Cycling helps to get a big butt, right or wrong?

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Cycling can work the glutes and thighs, which may lead to the misconception that this exercise can make your butt bigger. However, cycling regardless of high intensity or climbing slopes is not enough resistance to help you increase the size of your glutes.

1. Cycling makes your butt bigger?

In essence, your butt consists mainly of subcutaneous fat and the muscles in the buttock area. When you practice cycling, it can help the muscles in the buttocks area develop stronger. However, cycling won't give you a bigger butt, but it can give you a better body due to its cardiovascular and muscle-building benefits. Cycling works your legs and glutes, especially when you're climbing, but it doesn't stretch enough or provide enough resistance to build big muscles.
In general, cardiovascular activity like cycling will burn fat around your glutes better than making your butt bigger. However, if you regularly cycle with hard speed and resistance, you'll likely see more buckling power - and the health benefits that come with it, including reduced hip, knee and ankle pain. foot.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend 150 to 300 minutes weekly of moderate-intensity cardio and cycling of that type. But nowhere in the manual is it mentioned that you ride a bike.
Cycling won't get you a bigger butt - but it will burn fat and give you a better body.

2. Myths when cycling can make your butt bigger

Your butt won't get bigger if you just practice cycling. Whether it's a high-intensity workout or a steep climb.
2.1 High Intensity Training Cycling is often considered a form of high-intensity endurance training, especially if you're taking an indoor cycling class or cycling outdoors on mountainous terrain. According to ACE Fitness, interval cycling is the most effective form of burning fat and speeding up the body's metabolism, says ACE Fitness. Although your muscles have to work harder during the ride, the difference you will see will be fat loss rather than muscle gain.
2.2. Do you gain more muscle? Muscles are built when enough stress is placed on that muscle, such as when lifting weights. Tensions put on a muscle can damage the muscle, and as the muscle repairs itself, it grows stronger and larger.
Unfortunately, cycling doesn't put enough load on your glutes which can cause muscle hypertrophy or growth. In fact, too much cardio can hinder muscle gain by slowing down recovery and burning the calories your body needs to build muscle.
2.3. Mountain biking When cycling, climbing is when you feel your butt pressing into high gears. Your legs need access to their power to propel you up the hill. However, most climbs last only a few minutes, not long enough to build big and bulky glutes. While climbing will strengthen your legs and butt, the strength isn't always commensurate.
Đạp xe
Khi đạp xe, leo núi là lúc bạn cảm thấy mông mình đạp vào bánh răng cao

3. Exercises that can make your butt bigger

3.1. Squats are a great and proven way to train the glutes (buttock). You can add resistance by doing them with dumbbells in your hand or with a shoulder bar. If you choose bar (advanced) make sure you have a locator unless the resistance is very light.
Changing the width of the feet changes the focus of the exercise. The closer your feet are together, the more muscles (front of the thigh) work. As you move your legs farther apart, you'll feel more of the exercise in your hips and buttocks. You should always have someone check your form to make sure you're doing the squat properly.
If you go to the gym, a leg press may be easier to use than a barbell squat and it strikes the same area.
3.2. Lunges Lunges are another exercise that works your glutes. Here are some different types of Lunges:
Static Lunges; Lunges combined with walking; Alternating Lunges; Lunges one side. For more on how to do the leg shake, let's review the belly shake in place with weights.
Hold two dumbbells by the side of your body. Bring one foot forward and stand with good balance. Bend both legs and let the dumbbells bring your body down toward the ground, making sure your front knee doesn't go over your toes. At this point, the other knee should almost touch the floor; then go back. Do all reps with one leg forward and then continue with the second leg.
3.3. Hip Extensions On a step or step, (or in bed if you're working out at home), lie face down, hips on edge of step, legs extended with toes resting lightly on the floor. (If you're using a bed, your legs should be off the edge and your feet high off the floor.) Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings and straighten your legs until they're level with your hips.
Raise one leg higher then the other and do it alternately. Move each foot as if you were performing a somersault kick in the water. Try doing 3 sets of 20 reps on each leg.
When you have completed 3 sets of Flutter Kicks, in the same position, contract your glutes and hamstrings so that your legs are parallel to the floor and extend your legs, then close. As you close them, cross one leg over the other. Take turns each round, legs crossed. Try to do 2-3 20 reps for each leg.
Đạp xe
Đạp xe thường được coi là một hình thức rèn luyện sức bền cường độ cao

3.4. Deadlifts Deadlifts are great exercises for your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back, but form is crucial! Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and placing a dumbbell in front of your thighs (barbell or barbell). Keeping your back flat and abs in, bend forward from your hips and lower your torso until your weight reaches your shins.
This is when you have to squeeze your butt to raise it again. Remember to keep the dumbbells (bars) close to your feet for the entire range of motion, with only the lightest knee bend. Make sure you don't extend your knee too much. Do 3 sets of 8-12 times.

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Live Strong
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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