Uses of Lisimax-280

With the main ingredients from nature, Lisimax 280 is preferred for use in cases of patients suffering from jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, recovering liver function after drinking a lot of alcohol. So what is Lisimax 280 drug? What are the uses of Lisimax 280? The following article will help you better understand the uses of Lisimax 280.

1. What are the uses of Lisimax 280?

1.1. What is Lisimax 280? Lisimax 280 belongs to the group of drugs of herbal and animal origin. The drug has the following ingredients:
Main ingredients: Cao Diep Ha Chau cerehethrhrtee content 280mg (Equivalent to 2.8g Phyllanthus urinaria) Excipients: Soybean oil, palm oil, white beeswax, gelatin, lecithin , glycerin, 70% sorbitol solution, Nipasol, Nipagin, Titanium dioxyd, Food brown) The drug is prepared in the form of softgels with a content of 280mg. 10 tablets 1 blister, box 1 blister, 3 blisters or 5 blisters. Lisimax 280 can be used by both adults and children without a doctor's prescription.
1.2. What are the uses of Lisimax 280? Diep Ha Chau is considered a very good male medicine in supporting the treatment of liver diseases. According to traditional medicine, Diep Ha Chau has a bitter taste, cool and slightly sweet properties, has the effect of detoxifying the liver, cooling the liver, stimulating digestion and anti-inflammatory ... But in modern medicine, the bitter substance in Diep Ha Chau helps to increase the amount of Glutathione - this is a substance that helps protect liver cells for people who regularly use alcohol.
For viral hepatitis, the bitter substance in chlorophyll has the effect of lowering liver enzymes, helping to enhance liver function and inhibiting the growth of viruses that cause hepatitis. Lisimax 280 is indicated for use in the following cases:
Support treatment in cases of acute and chronic hepatitis, especially hepatitis B, liver function impairment, fatigue, indigestion, yellow skin, urinary retention, constipation. Disinfection in cases of beard nails, boils, itchy sores. People need to clear heat to detoxify the body and the body is exhausted.

2. How to use Lisimax 280

2.1. How to take the drug Lisimax 280 Lisimax 280 medicine is made in the form of soft capsules, so it should be taken orally Take the medicine with a sufficient amount of filtered water (warm water). Should be taken 30 minutes before meals. Do not break, chew or crush, but swallow the whole tablet. Do not mix the drug with any other mixture. 2.2. Dosage of the drug Lisimax 280 Adults: take 3 times a day, 2 tablets each time Children: take 3 times a day, 1 tablet each time or as directed by a doctor. Lisimax 280 as soon as I remember. However, if the interval between the next dose is too short, skip the missed dose and resume the dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed dose.
Treatment of overdose:
Currently, no case of overdose has been recorded when using the drug

3. Contraindications of Lisimax 280

The patient is allergic to the main active ingredient Lisimax 280 or any of the excipients listed above. I have a gastrointestinal disease, a patient with severe liver and kidney failure.

4. Notes when using Lisimax 280

Take the medicine according to the recommended dose or as directed by the doctor
Do not use the medicine beyond the expiry date or when the drug is perceived as moldy, discolored, the packaging is open or torn.
The drug does not affect driving or operating machinery.

5. Side effects of Lisimax 280

Unwanted side effects only affect the gastrointestinal tract:
Allergies, itching, constipation Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain Digestive disorders, bitter mouth, loss of appetite.

6. How to store Lisimax 280

Store in a cool, dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, in the original packaging and protected from light.
Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.
Once you know the information about the active ingredients, dosage, and uses, the patient can use the drug according to the instructions. If you have any further questions, you can directly discuss with the prescribing doctor for appropriate indications.

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