How many apples should you eat a day?

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Eating an apple or two a day can reduce heart disease risk factors and provide many other health benefits.

1. Benefits of eating apples

An apple a day can actually keep you away from the doctor. A study on apple consumption in postmenopausal women found that those who ate two medium apples a day for a year had a 23% reduction in bad cholesterol (LDL). The cause of this decline in bad cholesterol comes from pectin (a powerful fiber) that binds cholesterol and sweeps them out of the body. Apples help regulate blood sugar and control appetite. Many studies also show that eating apples helps to lose weight.
giảm cân
Mỗi ngày ăn một trái táo mang lại hiệu quả giảm cân hiệu quả

2. How many apples should you eat per day?

So how is it good to eat apples? This is a question many people are interested in. Eating 1 apple a day will keep you away from the doctor. Eating two apples a day is good for heart health.
You can eat any kind of apple, as long as you eat the peel. Apple peels contain many antioxidants that help fight cancer. Researchers suggest that it is best to get antioxidants from fruits and vegetables rather than from dietary supplements. At the same time, apple skin contains polyphenols - these are antioxidants that prevent cell damage from free radicals.
When choosing fruits in general and apples in particular, the freshest ones should be. Because apples are rich in pectin (a soluble fiber) that prevents cholesterol absorption in the intestines. But this pectin will be destroyed when the apple ripens. Maintaining eating fresh apples every day is a good habit, helping to bring many health benefits.
Táo chứa nhiều pectin
Nên lựa chọn những trái táo tươi ngon nhất để đảm bảo giá trị dinh dưỡng

Choosing apples combined with bananas for breakfast is a perfect combination. Because it's fast, compact but still full of nutrients. There's nothing faster than putting a banana and an apple in your bag and eating them on your way to school or work. This breakfast preparation is also the fastest, you just need to wash them.
One banana will provide the body with about 110 calories, plus 1 gram of protein and 16% of the daily requirement of fiber. Adding an apple provides up to 190 calories and 36% of the daily required fiber. In general, apples and bananas are low in protein but high in nutrients.
Reference source:
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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