Can transvaginal ultrasound detect cervical cancer?

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The article is expertly consulted by Master, Doctor Luu Thi Bich Ngoc - Doctor of Radiology - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital. The doctor has 06 years of experience in the field of diagnostic imaging.
Cervical cancer is a dangerous cancer and the proportion of people with the disease is tending to "younger". This disease can be cured if detected early and treated promptly. Transducer ultrasound will help women screen and detect cervical cancer early.

1. Learn about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a condition in which abnormal cells appear and develop in the cervix. Over time, it will form a tumor and multiply rapidly. The extent of the tumor will expand to the cervix and metastasize to other organs.
This disease causes different symptoms in patients. However, the majority of patients will receive general signs such as: abnormal vaginal bleeding, burning pain and bleeding after sex, vaginal discharge with a strong odor and abnormal color, bloody urine, urine, etc. menstrual disorders, body fatigue, weakness,...
According to experts, the causes leading to cervical cancer include:
The main cause of this pathology is the HPV virus. This is one of the sexually transmitted viruses. Women can be infected with HPV through unprotected sex. Besides, the older a woman is, the higher the risk, especially when she is over 35 years old. Women who give birth many times or get pregnant too soon Being overweight - obese, using oral contraceptives for a long time also increase the risk of cervical cancer in women. Therefore, screening for uterine cancer as early as possible will help prevent complications of the disease. Transducer ultrasound is a modern and safe technique for early detection and treatment of diseases. The cost of screening will be much lower than the cost of treating the disease.
Ung thư cổ tử cung tái phát có điều trị ung thư trúng đích được không?
Ung thư cổ tử cung là bệnh lý nguy hiểm, thậm chí đe dọa đến tính mạng người bệnh

2. What is transducer ultrasound technique?

Transducer ultrasound is a technique that uses a specialized probe inserted inside the vagina to examine in detail the organs of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, detect and examine pregnancy in the first stage. head.
This method is evaluated as safe, non-invasive, painless for the patient and the cost is reasonable. Therefore, women can completely rest assured to go for cervical ultrasound to prevent and detect many dangerous diseases.
However, not every doctor prescribes this procedure. Here are the contraindications of transducer ultrasound that women should be aware of:
Children and women with intact hymen. Because this technique when inserted into the vagina can cause hymen tear. Women are in the menstrual period or the pelvic area is infected, or have pelvic pain (but this is only a relative contraindication).
Chậm kinh sau uống thuốc hoãn kinh nguyệt
Kỹ thuật siêu âm đầu dò không được áp dụng cho nữ giới đang trong thời kỳ kinh nguyệt

3. Can transducer ultrasound detect cervical cancer?

Whether transvaginal ultrasound can detect cervical cancer is a concern of many women. In fact, this is a modern technique that is completely capable of screening and detecting cervical cancer. The ultrasound results show the following images showing that the patient has cervical cancer.
Scar tissue inside the uterus Irregularity in the shape of the uterus Problems with the lining of the uterus Opening or closing of the fallopian tubes In addition, cervical ultrasound results in size, deep, abnormal tumor cells on the inside of the uterus. At the same time, thanks to this result, the doctor will evaluate the cause of the symptoms of menorrhagia, infertility, miscarriage... in women.
However, this method still has certain risks. Transducer ultrasound, although modern, can only assess the status of organs such as: inside the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, detect the early stages of pregnancy.... The position above Abdominal ultrasound will not be visible. In addition, for early-stage cervical cancers, which are only ulcers that have not formed a tumor, evaluation is very limited (then it must be combined with gynecological examination and colposcopy). Therefore, for a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor will ask the patient to perform additional abdominal ultrasound, gynecological examination, colposcopy.

4. Steps to perform transducer ultrasound

The transvaginal ultrasound procedure is done through the following steps:
Step 1: The doctor will do an initial transvaginal ultrasound examination. Step 2: A liquid will be inserted into the uterus to smooth and get accurate imaging results. Step 3: Continue to repeat the ultrasound examination of the uterus. Step 4: The doctor prints the ultrasound results.
Siêu âm đầu dò âm đạo
Thiết bị siêu âm đầu dò

5. Notes before transducer ultrasound

Before having a transvaginal ultrasound, you need to make sure you are not pregnant or have a pelvic infection. To make sure the examiner is not pregnant, the doctor will order a urine test.
The right time to do an ultrasound is after going through the menstrual cycle but before the time of ovulation. Absolutely do not transducer ultrasound while menstruating, because menstrual blood can make the ultrasound results blurry, not accurately diagnosing the disease. In case, you have abnormal bleeding, the doctor may prescribe the patient to take hemostatic drugs.
Before the ultrasound, you are asked to urinate to empty your bladder. At the same time, change into hospital clothes to facilitate the ultrasound.
Some cases of cramping occur during ultrasound, but this is not a cause for concern. Your doctor will instruct you to take over-the-counter pain relievers before the procedure.
In order to help customers detect and treat gynecological diseases early, Vinmec International General Hospital has a package of basic gynecological examination and screening, helping customers detect early infectious diseases and help treat Easy, inexpensive treatment. Screening detects gynecological cancer (cervical cancer) early even when there are no symptoms.
Basic gynecological examination and screening package for female customers, has no age limit and may have the following symptoms:
Abnormal vaginal bleeding Having menstrual problems: irregular menstrual cycle, irregular menstrual cycle Irregular vaginal discharge (smell, different color) Vaginal pain and itching Female clients have several risk factors such as poor personal hygiene, Unsafe sex, abortion,... Female customers have other symptoms such as: Abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, pain in the intimate area, abnormal vaginal bleeding.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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