With ventricular systole, should electrocardiograms be burned and is there any other method to cure it?

Hello doctor! I had ventricular systole, the hospital doctor told me to do an electrocardiogram. I want to ask, if I have ectopic systole, should I have electrocardiogram and is there any other method to cure it? And will it be completely cured after burning, doctor? I would like to thank you.
Linh (1987)
Hello! The treatment depends on the level of danger, the risk of sudden death, the cause of the ventricular extrasystoles, will choose different treatment measures such as monitoring, drug treatment, defibrillator placement. ICD, treatment of electrophysiological ablation with high frequency waves...
If electrophysiology is successful, the disease can be completely cured. You should go to the heart centers or hospitals of Vinmec Health System for examination to receive appropriate treatment.
Thanks for the question "Should I have electrocardiogram if I have ventricular systolic dysfunction and is there any other method to cure it?" mine. Looking forward to meeting you at Vinmec for in-depth advice. Best regards.

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Answered by Master, Doctor Vu Thi Tuyet Mai - Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

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