Side effects of tea and 9 reasons why you shouldn't drink too much

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Drinking green tea is a hobby of many people because this beverage helps the body to cool down and lose weight effectively. However, is drinking a lot of tea good? Here are 9 side effects of tea you can refer to to avoid getting too much.

1. Affects the body's ability to absorb iron

You drink green tea or any tea will stimulate the body to absorb more tannin from the tea. This is a compound that causes difficulty in the absorption of iron in the intestinal tract. We all know that iron deficiency is a dangerous manifestation that seriously affects health, blood circulation and all brain activities. Therefore, people with iron deficiency should consider not using tea much to avoid aggravating the body condition.
This problem becomes even more difficult if you use vegetarian food every day. Because tannin is more active with plant nutrients than animals, the risk of iron deficiency in vegetarians is also higher than in people with a varied diet. Therefore, to be safe, you should drink less than 700ml of tea per day and should drink it in the middle of the day after meals, because then the iron from food has absorbed into the body.

2. Stress and psychological pressure

In addition to antioxidants, tea also contains a number of stimulants that make the body awake. Interference with the natural circadian rhythm is the main cause of the increasing number of psychological diseases. When you are tired and want to rest, force your body to exercise, the muscles will gradually become tired and tense.
From the stress of the signal to the brain, over time, you will often appear anxious and prone to stress and pressure. On average, a cup of tea contains 11-61 mg of caffeine, which makes you mentally alert. And the longer the soaking time, the higher this amount will be. You can refer to the caffeine dose in tea so that each day is limited to less than 200 mg will not affect health.
If you drink a lot of green tea and the side effects of tea make you too tired, try switching to herbal tea. This type of tea will contain less harmful compounds, thereby helping to relax and feel good.

3. Sleep quality is affected by drinking too much green tea

Drinking green tea makes you lose sleep because the wakening compounds in tea are quite high, especially when steeped for a long time. Melatonin is a hormone that signals sleepiness so that the brain controls the body's behavior. However, the presence of caffeine will inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin, causing poor sleep quality.
When you lack sleep for a long time, health will decline, the organs do not eliminate toxins will cause fatigue, pain, memory impairment. Chronic lack of sleep also causes excess fat to increase and blood glucose metabolism disorders.
Trà xanh
Uống trà xanh khiến bạn mất ngủ do hợp chất làm tỉnh táo trong trà khá cao đặc biệt khi ngâm lâu

4. Appears feeling nauseous

Tannin compounds give tea a bitter taste, especially when drinking green tea, you will feel this clearly. At the same time, tannin irritates the tissues of the digestive system, creating a feeling of nausea and stomach pain when used too much. Each body will have a different limit, sensitive subjects should not consume more than 500ml of tea per day to reduce the side effects of tea.

5. Side effects of tea cause people to have heartburn

Heartburn, heartburn are negative symptoms that alarm the health of the stomach. Some analyzes of studies on caffeine show that this substance relaxes the sphincter causing gastric acid reflux while simultaneously increasing the acidic environment of the stomach. However, it is not just drinking tea that causes you to have acid reflux or heartburn.
The problem of heartburn, heartburn can be caused by something else, and drinking tea is just a small cause of additional effects. So when this symptom appears, try reducing the amount of tea used to consider. If the problem does not improve, seek medical advice for early solutions to prevent

6. Effects on women during pregnancy

Caffeine is recommended to endanger the health of pregnancy for mother and baby. If too much is taken, it can cause a miscarriage or cause the baby to be born with a low birth weight. However, this has not been completely published or detailed studies confirmed.
Therefore, pregnant women should not drink green tea, but use herbal tea to be safe for pregnancy and baby. Licorice is a sweet-tasting herb used in medicine to make it easy for patients to take. However, pregnant women should not use this flavor to avoid the risk of preterm labor.
Mang thai
Phụ nữ đang mang thai không nên uống trà xanh mà hãy dùng trà thảo mộc để an toàn cho thai kỳ và em bé

7. Causing uncomfortable pain for the head area

According to research, every day using 100 mg of caffeine after a long time the headaches will be more severe and cause discomfort affecting our health and life.
When your body shows signs of pain, try reducing the amount of tea to monitor and evaluate. If the cause is due to the habit of drinking tea, reduce it gradually to improve the headache.

8. Dizzy eyes

When using teas containing psychoactive substances, you will experience some side effects such as dizziness. However, it often happens to subjects who are sensitive to tea or drink too much green tea.
You can sip each drink in small doses to avoid drinking a lot at one time. This will minimize the symptoms of dizziness for you.
Chóng mặt
Khi sử dụng các loại trà chứa chất gây hưng phấn thần kinh bạn sẽ gặp một số tác dụng phụ như hoa mắt chóng mặt

9. Make the body dependent on caffeine

Caffeine is considered a stimulant with addiction if used long-term. In case you are addicted to this substance, it will be difficult to give up or quit addiction such as: headache, heart palpitations, fatigue and discomfort. It will vary from person to person depending on the severity.
However, with addictive stimulants, doctors always encourage us to stay away to not depend on them. The body is not dependent on stimulants and will maintain good functioning and stable circadian rhythms for health and life.
Drinking tea is a culture that is worshiped by many people and difficult to quit, but drinking tea properly is an issue that we need to pay attention to. A moderate amount of tea and regular maintenance will help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Therefore, you should balance the dose of tea to minimize the side effects of tea on the body. You can also look to a specialist for advice and support on whether drinking a lot of tea is good.
Vinmec International General Hospital has developed a general health checkup package for all customers. The above package helps doctors check overall health through tests such as: liver, blood, kidney, blood pressure measurement, heart rate, urine test, blood .... Based on the examination results , the doctor will advise and give the best advice on nutrition, lifestyle and lifestyle suitable for each person's health condition.
Periodic health checks are also considered a good solution, helping you to prevent the risk of many chronic diseases.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source:
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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