9 best ways to lose arm fat

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Getting rid of stubborn body fat can be difficult, especially when fat is concentrated in a specific area of ​​the body. Arms are often considered an area where excess fat is concentrated, leading many people to seek to lose arm fat. The article will provide several methods that can be used to slim and tone the arms.

1. Focus on overall weight loss

Topical slimming is known for applying techniques that focus on burning fat in a specific body part such as the arms. Although biceps exercises are quite popular, most studies show them to be ineffective.
A study in 104 people found that completing a 12-week endurance training program using only the non-dominant arm for biceps fat loss increased overall fat loss with little effect. move to the specific area being exercised.
Or another study done over a 12-week period showed that endurance training that focused on one leg was effective in reducing total body fat but not in the part of the leg that was exercised. .
Therefore, to perform fat loss in specific areas such as: biceps, arm fat, it is best to focus on overall weight loss and use exercises to tone muscles rather than fat loss.

2. Start doing weightlifting

Resistance training is applied to a type of exercise that involves the use of resistance to build muscle mass and increase strength. Lifting weights is quite popular. While lifting weights may not reduce arm fat, it can help increase overall fat loss and tone your arms to help them look slimmer.
A 12-week study in 28 women with type 2 diabetes showed that performing low-intensity resistance training exercises reduced total fat while increasing mass. muscle mass and strength.
Or another study done with 109 people observed that resistance training alone or in combination with aerobic exercise was more effective at increasing body mass than aerobic exercise Simple.
Building lean body mass can help boost metabolism and increase the number of calories burned at rest during the day. Biceps curls, overhead triceps extension, overhead presses and alignment are also listed as exercises that can help tone the arms and increase muscle mass.
Nâng tạ
Mặc dù nâng tạ có thể không làm giảm mỡ ở cánh tay, nhưng nó có thể giúp tăng quá trình giảm mỡ tổng thể và làm săn chắc cánh tay của bạn

3. Increase the amount of fiber in the diet

Adding fiber to your diet can kickstart weight loss and help you shed excess body fat. Fiber moves slowly through the body's digestive system while increasing the time it takes for your stomach to empty and helping you feel fuller for longer.
According to a study done with 252 women, each gram of fiber consumed was associated with a 0.25% reduction in body fat and a 0.25 kg decrease in internal body weight.
In another review, increasing daily fiber intake to 14 grams for 4 months was associated with a 10% reduction in total calories and a loss of 1.9 kg.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes listed on the list of nutritious, high-fiber foods you can enjoy as part of a healthy diet .

4. Add protein to your diet

Adding more protein is known as a simple way to curb cravings and control your appetite. Therefore, this can aid in weight management and help you lose excess body fat.
A study done with 20 young women found that eating a high-protein breakfast reduced hunger, increased feelings of fullness, and decreased levels of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger.
Another small study also demonstrated that consuming more quality protein with meals was associated with reduced belly fat . The results of this study suggest that a high-protein diet can help improve body composition and increase fat loss.
Meat, poultry, seafood, legumes, eggs and dairy products are all included in the list of protein-rich ingredients that can help you lose arm fat quickly.
protein thực vật
Những nguyên liệu giàu protein có thể giúp bạn giảm mỡ cánh tay nhanh chóng

5. Do more Cardio

Cardio, an exercise that focuses on raising your heart rate to burn calories. When you are trying to lose arm fat, you should apply the necessary cardio exercises for the training process.
Studies have found that cardio can be an effective weight loss strategy and can increase lean body mass. A study of 141 people showed that combining 40 minutes of cardio three times per week with a weight management program resulted in a 9% reduction in body weight in just 6 months. Generally, you should do cardio for at least 20–40 minutes per day or 150–300 minutes per week. Plus, exercises that involve running, biking, rowing, swimming, jumping rope, and dancing are all activities that can help you meet your daily cardiovascular goals.

6. Cut Refined Carbs in Your Daily Diet

Refined carbs, including processed carbohydrates, result in a lower end product with vitamins and minerals. Typically, refined carbs are high in calories but low in fiber, which can cause blood sugar to rise faster and lead to feelings of hunger.
While intake of whole grains has been shown to be associated with limited weight gain and body fat, eating more refined grains has been linked to increased body fat. Refined carbs are often lacking in nutrients including: pasta, white bread, breakfast cereals and other prepackaged ingredients.
Instead of opting for refined carbs, choose whole grain foods like: quinoa, buckwheat, barley, oats, sorghum, and MSG and enjoy in moderation.
Ngũ cốc nguyên hạt chứa nhiều vitamin và dưỡng chất tốt cho mẹ và bé
Thay vì lựa chọn carbs tinh chế, bạn hãy chọn các loại thực phẩm làm từ ngũ cốc nguyên hạt

7. The right sleep mode

In addition to adjusting your diet and exercise regimen, getting enough sleep each night is another important factor to consider in order to lose arm fat. Several studies have found a role for sleep in regulating appetite and may also promote weight loss.
A study with 9 men found that just one night of lack of sleep caused feelings of hunger and higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Another study found that participants who slept 5.5 hours a night lost 55% of their weight. Furthermore, they lost 60% more lean body mass than those who slept 8.5 hours per night.
You should establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed at the same time throughout the week, avoid distractions before going to bed and it is essential that you minimize your exposure to stimulants such as : nicotine and caffeine .

8. Use a lot of water

Drinking plenty of water every day is very important when you want to lose arm fat. Some research shows that drinking water with meals can promote feelings of fullness and reduce total food intake and the number of calories consumed.
Water can also give your metabolism a temporary boost, with one study showing that drinking 500 ml of water increased metabolic rate by 30% in 30–40 minutes. However, be sure to choose water, tea, or unsweetened beverages over sugary drinks like soda or juice. Regularly consuming these high-calorie beverages can quickly add calories and may contribute to weight gain over time.
Không uống quá 50ml nước trước khi thực hiện chụp
Uống nhiều nước mỗi ngày có vai trò rất quan trọng khi muốn giảm mỡ cánh tay

9. Do bodyweight exercises

If you can't afford to go to the gym or don't have time to work out, then you can do bodyweight exercises - a great way to increase muscle tone in your arms. and keep them looking slim.
Bodybuilding exercises that involve the use of your whole body are known as a form of building muscle mass and strength. Not only are these exercises convenient and budget-friendly, but they can also produce some pretty impressive results.
A study done with 23 men showed that calisthenics - a type of exercise involving the use of exercise equipment is effective in increasing upper body strength.
In addition, you can apply exercises for the upper body such as three-leg dips, planks and push-ups to strengthen your muscles and tone your arms.
Although studies show that reducing arm fat may not work, there are many strategies that you can use to reduce arm fat. In addition to hitting the gym and changing your diet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also play an important role in regulating body composition. Just making a few of these changes to your daily routine can aid weight loss and help you get rid of unwanted arm fat.

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Reference source: healthline.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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