Tooth sensitivity lasts, what to do?

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Prolonged sensitive teeth is a condition in which the teeth are overly sensitive, causing discomfort and pain when in contact with hot, cold, sour, or sweet foods and drinks or when you brush your teeth. So what to do about toothache?

1. What is tooth sensitivity and what causes it?

Tooth sensitivity, also known as tooth sensitivity, is a condition of excessively sensitive teeth, this is a fairly common oral disease today. The condition of sensitive teeth makes you feel uncomfortable, painful when your teeth come into contact with hot, cold, sour, sweet foods and drinks or when you brush your teeth.
There are many causes of the causes of tooth sensitivity:
Brushing too hard, improperly brushing teeth, abrasive teeth, regularly using mouthwash, using toothpaste with abrasive high wear. Receding gums due to age and other periodontal diseases or due to chipped or broken teeth exposing dentin. Using high-sugar foods, high-acid foods is the cause of enamel erosion and exposing dentin. Performing dental procedures such as teeth whitening, tartar removal, braces, and fillings can also cause temporary tooth sensitivity during treatment. Regularly eat hard foods. Check other habits, if you have a habit of using your teeth to open bottles, stick nails, pins in your mouth or bite your nails, it will cause tooth wear and expose dentin. See now: Pain in molars, tooth sensitivity, how to treat?

2. What to do with toothache?

A sharp toothache can be a sign that the tooth is damaged, especially when the tooth sensitivity lasts for a long time. If you perform dental procedures such as teeth whitening, tartar removal, sensitive fillings, pay attention to monitor the condition of your teeth. If after 1-2 days, the tooth sensitivity lasts or gets worse, you should not buy medicine on your own, go to your dentist for examination and advice in the most accurate way. When suffering from tooth sensitivity, the dentist can prescribe some medications to help relieve toothache, for example:
Use fluoride gel to combat sensitivity: This is a medicinal product that is applied directly to the tooth areas. If you have tooth sensitivity, the drug works to temporarily relieve tooth sensitivity. Sensikin gel, GC Tooth mousse, Enamel Pro Varnish, Emoform gel, ... are the most commonly used topical anti-sensitivity drugs today. Use pain relievers: If you have prolonged sensitive teeth, your dentist may prescribe you some medications to help relieve toothache such as: Paracetamol: This is a pain reliever. Commonly used today, paracetamol helps to relieve toothache quickly. Group of antibiotics and aspirin: effective pain relief faster than paracetamol, the use of antibiotics helps kill bacteria that cause dental diseases. Use a high-fluoride toothpaste for daily use. Increase the intake of vitamins and minerals: One of the reasons for sensitive teeth, easily numbed, easier to bleed. due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Therefore, you should increase your intake of vitamins and minerals such as: Calcium helps strengthen teeth, vitamin A maintains a stable amount of saliva in the oral cavity, prevents bad breath, and vitamin C helps protect strong teeth. Healthy teeth limit bleeding gums and gingivitis, vitamin B protects teeth comprehensively, reduces tongue inflammation, vitamin D helps the body increase calcium absorption, protects gums and prevents gingivitis. Treatment of dental restorations, reconstructing the lost enamel.

3. Solutions to prevent tooth sensitivity

The state of sensitive teeth makes you feel uncomfortable, toothache, not eating well. So, to prevent tooth sensitivity, you can apply the following solutions:
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush instead of a hard-bristled brush. Brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush is one of the leading causes of increased risk of tooth wear and receding gums. In addition, change your toothbrush periodically at least once every 3 months or when the bristles show signs of lint, wear, and frayed sides. Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating. You should wait at least 30 minutes after eating or drinking to brush your teeth, because immediately after eating, the pH in the oral cavity will drop. In case you have eaten or drank acidic foods before such as lemonade or soda, brushing your teeth now will make your teeth more susceptible to erosion and easily lead to tooth sensitivity. Brush teeth properly. If you want to know if you're brushing too hard, check your toothbrush. If the bristles have flattened and frayed for several weeks, you're most likely using too much pressure. The solution here is that you should adjust the brushing force each time you brush your teeth and brush your teeth according to the correct circular motion technique, cleaning your teeth in every corner. Do not eat foods that are too hard, do not use your teeth to open bottles, bite your nails. Hopefully the information in the above article has helped you better understand the long-term sensitivity of teeth to have effective treatment and prevention, to avoid causing dangerous oral diseases.
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