12 Types of Massage: Which is Right for You?

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Types of massage focus on different parts of the body or cure diseases. During the massage, the therapists will apply light or strong force to the muscles and joints of the body to relieve pain and reduce stress. Below is information about massage types and suggestions for choosing the right type of massage for each object.

1. Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is a gentle full-body massage, ideal for those who are new to massage, stressed, and sensitive to touch. Swedish massage helps to release muscle tension and is a good choice when you want to completely relax during a massage. For this type of massage, you'll either remove all of your clothing or keep your underwear on. Then, you lie on the massage table and are covered with a towel. The masseuse will move the towel to massage each area.
The masseuse will use a combination of movements such as kneading, stretching in the direction of the heart, deep circular movements, vibration, passive joint movement techniques,... Normally, a Swedish massage session will last 60 - 80 minutes.

2. Hot stone massage

Answering the question of what types of massage are there, it is necessary not to ignore hot stone massage. This is the best massage method for those who have pain, muscle tension or want to relax the body. This type of therapeutic massage is similar to Swedish massage, except that the massage therapist uses more hot stones.
This massage helps to soothe muscle tension, improve blood flow and relieve pain by using hot stones. At the same time, it also helps promote relaxation and reduce stress for you.
When performing the massage, you can wear nothing or underwear. Then your body is covered with a towel. During a hot stone massage, the masseuse will place hot stones on different areas of the entire body. They can hold an extra stone while massaging parts of the body using the Swedish massage technique with gentle pressure. Sometimes, ice is also used. Hot stone massage usually lasts about 90 minutes.

3. Massage with essential oils

Tinh dầu sẽ được pha loãng trước khi mát xa
Tinh dầu sẽ được pha loãng trước khi mát xa
Massage with essential oils is a good choice for those who want to improve emotions, elevate mood, reduce stress, anxiety, relieve muscle tension, relieve pain and reduce symptoms of depression.
Essential oil massage combines gentle pressure on the body with the use of essential oils. The massage therapist will decide to use essential oils that suit your preferences. Accordingly, essential oils will be diluted before being applied to the skin.
Mandatory requirement when massage with essential oils is that you will not wear clothes, except underwear. During the massage process, you will receive a full body massage, combined with essential oil inhalation through a diffuser and absorbed through the skin. Sometimes, aromatherapy only focuses on your back, shoulders, and head. This type of massage usually lasts 60-90 minutes.

4. Deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage uses more pressure than Swedish massage. This is a good choice for people with chronic muscle problems such as soreness, injury or imbalance. Deep tissue massage helps relieve muscle tension, chronic muscle pain and anxiety.
When performing the massage, you can take off all your clothes or just wear your underwear. Then, the masseuse will massage slowly and apply pressure with the fingers to relieve tension from the deepest layers of the body's muscles and connective tissues. Even if you have to use more pressure, you will not feel pain or soreness. This massage process usually lasts 60 - 90 minutes.
MORE: What is the effect of back massage? Have pain relief, fatigue?

5. Sports massage

Sports massage is a good option if you have a muscle injury from doing a repetitive movement or playing a sport. Besides, this type of massage is also a good choice if you have an injury as it can help prevent sports injuries. You can also use sports massage to increase your body's flexibility and performance. In addition, it is used to relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and relieve muscle tension.
You can get a sports massage while dressing or undressing. If you like to wear clothes, make sure your clothes are light and loose so the therapist can access the muscles. When performing, the therapist can massage the whole body or focus on other body parts. They will press deeply, alternating with gentle massage movements depending on your needs. The sports massage process will last for 60 - 90 minutes.

6. Trigger Point Massage

Trigger point massage is suitable for people with injuries, chronic pain, or a specific health problem or condition. Sometimes, areas of tension in muscle tissues (trigger points) can cause pain in other parts of the body. By focusing on soothing trigger points, this type of massage helps relieve pain.
During the massage, you can wear light, thin clothing or remove some or all of your clothing. Then, the massage therapist will use gentle and relaxing strokes, combined with stronger and deeper pressure. Massage will involve the entire body, but therapists will often focus on areas of the body that need to be released. This type of massage usually lasts 60-90 minutes.

7. Reflexology

Acupressure is the best remedy for those who want to relax or restore the body's natural energy. This is a good option if you don't feel comfortable getting a massage. Acupressure uses gentle pressure to act on acupuncture points in the feet, hands, and ears. When doing acupressure, you can wear loose, comfortable clothes to make the process go smoothly. A reflexology massage session usually lasts about 30 - 60 minutes.
bấm huyệt
Bấm huyệt tác động vào các huyệt đạo giúp cơ thể thư giãn

8. Shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage is a type of Japanese massage, a good choice for those who want to relax, relieve stress and pain. This type of massage helps reduce anxiety and depression, can relieve headaches and relieve muscle tension.
Shiatsu massage has a full body effect but the therapist can focus on areas of the body that need more attention. You will be fully clothed during this massage. During the massage, the therapist will use the hands, palms and thumbs to massage certain points on the body in rhythm. The duration of a Shiatsu massage usually lasts 60-90 minutes.

9. Thai Massage

Thai massage is a good choice for those who want a more active form of massage to relieve pain, reduce stress, improve circulation, mobility and increase energy in the body.
Thai massage works the whole body using a sequence of movements similar to yoga stretching. You can wear loose and comfortable clothing during the massage. The massage therapist will use the palms and fingers to apply pressure to your body. Besides, you will also be stretched and twisted into different poses. A Thai massage procedure usually lasts 60-90 minutes.
SEE ALSO: Instructions on how to massage pregnant women during labor

10. Prenatal massage

Prenatal massage can be considered a safe massage method for pregnant women. It can help relieve body aches during pregnancy, relieve stress and muscle tension. You can get a massage at any time during your pregnancy. However, it is important to consult your doctor if you intend to massage in the first trimester because the risk of miscarriage during this time is quite high.
Prenatal massage uses light pressure similar to Swedish massage. The massage therapist will focus on your lower back, hips and legs. You can take off some or all of your clothes. During the massage, you will lie on your side on a specially designed massage bed so as not to put pressure on the abdomen. If you have pain in your calves or other areas of your legs, consult your doctor before massaging. The massage process will last 45 - 60 minutes.

11. Couple massage

Couple massage is a form of massage performed with friends, partners or relatives in the same room. It offers the benefits of a regular massage, sometimes with a hot tub, sauna, facial, body scrub, nail care, and more.
Normally, you can choose the type of massage you want. You and your companion will be massaged on 2 massage beds next to each other and each person will have their own massage therapist. You can talk during the massage if you want.

12. Massage by chair

Among the types of massage, chair massage is the best choice for those who want a quick massage, focusing on the neck, shoulder and back area. Chair massage can also be a way to familiarize yourself with massage if you've never had a massage before. Massage chairs also help you reduce stress and enhance relaxation. This type of massage uses light to medium pressure.
During the massage, you will be fully clothed and seated in a specially designed chair. Your back will lean against the chair, allowing the massage machine to impact your back. This massage therapy usually lasts 10 - 30 minutes.
Massage can be considered a measure of physical, mental and emotional improvement. You can experiment with different types of massage and different massage therapists to find the best option for you. When massage, you need to talk to the therapist about your wishes and speak up if you feel uncomfortable. At the same time, if you have any concerns or health conditions, you need to talk to your doctor before performing a massage.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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