Is it good to eat raw vegetables?

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Raw vegetables are a favorite dish of many people, but the information that eating raw vegetables infected with worms or poisoning makes many people afraid and dare not eat. In fact, eating raw vegetables has a lot of health benefits if you eat it right.

1. The benefits of eating raw vegetables

There are many different ways to process food into daily food, in which eating raw food is quite popular around the world. In Vietnam, raw vegetables appear in many dishes, it is even considered as a dish in daily meals.
Although eating cooked and drinking boiling helps people minimize bad problems that affect health, if you like raw food, especially raw vegetables, but are worried about whether to eat raw or cooked vegetables, Eating raw vegetables is good or not, you are completely assured that eating raw vegetables properly will bring a lot of benefits.
The amount of nutrients in raw vegetables is higher than in cooked ones. After cooking food, the amount of vitamins A and C will be significantly lost, in addition, some minerals in vegetables will dissolve in water while if eaten raw, the amount of vitamins and minerals absorbed into the body will be more.
Your heart health and that of your loved ones will be significantly improved by eating raw vegetables. Studies have shown that people who eat a lot of raw vegetables have a 75% lower rate of high blood pressure than people who eat less raw vegetables, this figure is 42% lower in cardiovascular disease. Eating a lot of raw vegetables helps reduce blood cholesterol, especially stroke.
If you have diabetes, raw vegetables are a great choice for you because a high-fiber diet helps lower blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity. In addition, a healthy digestive system thanks to eating raw vegetables helps people limit constipation, intestinal inflammation, stomach ulcers ...
Eating raw vegetables with weight loss is not something that many people care about, especially are female. In fact, the weight loss diet never lacks raw vegetables, because this is a food rich in fiber and vitamins, helping people lose weight not to eat too many calories and still feel full.
Eating raw vegetables saves time, which seems unrelated to each other, but in fact eating raw vegetables helps you save a lot of time in food preparation. Suppose that instead of preparing stir-fry dishes as well as waiting for vegetables to cook, the time you make raw vegetables will be faster. The rest of the time you can do other jobs such as cleaning the house, taking care of children or resting...
Rau sống
Rau sống ăn kèm xuất hiện ở khá nhiều món ăn

2. How does eating unsafe raw vegetables affect health?

Although eating raw vegetables has many health benefits, if eaten incorrectly, this is a potential risk of many dangers to everyone's health.
According to studies, 92-100% of raw vegetables contain parasites that are harmful to health. If you do not wash vegetables before use, there is a high probability of intestinal diseases such as infection. helminths, diarrhea ...
Helminth infection is the most common disease caused by eating raw vegetables that are not washed with a rate of 5 - 7%. Patients infected with helminths can have epilepsy, paralysis of limbs, memory disorders if not treated promptly.
Besides helminth infections, food poisoning from eating raw vegetables containing pesticides can also occur. Therefore, people should choose to buy raw vegetables in places that ensure clean vegetables, wash and soak in brine before use.

3. How to eat raw vegetables without worrying about helminth infections?

Raw vegetables is a dish that can be made quickly and simply, but everyone should pay attention to the following to eat raw vegetables without having to worry about the harm they bring.
The operation of picking vegetables and washing vegetables is extremely important. After picking up the vegetables, removing the unusable parts, you should wash the vegetables through many times with water, if you can wash each leaf of vegetables directly under the tap, it will help you to significantly remove dirt, worm eggs. flu...
Soaking vegetables in salt water is a way to help you disinfect vegetables. However, you should note one thing that you should not soak vegetables for too long because this can cause vegetables to be crushed and reduce their palatability.
After washing and soaking vegetables, you should drain the water because if you eat raw vegetables with water, it is easy to cause stomach pain, especially for the elderly and children, the stomach is often weaker than other groups of people.
You can bare the vegetables in boiling water to remove the remaining chemicals and bacteria in the vegetables, but if you don't like the ceiling, that's okay, you can skip this step.
Raw vegetables are a favorite food of many people and appear quite often in family meals, as an accompaniment to many different dishes. However, each person should eat raw vegetables when they have been really cleaned and ensure food safety and hygiene, to avoid poisoning or bacterial infections caused by eating unsafe raw vegetables.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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