Fruits rich in vitamin A

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Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that plays a role in many body processes, including: immune function, reproduction, healthy eyes, and normal functioning of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs. other organs, skin health, growth and development. In this article, we describe fruit sources high in vitamin A and recommended daily amounts.

1. The role of vitamin A in life

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient in every person's daily life. Because the human body cannot make it, people must get this vitamin from their diet. Vitamin A is an important fat-soluble vitamin found in many foods. It comes in two forms:
Retinol: This is the type of vitamin A found in animal foods like beef, chicken,... The body can directly consume this already-formed vitamin. Beta-carotene (provitamin A): This is a plant-based source of vitamin A obtained from fruits and vegetables. This type of vitamin A is first converted to its active form (retinol) and then used by the body. Both of these types of vitamin A are available in supplement form, but research shows that it is best absorbed with dietary sources of fat. Eating foods rich in vitamin A has been shown to be important for maintaining reproductive health, vision and the human immune system. Our bodies cannot produce vitamin A in the first place, which makes it an essential micronutrient. That means we need to get this vitamin from food every day. On average, adults need between 700 and 900 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A each day to avoid a deficiency. Vitamin A plays an important role in many body systems, including:
For the eyes: Vitamin A is so important to our eyes that it is also known as “retinol”. Getting enough vitamin A helps maintain the health of the retina and helps prevent age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin A also helps reduce the risk of night blindness. In children, vitamin A is often supplemented periodically at medical facilities. With a lack of vitamin A, the production of mucous membranes is reduced, the skin becomes dry and horny appears on the skin, these manifestations are easily seen and most often appear in the eyes, at first we will feel dry conjunctiva then. damage to the cornea. Epithelial cells are damaged along with a decrease in resistance to facilitate bacterial invasion. For Immune Health: Our immune system is a complex collection of different cells that keep the body healthy. Vitamin A plays an important role in helping these cells communicate and regulate themselves effectively. Especially in children, vitamin A is very important because it helps reduce infections, if infected, the duration of the disease will be shortened and the risk of death for children will be reduced. In particular, vitamin A has the effect of preventing bacterial infections, especially measles. Measles is common in children, the disease affects the eyes, so it leads to many dangers and high complications for children who lack vitamin A content in the body. Therefore, our Party and State have introduced a policy of vitamin A supplementation for children under 5 years old to ensure that all children have improved immunity, reduced malnutrition and infections. For Reproductive Health: Vitamin A helps with many aspects of the human reproductive system. Getting enough vitamins in each person's diet helps prevent birth defects and lower the risk of infertility for all sexes. In addition, vitamin A helps the body strengthen bones and teeth, it supports bone health development and a deficiency of this vitamin has been linked to poor bone health. Several studies have shown that people with low blood levels of Vitamin A are more prone to fractures. In addition, getting enough vitamin A will promote muscle growth and help form lungs in the fetus. According to some studies, vitamin A may help prevent cancer and asthma. Vitamin A is stored in an individual's liver and is released as required by the body.
Vitamin A là một chất dinh dưỡng thiết yếu
Loại trái cây nhiều vitamin A nhất là loại nào là thắc mắc của nhiều người

2. Recommended Daily Amount of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an essential role in the maintenance of vision, body growth, immune function, and reproductive health. Getting adequate amounts of vitamin A from each person's diet will prevent deficiency symptoms, including hair loss, skin problems, dry eyes, night blindness, and increased susceptibility to infections. Vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of blindness in developing countries. In contrast, most people in developed countries get enough vitamin A from their diets. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), men need about 900 micrograms and women need about 700 micrograms per day. Simply put, a daily value (DV) of 900 mcg is used as a reference on nutrition labels in the United States and Canada.

3. Fruits rich in vitamin A should be included in the daily diet

Vitamin A is commonly found in 2 food sources. In animals, vitamin A is found in animal liver and dairy products. In plants, vitamin A occurs in many fruits and vegetables. Because vitamin A is easily lost, broken down in food processing and heating, researchers recommend providing vitamin A in fruits to be enough for the body to use every day. According to studies, fruits are generally easier to digest than vegetables. Here is a list of fruits rich in vitamin A:
3.1. Papaya Papaya is rich in the antioxidant vitamin A. It is good for everyone's eyesight and skin. It also protects the cornea and prevents degeneration of the retina. We can have it with breakfast or as a smoothie or dessert. Papaya contains up to 247 micrograms of beta-carotene according to USDA data
3.2. Mango If a question is asked: "Which fruit contains a lot of vitamin A", then mango is the answer to the above question. Mango is known as the king of fruits and is also an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, minerals and fiber. Medium-sized mangoes provide almost 75% of vitamin A. Mangoes reduce the risk of several types of cancer and other major diseases. However, mango can also raise blood sugar in some diabetics due to its high sugar content. So we can change other fruits instead of mango to balance nutrition and ensure a stable glycemic index.
Giá trị dinh dưỡng của xoài
Danh sách các loại trái cây nhiều vitamin A không thể thiếu xoài
3.3. Cantaloupe Cantaloupe is a summer fruit. It contains quite a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium and is used by people on hot summer days.
3.4. Grapefruit Grapefruits contain a lot of vitamin A along with vitamin C. They contain quite a lot of antioxidants that help prevent various chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and eye-related problems. It also strengthens immunity and keeps our body healthy.
3.5. Watermelon Watermelon is a fruit rich in vitamin A and has a sweet taste. It has great effects in improving immunity, skin health and eye health. Watermelon helps to improve our skin and coat and prevent damage.
3.6. Fresh Apricots Apricots are available fresh, dried and canned. Fresh apricots are rich in vitamin A. It helps to strengthen our eyesight, build immunity and protect our skin. Apricots help reduce the risk of developing age-related eye problems.
3.7. Tangerines are a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Both of these vitamins play an important role in maintaining good eye and skin health. Vitamin A helps prevent age-related macular degeneration (eye-related problems) that leads to vision loss with age. It also protects our eyes from cataracts. Tangerine also helps to treat various skin conditions such as skin aging, eczema, etc. It also controls the skin aging process like dull skin, wrinkles.
3.8. Peach This usually bright red peach is rich in vitamin A. It protects your eyes from free radioactive particles that can harm your eyes. Peaches also support eye health and may prevent macular degeneration. It also enhances cell growth and the growth of white blood cells. Vitamin A in peaches can help fight infections and boost the body's immunity.
3.9. Guava Guava is known as a fruit that enhances vision due to the presence of vitamin A in it. It slows the development of cataracts and macular degeneration of the eyes. It also helps to brighten your skin and slow down that skin aging process. Thus, vitamin A is one of the important vitamins and nutrients for each person's body. Vitamin A is found in many animal and plant foods, however, vitamin A is easily broken down at high temperatures. Therefore, researchers recommend supplementing with vitamin A from fruits such as mango, guava, melon,... These foods are easy to find in our daily lives, so parents should Supplement enough dosage for children and yourself.

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Reference sources:,,
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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