Can you eat raw asparagus?

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Asparagus is known to be a great dish with delicious nutrition and versatile processing. Normally, people only eat asparagus when it's cooked, so is it okay to eat raw asparagus and does it have the same benefits as when it's cooked?

1. Can asparagus be eaten raw?

Can asparagus be eaten raw? The answer is yes. Many people believe that asparagus can only be eaten when cooked. However, that is not the only way to eat asparagus. In fact, asparagus can add nutrients to the diet without being cooked.
When cooked asparagus softens the vegetable fibers, making the vegetable easier to chew and digest. However, if prepared properly, raw asparagus can be as easy to chew and delicious as cooked. Here's how to properly prepare raw asparagus:
Just as when cooked, asparagus should be prepared by removing the stem. Then, eat them directly, but this way of eating can make you feel unappetizing. Instead, you should use a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife to cut the asparagus into small pieces. Note, the thinner the pieces, the easier they are to chew. Add a little olive oil or lemon juice, vinegar will help eat asparagus, add flavor and soften the hard parts of the asparagus stem. As such, asparagus can be eaten raw or cooked. When eating raw asparagus, you should slice thinly to make the body easier to chew, or add a little vinegar or olive oil to enhance the flavor of the dish.
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2. Cooked Asparagus May Increase Antioxidants

In addition to softening plant fibers, making it easier to digest, cooked asparagus also provides a large amount of polyphenol chemical compounds. Polyphenols are known to be a strong antioxidant.
Research shows that a diet rich in polyphenols can help reduce stress, inflammation and the risk of certain cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Another study found that cooking green asparagus increased total antioxidant activity by 16%. Specifically, it increased two antioxidants, beta carotene and quercetin, by 24% and 98%, respectively. The antioxidant activity of cooked white asparagus was almost three times higher than that of raw asparagus.

3. Cooking asparagus will affect the nutritional value

Although cooked asparagus can enhance some of the compounds found in them, it can decrease the content of other nutrients. For example, one study found that cooking green asparagus reduced levels of vitamin C by 52%, a vitamin that is particularly sensitive to heat.
In fact, there are a number of factors when preparing vegetables and fruits that affect the nutrients available in foods such as: Cooking method, time of heat exposure and type of nutrient.
A good rule of thumb is to choose cooking methods that limit exposure to water and heat such as steaming, sautéing, quick blanching, and microwaves. Also, avoid overcooking and let the vegetables cook but still retain their crispiness.
Cooking asparagus can significantly increase its antioxidant activity, but it can also lead to the loss of some heat-sensitive nutrients like vitamin C.
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Asparagus is a nutritious choice, whether it's cooked or raw. Try eating a combination of the two for maximum health benefits. Because, both ways of processing add fiber, antioxidants and essential nutrients to the diet. Because of its texture, cooking is the most common preparation method. However, eating thinly sliced ​​or marinated raw asparagus may be an option you may find appealing. For maximum health benefits, incorporate asparagus into pasta dishes and salads.
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Reference source:
Why does eating asparagus often smell? Should breastfeeding women eat asparagus? 4 types of nutrients, if deficient, can cause cancer
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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