Harm of fake cosmetics

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Counterfeit cosmetics are raising concerns that seriously affect people's skin and general health. After a series of cases where fake batches of cosmetics were discovered from the authorities, experts are warning people about the dangers of buying fake beauty products.

1. Current status of fake cosmetics

Fake cosmetics are beauty and skin care products that are manufactured to be 90% like genuine products. Accordingly, the quality of these products will not be equal to real cosmetics. Moreover, they also cause many consequences for users. Due to the nearly 100% similarity in packaging, it is difficult for consumers to detect.
Currently on the beauty market, there are a variety of fake makeup and skin care products sold everywhere. Many people have spoken out when they accidentally bought fake cosmetics. One case can be mentioned as Rachel McLaughlin, 18 years old and living in Northern Ireland. She shared serious images of her swollen lips on social media after using fake Kylie Jenner Lip Kits. She bought a fake Kylie product for just $4. Meanwhile, the genuine Kylie Lip Kits are listed for $29 (which is 6 times more expensive than the fake ones).
After a few hours of applying lipstick, McLaughlin noticed her lips started to swell. By the next morning, her lips and face were swollen and blisters inside her mouth.

2. Harm of fake cosmetics

The harm of fake cosmetics depends on many factors such as: product, time of use and skin health,...

2.1. Carcinogenic

Experts say that fake cosmetics often contain carcinogens such as arsenic, beryllium and cadmium. With the advantage of low cost and quick effect, many manufacturers have used a large amount of these ingredients in cosmetics. Initially, people using fake cosmetics only see symptoms such as: allergies, redness, pimples, melasma... However, when used for a long time, you will be at risk of skin cancer.
At the same time, fake cosmetics will cause you to prematurely age your skin. When chemicals penetrate and erode the skin, it causes dry skin, acne and dark spots over time. At that time, the skin will soon age.
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Dùng mỹ phẩm giả có hại cho da

2.2. Infection

Contaminated eye makeup can lead to eye infections. These infections can be caused by viruses or bacteria, says Dr. Amanda Hoelscher, OD, of the Key-Whitman Eye Center in Dallas, Texas. To treat this condition, the patient needs to be treated with the right medication.

2.3. Causes skin irritation

This is the most common and easiest symptom to detect when you buy fake cosmetics. Fake beauty products will irritate the skin with manifestations such as: pimples, itching,...
In this case you can use calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream to soothe the affected area enjoy. Most rashes will go away on their own within a few days but consult your doctor if it does not improve or gets worse.

2.4. Damage to organs in the body

The heavy metals in cosmetics (often in fake cosmetics) when exceeded, will harm many organs in the body. It can cause mutations in genes and cells, develop liver, endocrine, neurological diseases,... Even these heavy metals can adversely affect reproductive function, causing infertility. female .

2.5. Lead poisoning

Lead appears the most in lipstick. On the other hand, lipstick is an essential and indispensable beauty product for women. Therefore, the long-term use of fake lipsticks and lipsticks with a lot of lead will cause lead poisoning. Some manifestations of lead poisoning:
Affects the respiratory and digestive systems, causing you to experience nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea... Affects the function of teeth and gums such as: gingivitis, receding gums, gingivitis,... Organs such as: heart, stomach, nerves... are also negatively affected. Therefore, after using cosmetics and encountering any of the above signs, you also need to notify your doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.
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Nhiễm độc chì là một tác hại do mỹ phẩm giả gây ra

3. How to avoid buying fake cosmetics

Here are some expert tips to prevent buying fakes:
Consumers should only buy cosmetics from trusted companies and authorized retailers. Pay attention to the price, packaging and quality of the product. If the price is too high compared to the listed price, if the packaging is discolored or the barcode is missing, or if the consistency or texture of the product is different from the original product... then it could be a fake cosmetic. Do not share skin care products and cosmetics. If you buy a product that is suspected to be a fake, stop using the product immediately after use. You should also monitor to avoid buying old and expired cosmetics. Here are the things you need to know about fake cosmetics as well as its harmful effects. Hope you have had more useful information to choose quality and safe products.
Vinmec International General Hospital website always gives customers a lot of useful information about beauty, nutrition, healthy living... Regularly updated to have more useful knowledge in life.

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Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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