Use caution when taking muscle relaxants

Muscle aches and pains, muscle tension after participating in physical activities are very common. When suffering from this condition, some people often tend to use muscle relaxants to overcome muscle spasms. However, it is also necessary to be extremely careful when choosing muscle relaxants, because they can bring dangerous side effects that are harmful to health.

1. What is a muscle relaxant?

Muscle relaxants are a group of drugs that help relieve pain, relax and relieve muscle tension in damaged muscle areas, often indicated in cases of acute muscle pain and discomfort due to muscle spasm, excessive muscle tension. Spasticity is most common in the neck, shoulder, back, and buttock muscles because they are the muscle groups that play an important role in maintaining posture and movement. The most commonly used muscle relaxants today include:
Smooth muscle relaxants: have the effect of relaxing the internal muscle systems such as the gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, bladder, urethra, ... due to muscle contractions. Normal smooth muscle cannot be controlled, so the drug will reduce the intensity and speed of smooth muscle contraction, thereby supporting pain relief. Skeletal muscle relaxers of the brain and spine: Skeletal muscles, on the other hand, are consciously controllable muscles, the muscle relaxants group will still support selective neutron-mediated inhibition to control muscle tone in the brain and spinal cord, causing muscle relaxation. Back muscle relaxants: are the muscle group that are most susceptible to tension in people with low back injuries, when these muscles are overstretched leading to weakening, the spine becomes less stable, which can also cause back pain. Back muscle relaxants are one of the solutions to help improve this condition.

2. What are the side effects of muscle relaxants?

Each type of muscle relaxant has its own side effects, but in general, common undesirable effects can be mentioned such as:
Muscle relaxants are addictive and drug dependent When taking the drug for a long time, stopping suddenly can cause can cause convulsions or hallucinations Central nervous system depression makes users difficult to concentrate, lose consciousness Do not use in combination with stimulants such as alcohol, sleeping pills Caution when using the drug with patients over 65 years of age The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and children, patients with liver and kidney failure
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3. Notes to use muscle relaxants effectively

To improve pain symptoms caused by muscle stiffness after physical activity in addition to the use of muscle relaxants, patients should perform the following methods to improve the effectiveness of drug use:
Do not over-exert, wear Carrying too much weight because these are the causes of muscle damage. Do not use stimulants, alcohol because both reduce the effect of drugs and increase the risk of side effects. Do not operate machinery, drive vehicles when using muscle relaxants because of the increased risk of accidents due to side effects of the drug In daily work, it is necessary to pay attention to create a standard posture when working and do not fix the posture for too long. Healthy nutrition, regular rest to avoid stress on the body Only muscle relaxants should be used in adults, without cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases or allergies. for the prescription of the drug and the protocol of the specialist treating doctor. When you see any abnormal signs due to side effects of the drug, you should immediately stop using the drug and go to the nearest medical facility for advice and treatment.

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