclopirox là thuốc bôi ngoài da nên người bệnh cần làm sạch và lau thật khô vùng da bị tổn thương cần bôi thuốc

2. Indications for the use of Ciclopirox

Indications to use Ciclopirox drug in the following cases:
Mycelium on the nails Shallow fungus on the feet Black fungus Seborrheic dermatitis Inguinal ringworm Candida infection Dandruff Seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp

3. Notes when using Ciclopirox

Some common side effects when using Ciclopirox are burning, redness, and itching in the area where the medicine is applied. If these symptoms last longer than the allowed time, the patient should immediately notify the treating doctor or pharmacist for timely treatment. Skin blistering, swelling, and discharge may also occur during application of Ciclopirox. Allergic reactions are very rare, manifested by symptoms such as rash, itching and swelling of certain parts of the body such as face, tongue, throat, dizziness, difficulty breathing... Immediately take the patient to the nearest medical facility for emergency treatment.
dị ứng
Một số tác dụng phụ thường gặp khi dùng thuốc Ciclopirox đó là bỏng, mẩn đỏ, ngứa tại vùng da bôi thuốc
If the patient has a history of allergy to the substances contained in the drug, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor during the visit to limit unwanted effects. Because Ciclopirox may contain some inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions and other problems, patients should notify their doctor immediately if any unusual symptoms occur. . Before any surgery, including dental correction, be sure to tell your doctor and dentist about your current use of Ciclopirox and other medications. The drug is not recommended for use in pregnant women, but in some cases it is necessary to discuss with the treating doctor to consider in a really necessary situation.
If the patient is being treated for tinea pedis, while using Ciclopirox, it is important to wear shoes that fit and breathe as much as possible. Patients also need to change socks regularly to improve the infection, at least once a day. In case the patient misses a dose for the day, skip the missed dose, do not take the medicine and apply the next dose at the same time each day. Medicines should be stored at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and pets. Do not flush the medicine down the toilet or drain unless directed by your doctor, it is best to follow the instructions printed on the product packaging.
Nấm da chân
Nếu bệnh nhân đang điều trị nấm da chân, trong thời gian dùng Ciclopirox cần lưu ý mang giày vừa chân và thông thoáng nhiều nhất có thể
Certain drug interactions can occur and change the way the ingredients in the medicine work, which can increase the risk of side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the name of the drugs that you are taking to your doctor. Patients should also not self-medicate, change the dose or stop taking them suddenly without consulting a doctor, as this can make the infection worse.
Ciclopirox in the treatment of fungal skin infections is a common topical drug in clinical practice, with certain uses in many dermatological diseases. However, in order to optimize the effectiveness and ensure safety for users, patients need to pay attention to the regulations given by the doctor when using Ciclopirox.
In special cases, if the medication does not have the desired effect, the patient can go to the Dermatology Department - Vinmec International General Hospital to be examined by a doctor and given appropriate indications. to ensure the health of our customers.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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