How to fry crispy pork skin

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Pork is a food that is quite familiar to us in our daily meals. There are many ways to prepare pork to make this dish more diverse and richer. In which, it must be mentioned that the crispy fried pork belly or the crispy roasted pork skin, this is a dish loved by many people because of its delicious taste. With the following sharing will help you know how to fry crispy pork skin properly.

1. Preparation and preliminary processing of ingredients

First to make crispy fried pork skin, we need to prepare the following ingredients: 500 grams of whole pork belly (may be more depending on the serving size), 1 ginger root, 2-3 lemongrass branches, spices flavor, salt, 2 lemons, cooking oil, seasoning, pepper, five spices, sugar, cinnamon apricot wine, soy sauce, vinegar, one garlic.
As for the preliminary processing of ingredients, after buying pork, wash it with diluted salt water with a little vinegar to remove dirt clinging to the meat. Then rinse the meat thoroughly with water and drain. Ginger, lemongrass, garlic peeled off and washed, sliced ​​ginger, crushed garlic chopped, and crushed lemongrass.

2. How to prepare crispy fried pork skin

After being cleaned, the pork is put into the pot, then pour a sufficient amount of water into the pot to boil. Put in two crushed branches and a few slices of ginger, add a little seasoning and turn on the stove. Let the meat boil for about 15 minutes, then remove the meat from a bowl of cold water and soak for about 10 to 15 minutes.
As for the skin of the meat, we handle it by using a sharp object or a fork to stab the skin of the meat. Constantly stabbing, stabbing more thoroughly, the more the pig skin will explode, making the dish look more eye-catching. Then use fine salt or lemon juice to rub on the surface of the skin. It is recommended to use a knife to slit the pork skin (only the cuticle tear does not go deep into the meat), the front surface of the piece of meat is also notched to help the meat cook faster.
Cách rán thịt lợn giòn bì vừa đơn giản vừa ngon là thắc mắc của nhiều người
Cách rán thịt lợn giòn bì vừa đơn giản vừa ngon là thắc mắc của nhiều người
When marinating pork belly, we need to mix a teaspoon of salt with a little vinegar and stir well. Take the meat, put the skin down to soak in salt and vinegar so that when frying, it will be more crispy. It is recommended to let the skins soak in this mixture for about 30 minutes.
While waiting for the kettle, we will mix the mixture, including five spices, minced garlic, seasonings with sugar, apricot wine, cinnamon, soy sauce, cooking oil, and pepper, and mix them well. After the meat has been soaked in vinegar, we take it out and apply the mixture evenly so that it is absorbed and very even. Finally, when marinating, take out the meat, remove the salt sticking to the meat and prepare to go crispy.
With the way to cook crispy fried pork with a pan, we need to put the amount of cooking oil to submerge the meat into the pan. After the cooking oil is old, put the marinated meat in the pan. Fry until the skin starts to pop, then turn up the heat. After spitting it out, turn the meat over and turn on the stickers until it's golden brown, at this point should lower the heat so that the meat is golden evenly and doesn't burn. When you see the meat is golden evenly on all sides, turn off the heat and leave the meat to cool, then cut into bite-sized pieces and enjoy.
As for how to make crispy pork skin with an oil-free fryer or oven, it's quite simple. You just need to turn on the fryer or oven at 200 degrees Celsius before 10 minutes. Then place the meat on the tray, the skin should be on top and bake for 20 minutes. Continue to bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees C, at this time the skin will explode and look very delicious. Bake for another 5 minutes, then remove the meat and enjoy the results.
Crispy fried pork skin after being cooked will have a bright yellow color, its skin will be open and very crispy. The piece of meat after slicing will have a sweet gravy coming out, not dry and not fed up. You can eat it with dipping sauce and rice or bread, both are very delicious.
Thịt lợn rán giòn bì là món ăn được nhiều người ưa chuộng
Thịt lợn rán giòn bì là món ăn được nhiều người ưa chuộng

3. Some notes when making crispy fried pork skin

When choosing pork belly, you should choose pieces of meat that look fresh, the skin is not too thick or thin. Do not choose a piece of meat with too much fat because eating will be sick. When boiling meat, you should submerge the pork skin in the water, as doing so will help the pork skin be cooked more tender. When it comes to frying, it will also be faster and the taste will be more fragrant. If you don't have a fork, you can take a meat skewer and tie it into a bundle to pierce the pig's skin to save time and effort. You can put a little flour in the pan so that when frying, the oil will not be splashed on you. Always preheat the pan before adding the oil, this will also help prevent the oil from splattering. Let the pork drain before frying, to help prevent the oil from splashing out. Above is a way to fry crispy pork skin that is very easy to make and rich in nutrition. Crispy fried pork with crispy skin will be an attractive dish in your family's meal. Hopefully, with the above method of frying crispy pork skin, you can prepare it yourself to be both safe and nutritious.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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