Can people with coronary heart disease eat eggs?

Eggs are a healthy food with many vitamins and trace elements. However, in some cases such as gallstone disease, diarrhea, etc., eggs can be harmful to the body. Can people with coronary heart disease eat eggs? Let's find out about this issue in the article below.

1. Nutritional value of eggs

Can people with heart disease eat eggs is always a controversial topic. Eggs are a food with high nutritional value, providing a rich source of protein, lipids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and hormones, so it is often recommended to add to the daily diet.
The ratio of nutrients in eggs is very balanced, egg composition includes yolk and white. The nutrients are concentrated mainly in egg yolk with 13.6% protein, 29.8% fat and 1.6% minerals. The white contains mainly water, has 10.3% protein, lipid, very low vitamin and mineral content. Egg protein is a source of essential amino acids for the body, especially the growth of weight and height of children. Egg protein contains the best and most complete amino acids. The protein of egg yolk is mainly of the simple type and is in the soluble state. Meanwhile, the white contains mainly Albumin and also has a relatively complete amino acid composition.
In addition, eggs contain a very valuable fat source called Lecithin, Lecithin is often less found in other foods. Lecithin participates in the composition of cells and fluids of the brain. According to studies, Lecithin has the effect of regulating cholesterol, preventing the accumulation of cholesterol, and promoting the elimination of cholesterol from the body.
Eggs contain high cholesterol (600mg Cholesterol / 100g eggs), so many patients wonder if they can eat eggs with coronary heart disease. However, eggs also have a favorable correlation between Lecithin and Cholesterol, so Lecithin will regulate cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, and eliminate cholesterol from the body.
In addition, eggs are a good source of vitamins and minerals for the body such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K,... In particular, eggs contain Biotin (vitamin B8) is involved in the energy production cycle.

2. What happens when you eat too many eggs?

Can normal, healthy people or people with heart disease eat eggs? Despite being a valuable source of nutrients, eating a lot of eggs can cause harmful effects:
Increased risk of stroke, heart failure, even death: One egg can contain up to 200mg of cholesterol. Eating too much will increase blood cholesterol causing atherosclerosis. Increased risk of cirrhosis: The nutrients in eggs can stimulate the increase of liver enzymes and hormones, which accumulate in the liver causing cirrhosis. Increased risk of obesity: Eating too many eggs, rich in protein, excessive absorption increases body fat, leading to uncontrolled weight gain and obesity in children. High blood pressure: Especially in middle-aged people, due to the amount of cholesterol remaining, it clogs blood vessels, increasing blood pressure.

3. Can coronary heart disease eat eggs?

Eggs are nutritious food and easy to prepare, nutrients in appropriate and balanced proportions. Eggs can be used for the elderly and children. For patients with high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol, they can still eat eggs with a reasonable frequency because the research results of nutritionists from the United States have confirmed that using eggs does not increase blood cholesterol and blood pressure. pressure. The frequency of using eggs in people with high blood pressure and high cholesterol is about 2-3 times/week.
In addition, people with heart disease should choose healthy egg processing methods such as eating eggs with sandwiches, salads, omelets, boiled eggs. Limit fried eggs because they can increase the amount of fat in the body and increase cardiovascular complications.

4. What should people with coronary heart disease eat?

To prevent serious coronary heart disease and limit cardiovascular complications, patients need to follow a healthy diet with:
Fresh fruits and vegetables: Increase the intake of foods derived from Plants can improve heart disease and help prevent heart attack, sudden cardiac arrest. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals, and fiber, which contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system. Plus, these foods are low in calories (low in calories), so they can help you maintain a healthy weight. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, so they help lower cholesterol levels and protect the heart. However, avoid fruit packed in syrup, which is high in sugar and higher in calories. Whole grains: Eating whole grains may also contribute to heart health and reduce the negative effects of coronary heart disease. Similar to fruits and vegetables, whole grains contain many beneficial nutrients and are a good source of fiber for the body. Thus, they contribute to the regulation of blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Good choices include whole grains, high-fiber cereals, brown rice, oats, etc. However, grains like white bread, biscuits, egg noodles, cornbread should be avoided. frozen waffles, donuts, cookies, etc. Healthy fats: Includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They are found in olive oil, canola oil, nuts, and cholesterol-lowering margarine. You should also look for fat-free or low-fat dairy products like yogurt, sour cream, and cheese. Lean meats: Healthy options include fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, such as salmon, herring, and other cold-water fish. Other healthy sources of protein include peas and lentils, soybeans, skinless poultry, etc. In short, eggs are a nutrient-dense food, with nutrients in the right proportions. People with cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol can still eat eggs with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. Choose a healthy egg preparation method such as eating it with sandwiches, salads, omelets or boiled.

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