Foods that are good for blood vessels

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If you eat too much processed food, unclean food... can cause your arteries to become blocked. Here are the foods that are good for blood vessels that you should add to your daily diet.

1. Garlic is a good food for blood vessels

Garlic is a food capable of supporting the treatment of diseases related to heart disease and high blood pressure. According to studies, daily consumption of garlic not only helps to clean blood vessels, but also can prevent calcium deposition and prevent it from forming calcification in the coronary arteries.

2. Grapes are good food for blood vessels

Grapes contain flavonoids (this is the substance that gives grapes their purple color), quercetin and resveratrol, so they can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol (a type of cholesterol that is not good for human health. in the arterial wall to form).
Not only helps to clean blood vessels, eating grapes regularly will reduce the risk of developing blood clots, preventing the risk of heart attack in each person.

3. Strawberries are blood vessel cleansing foods

Fruits such as strawberries, mulberries contain a lot of antioxidant flavonoids, which work to clean the plaque that is forming and prevent hardening of the arteries. Therefore, it can be affirmed that mulberry fruit is an effective blood vessel cleaning food.
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4. Apples help clean blood vessels

It can be affirmed that apple is a very good blood vessel cleansing food, because it contains pectin - a soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol by causing a series of obstructions to the intestines' absorption of bile acids. In particular, the amount of quercetin, potassium and magnesium in apples will help lower cholesterol levels under control, so it is very safe for the body. Eat 1-2 apples per day.

5. Spinach

In spinach contains a lot of lutein, which is a substance that helps protect the body against macular degeneration in the eyes. In addition, this substance also helps prevent heart attacks by preventing the deposition of cholesterol and keeping the artery walls clean.

6. Fish is a good food for blood vessels

Some types of fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon and tuna ... should be added to your daily diet, to help prevent the formation of cholesterol and blood clots in the arteries. At the same time, omega 3 oils can also stop the deposition of fats, so this can be considered a very effective blood vessel cleaning food.

7. Olive oil

Monounsaturated fats in olive oil when mixed with bad cholesterol molecules are less oxidized. This will prevent the cholesterol from being able to stick to the artery walls and form plaque. Therefore, olive oil should be added to the daily nutritional menu to help clean blood vessels.
8. Tomatoes Carotenoid lycopene is an antioxidant found in tomatoes. This substance can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis by up to 50%. In addition, lycopene present in tomatoes also helps prevent hardening of the arteries effectively. It can be affirmed that tomatoes are a good food for blood vessels, should be used every day.
9. Green Tea Green tea also contains a pretty powerful antioxidant called flavonoids. Flavonoids can help strengthen the lining cells of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Green tea is considered one of the foods that are good for blood vessels. Drinking green tea daily will help the dilation of the arteries increase much, so that the function of blood vessels will be facilitated.
10. Pomegranate Pomegranate contains a very high content of antioxidants, which prevent hardening of plaque from sticking on the artery walls. Eating pomegranates every day can help reverse the development of diseases related to hardening of plaque in the blood vessels and at the same time reduce the effects of stress on blood vessel cells, thereby helping the Arteries widen and keep blood circulating better.
11. Celery Celery can help improve blood circulation because it is high in vitamin K (a vitamin that is essential for blood clotting).
In addition to vitamin K, celery provides many other nutrients and vitamins to help flush waste from the body. To include celery in the diet that can help clean blood vessels effectively, you can process celery into soup or boil, squeeze to drink water.
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Socola đen có chứa flavonoid giúp cải thiện tuần hoàn nên có thể làm sạch mạch máu

12. Oats

Oats provide the body with an abundant source of energy, they have anti-inflammatory properties and help lower cholesterol levels, so they improve blood circulation in a positive way. Besides, oats also act as an antioxidant to prevent damage caused by free radicals in the body.
13. Cucumbers are good for blood vessels Similar to celery, cucumbers can help the body remove toxins and waste from the circulatory system. In addition, cucumbers contain potassium, water, fiber and vitamin C, so they will help prevent oxidative damage and reduce inflammation effectively.
14. Dark Chocolate Called blood vessel cleansing food because dark chocolate contains flavonoids that help improve circulation. However, it should be noted that only dark chocolate is recommended, not white chocolate because it does not provide flavonoids that are beneficial to the blood circulation.
15. Ginger Ginger is great for the circulatory system because it has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, this type of food also plays an effective role in reducing pain and swelling, helping to improve the absorption of oxygen by the body's tissues, making blood circulation easier.
16. Watermelon Watermelon is good for improving blood circulation to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis thanks to its rich lycopene content. Adding watermelon to your diet is essential if you want to clean your blood vessels.
17. Red bell peppers, pumpkin seeds If red bell peppers contain a lot of fiber and vitamin C to help fight against oxidizing agents in the body, pumpkin seeds contain a lot of nutrients, minerals, essential vitamins. weak to the body. In particular, the vitamin E content in pumpkin seeds is high, so it will provide full elasticity for blood vessels.
Including pumpkin seeds and red bell peppers in the daily nutritional menu is very necessary to help protect tissues in the body as well as improve the circulatory system.
18. Radishes Radishes are a good food for the blood circulation system. The reason is that radish contains many essential minerals, especially potassium, which helps reduce blood pressure. In addition, this food also helps to transfer oxygen to the muscle tissues efficiently and quickly, so it is very useful for people with peripheral artery disease ...
The above are the foods that clean blood vessels that you should add to your daily diet. In addition to paying attention to the foods mentioned above, you need to combine with regular exercise to keep your body supple and healthy. At the same time, limit the consumption of processed foods, foods containing trans fats to prevent saturated fat and bad LDL cholesterol from entering the body to cause disease. In particular, it is necessary to drink enough 2 liters of water per day to help clean blood vessels more quickly and effectively.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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