Stop sighing

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Among us, we all have moments of tired sighs. However, perhaps few people know whether continuous sighing is good. So what is a tired sigh, is it good to sigh a lot and what to do to stop sighing to improve health and daily life.

1. What is a tired sigh?

Sighing is a long, deep breathing pattern, through the nose or mouth, that begins with one normal breath, then takes a second deep breath before exhaling longer than usual. Sighing is a way of conveying mood, when bad emotions we sigh weary or when good feelings we breathe a sigh of relief.
The average human makes about 12 spontaneous fatigue sighs in 1 hour. That means each of us sighs wearily about every 5 minutes. These tired sighs are produced in the brain stem by about 200 neurons. The increase in tired sighs can be related to a number of factors such as an emotional state when stressed or anxious or when experiencing a breathing problem.

2. What causes us to sigh tiredly?

Although weary sighing is an involuntary act, there are a number of possible reasons why people experience this condition sighing tiredly.

2.1. How can stress cause fatigue?

Stressors can be divided into two main groups, including:
Physical stress: Being in pain or in physical danger,... Psychological stress: Feeling anxious before Exams or job interviews, ... When under physical or psychological stress, the body will undergo many changes, which may include: Fast heart rate, excessive sweating and digestive disorders,. .. In which, when feeling stressed, the body may feel hypoventilation, leading to a feeling of shortness of breath. This condition will give rise to an increased reflex of tired sighing, even continuous sighing.
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2.2. Can anxiety make us sigh wearily?

According to research findings, sighing fatigue is significantly associated with a number of anxiety disorders, including: Phobias, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ). However, there is no clear evidence whether excessive fatigue sighing contributes to or is a symptom of these mental health problems.
A small 2008 study was done with the goal of investigating whether continuous sighing is associated with physical health problems. The results showed that although no association was identified, the researchers found that 32.5% of the participants had previously experienced a traumatic event, while 25% had the disorder. anxiety or other mental disorders.

2.3. How can tired sighing be caused by depression?

In addition to feeling stressed or anxious, we can also sigh tiredly to express other negative emotions including sadness, sadness or despair. As a result, people with depression may sigh tiredly more often.
A small 2011 study used a small recording device to assess sighing in 13 participants with rheumatoid arthritis. They found that continuous sighing was closely related to the participants' levels of depression.

2.4. Why can respiratory problems be associated with tired sighs?

Increased tired sighing can also occur in some respiratory conditions, for example asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Persistently increased sighing may also present as a result of symptoms such as hypoventilation or a feeling of needing to take in more air.

3. Is sighing a lot good?

Sighing contributes to communication and emotional expression because when it comes to sighing, we often associate a tired sigh with feelings like sadness or exhaustion. However, sighing can also help people feel more relieved after going through a hardship. A 2016 study found that deep breathing and deep breathing can reduce stress in people who are sensitive to anxiety.
Besides, sighing also plays a physiologically important role to maintain healthy lung function. So in general, sighing to a certain extent is good. Specifically, during normal breathing, small air sacs in the lungs called alveoli can sometimes spontaneously collapse. This can negatively affect lung function and reduce the gas exchange that takes place there. Sighing helps to block these effects, and through one big breath, one sigh can help rebuild most of the collapsed alveoli.
However, if tired sighing is excessive and occurs too often it could be a potential warning sign of a respiratory problem, anxiety or depression,... Also, Your constant nagging and sighing not only make your partner crazy, but also make the relationship become distant and hurt emotionally.
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4. How to stop sighing?

When the feeling of need to increase ventilation due to anxiety, stress affects breathing, respiration begins to take place through the mouth like a tired sigh. This is a very common phenomenon, a natural emergency function of the body by the sympathetic nervous system until the threat has passed.
After recognizing the signs of fatigue that are occurring, calm the sympathetic response by activating the parasympathetic nervous system to activate the emergency brake to stabilize heart rate, blood pressure, relieve tension muscles and restore breathing to a calm state, stop sighing. Specifically, combat the feeling of wanting to inhale a large amount of air through the mouth by actively taking a deep breath through the nose, thereby activating the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing a feeling of relaxation to regain a normal state. calm down when detecting the body sighing tiredly.
Many people find breathing exercises very helpful to manage anxiety symptoms, helping them stop sighing and whining. Here are some simple breathing exercises that can be effective for dealing with constant sighing if one is encountered.
Reset your natural breathing pattern to stop you sighing Gently inhale through your nose to fill your lower lungs, then exhale naturally. When inhaling, the abdomen should rise and when exhaling, the abdomen should be lowered. Repeat this a few times.
Practice deep breathing at least ten times a day to eliminate constant sighing caused by stress Inhale slowly through the nose, drawing air into the lower lung first, then the upper lung. Hold the breath for three seconds and then exhale slowly through your lips while relaxing your jaw, face, abdomen, and shoulders.
Practice Counting Down Worry to Stop Sighing This countdown exercise is simply counting until you feel calm again but it takes a little longer. This will give you time to focus on your breathing and get rid of anxious thoughts. Specifically, sit down and close your eyes, slowly inhale through your nose while thinking about the word "relax", each slow exhale start counting down in your head from ten to one. On the count of one, imagine all the tension leaving your body, then open your eyes.
Meditation is one way to avoid tiring sighs. Changing the depth and rhythm of breathing helps to spread calm throughout the body. Practice this exercise for up to 30 minutes every morning, and anytime if you feel your anxiety levels rise. Inhale gently through your nose to count to six. Exhale calmly through the nose for a count of six. Each count must represent one second.
Use psychological counseling If sighing frequency is persistently high, seek advice from qualified professionals on stress reduction techniques when living with an anxiety disorder to Helps overcome anxiety and control breathing problems.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.


This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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