6 benefits of friendship and ways to have good friends

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Almost everyone has certain friends in their life. However, not all is good for you. A healthy friendship also includes mutual support. So a good friend will not only expect you to help them, but they will also support you when they can.

1. When you have good friends, you will feel less lonely and socially isolated

Loneliness and social isolation can affect mental and physical health, and more and more people are feeling lonely these days. Friends around are the people who will help you avoid loneliness as well as support you when you are in trouble. So relationship quality really matters. Casual or superficial friendships often don't provide much emotional support. You may have gaming buddies, coffee buddies, or exercise partners, but if you don't have anyone to confide in, you're likely going to experience a bit of loneliness. On the other hand, even a few close friends can help you avoid loneliness. And when you feel lonely, you know you can deal with it by reaching out to chat, joke, or spend time with a friend. Distance and other factors can prevent you from hanging out, but just knowing you share a strong relationship can help you feel less alone. So what are the benefits of friendship?

2. Reduce stress

In life everyone has to face certain stress. Stress levels can be large or small, but even if they seem small at first, it can quickly build up and overwhelm you. When you do, you may notice mood symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, or irritability. What's more, these stresses can also affect your physical health. Long-term stress can contribute to: your immune system becomes weak, you often lose sleep. at the same time you also have problems related to digestion, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure ...
However, when you maintain a strong friendship and have a good friend who can help you cope with stress more effectively and help reduce the risk of facing some kind of stress in the first place.

3. Emotional support

Emotional support is an important benefit of relationships. Your friends can support you by: listening - really listening - your problem; validate your feelings; do nice things for you just because; distract you when you feel sad or frustrated. If you are in a romantic relationship, you can go to your partner first. This is completely normal, and romantic partners can certainly provide comfort and reassurance. However, you shouldn't just consider them as your only source of emotional support. Because, when you and your partner disagree or want to spend time on different interests, friends with similar interests can help you maintain a sense of self
Relationship experts often recommend maintaining friendships with those around your partner, as this can benefit emotional health along with relationship health..
Người bạn tốt có thể hỗ trợ tình cảm cho bạn bằng cách lắng nghe
Người bạn tốt có thể hỗ trợ tình cảm cho bạn bằng cách lắng nghe

4. Personal development

If you want to make a positive change in your life or have a habit you want to break, friends can help you maintain your resolve to practice healthier habits. This could be one reason why strong friendships can prolong your life.
One way friends can help you change for the better is by setting good examples. You may decide to quit smoking most recently when inspired by a close friend. Or your friends can support your choice by making changes with you. For example, if you want to join a gym or start running, having an exercise buddy can encourage you to stick with it until it becomes part of your routine. No matter what else you do, you will probably cheer you up. This encouragement can boost your confidence, increasing your chances of succeeding with your goals.

5. Feeling of belonging

We all want to know we are important to others and so we can see that our lives have a purpose. However, the need for belonging ranks third in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, behind only basic needs (think of food and shelter) and safety needs. Developing and maintaining close friendships fosters a sense of belonging.
Caring for others makes life more meaningful. When you care about others, it is your responsibility to provide compassion and emotional support. This can make you a stronger, better person. Also, knowing your support system can help you feel more secure in your own life. Even if your friends are scattered in several cities or even countries, you still have those connections with trusted friends who always support you.

6. Support overcoming challenges

Life is not always easy and sometimes, it can turn out to be terrible. At any point, without warning, you may be faced with traumatic or difficult events that affect your emotional well-being, such as: a breakup or divorce; the death of a pet or a loved one; epidemic; unemployment; Family matters. Any of these challenges can have a significant impact on long-term mental health outcomes. However, 2017 research shows that if you have strong friendships, you'll likely find it easier to face whatever life throws at you. This study, which looked at the resilience of more than 2,000 adolescents between the ages of 14 and 24, found evidence that friendships are a strong predictor of resilience, or the ability to recover from trauma. grieving experience. The study authors note that while family support also increases immediate resilience, lifelong friendships predict higher later resilience while family support does not . Friendships can prove especially beneficial for dealing with grief related to family problems, including neglect and abuse.
Người bạn tốt sẽ cùng bạn vượt qua thử thách mà bạn đang gặp phải
Người bạn tốt sẽ cùng bạn vượt qua thử thách mà bạn đang gặp phải

7. A few tips

Developing and maintaining friendships is often easier said than done, especially in adulthood when the demands of everyday life keep you busy.
While friends don't necessarily have to like all of the same things, some things in common can help lay the foundation for a friendship. Finding new friends can often be as simple as spending time doing the same things. you like, whether it's joining a walking club, taking an art class, or attending programs at your local library.
You will review your recent interactions with others. Maybe there's a coworker you always chat with at lunch or another parent you keep seeing at the playground. They can be a great friend, but you won't know for sure until you spend more time in the relationship. Extending an invitation can feel a little intimidating, especially if you're afraid of being turned down. But if your friend also feels anxious, your friendship may never flourish.
Once you've built a friendship, you need to work to keep it alive: Reach out to plan instead of letting them do all the work. Call or text them from time to time, even if it's just to share a joke or ask how they're doing. When you ask a question, listen to their answer. Check if you know they are struggling. Share your own struggles when they ask for it - this helps deepen the relationship on both sides.
If you find it difficult to maintain many friendships, consider focusing on the relationships that are really important to you. Many people lack the emotional time and energy to cultivate countless close friendships.
Good friends are important in every stage of life. Some things about your friendships may change over time as you grow and change as an individual. But strong friendships will continue to strengthen you, year after year, because what's important - trust, respect, forgiveness, and support - will always stay the same.

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Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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