Blood pressure to 150/80 when headache due to sinusitis need to take medicine?

Hello doctor! My mother measures her blood pressure with a machine, the average reading is 115/70, measuring once every 3 days in the evening. From time to time my mother had a headache due to sinusitis, when the headache took the meter, it was 150/80, after taking panadol, her blood pressure returned to normal.
The doctor asked me to ask if my blood pressure is up to 150/80 when I have a headache due to sinusitis, do I need to take medicine? Looking forward to consulting your doctor help me. Thank you.
Khanh (1987)
Hello! A rise in blood pressure of 150/80 during a sinus headache may just be the body's normal response to pain. As the doctor speculates, your mother does not have high blood pressure, and does not need to be treated with blood pressure medication. However, to be careful, you should still see a specialist at a reputable medical facility or a cardiology specialist at one of the Vinmec Health System hospitals nationwide for more specific advice.
Thank you for trusting and asking questions to Vinmec. Best regards!

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Answered by Cardiologists - Coronary Intensive Care Clinic

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