What to eat to cool the liver, detoxify?

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Food put into the body every day will be checked by the liver for quality, so if you use food of poor hygiene, it will make the liver work at full capacity, causing liver function decline. Therefore, to protect and reduce harm to the liver, we need to add foods that have a cooling effect on the liver.

1. The role of the liver

The liver is a vital organ of the body, when it comes to performing a wide range of essential tasks, from producing protein, cholesterol and bile to storing vitamins, minerals and even carbohydrates. The liver has the ability to destroy toxins contained in products such as alcohol, drugs and natural byproducts of metabolism. Keeping the liver in good shape is important for maintaining good health. So what is good for the liver? Below will provide information about foods that are good for the liver.

2. Coffee is good for the liver

Coffee is the best drink you can use to promote liver health. Studies have shown that drinking coffee can protect the liver from disease, even in people who already have problems with it. Several studies have shown that drinking coffee reduces the risk of cirrhosis, or permanent liver damage, in people with chronic liver disease.
Drinking coffee may also reduce the risk of developing a common type of liver cancer and has a positive effect on liver disease and inflammation. Even though coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of death in people with chronic liver disease, the greatest benefits of coffee on the liver will be found in people with at least 3 cups. a day. These benefits seem to stem from their ability to prevent the accumulation of fat and collagen, two of the main markers of liver disease.
Coffee also reduces inflammation and increases levels of the antioxidant glutathione. Antioxidants in coffee work to neutralize harmful free radicals, which are naturally produced in the body and can cause cell damage.
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3. Tea is a good drink for the body

Teas are considered beneficial for health, but evidence has shown that they may have special benefits for the liver.
Several studies conducted in which subjects drank 5–10 cups of green tea per day was associated with improved blood markers of liver health. Another study in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) found that drinking antioxidant-rich green tea for 12 weeks improved liver enzyme levels and may also reduce oxidative stress. and fat accumulate in the liver.
Furthermore, another review found that green tea drinkers had a lower risk of liver cancer. The lowest risk was seen in people who drank four or more cups per day.
However, some special cases already have liver problems, so caution should be taken before taking green tea as a supplement.

4. The effect of grapefruit on the liver

Grapefruit contains two antioxidants naringenin and naringin that help protect the liver naturally. Some studies have found that both help protect the liver from damage. The protective effects of grapefruit are known to occur in two ways by reducing inflammation and protecting cells.
Studies have shown that these antioxidants can reduce the development of liver fibrosis, a harmful condition in which connective tissue builds up excessively in the liver, often as a result. of chronic inflammation.
To date, the effects of grapefruit or grapefruit juice Most of the studies on antioxidants in grapefruit have been conducted on animals. However, current evidence suggests that grapefruit is a good way to keep the liver healthy by fighting damage and inflammation.

5. Blueberries and cranberries

Blueberries and cranberries both contain anthocyanins, antioxidants that give berries their distinctive color. They are also associated with many health benefits.
Several studies have demonstrated that whole cranberries and blueberries, as well as their extracts or juices, can help keep the liver healthy. Consuming these fruits for 3–4 weeks helps to protect the liver from damage. In addition, blueberries help increase immune cell responses and antioxidant enzymes.
Another experiment showed that the type of antioxidants commonly found in berries slowed the development of liver damage and fibrosis.
Furthermore, blueberry extract has even been shown to inhibit the growth of human liver cancer cells in test-tube studies. However, more research is still needed to determine if this effect can be replicated in the human body.
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6. Uses of grapes

Grapes, especially red and purple grapes, contain many beneficial plant compounds. The most well-known substance is resveratrol, which has a number of health benefits. Many studies have shown that grapes and grape juice can benefit the liver. What's more, studies on the effects of ingredients in grapes have found that they offer a variety of benefits, including: reducing inflammation, preventing damage, and increasing antioxidant capacity. Or a study conducted in people with NAFLD found that supplementing with grape seed extract for three months improved liver function. However, because grape seed extract is a concentrated form, you may not see the same effect when consuming whole grapes. More research is needed before using grape seed extract for the liver.

7. Pear thorns

Prickly pear, scientifically known as Opuntia ficus-indica, a common edible cactus. Fruits and juices are most commonly consumed. For a long time, pears have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a treatment for ulcers, wounds, fatigue, and liver disease.
A study done in 55 people using prickly pear extract found that the extract of this plant reduced hangover symptoms. Participants experienced less nausea, dry mouth, loss of appetite, and half the chance of a severe hangover if they took the extract before drinking alcohol, which is detoxified by the liver.
Even so, more human studies are needed, especially using the juice and prickly pear instead of the extract.

8. Beetroot juice

Beet juice, a good source of nitrates and antioxidants called betalains, may benefit heart health, reducing oxidative damage and inflammation. Several studies have shown that beetroot juice reduces oxidative damage and inflammation in the liver, as well as increases natural detoxifying enzymes.
Other beneficial health effects of beetroot juice have been observed in animal studies and replicated in human studies. However, more research is needed to confirm the benefits of beetroot juice on liver health in humans.
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9. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli and broccoli are known for their high fiber content and distinctive flavor. They also contain many compounds that are beneficial to health.
Studies have shown that Brussels sprouts and broccoli sprout extracts increase levels of detoxification enzymes and protect the liver from damage. Research on human liver cells shows that this effect persists even when Brussels sprouts are cooked. Or a recent study in men with fatty liver found that broccoli sprouts extract contained many beneficial plant compounds, improved liver enzyme levels and reduced oxidative stress.

10. Nuts

Nuts contain both fats and nutrients including, vitamin E, antioxidants and other compounds with health benefits. Nuts may offer a number of health benefits, especially for heart health, but also work for the liver.
A six-month observational study conducted with 106 people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease found that eating nuts was associated with improved liver enzyme levels. Furthermore, a few other studies that analyzed the benefits of nuts found that men who ate small amounts of nuts had a higher risk of developing NAFLD than men who ate small amounts of nuts. The men ate large amounts of nuts. Although more high-quality studies are needed, preliminary data suggests that nuts are an important food group for liver health.

11. Fatty fish

Fatty fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that help reduce inflammation and have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. The fats found in fatty fish are also beneficial for the liver. In fact, studies have shown that they help prevent fat build-up, keep enzyme levels normal, fight inflammation, and improve insulin resistance.
Although consuming fatty fish rich in omega-3s is beneficial for the liver, adding more omega-3 fats to your diet requires a doctor's prescription. The ratio of omega-3 fats to omega-6 fats is also important. Too high an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio can promote the development of liver disease. Therefore, you should also reduce your intake of omega-6 fats.
Omega 3
Axit béo omega-3 có trong cá béo đem lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe con người

12. Olive oil

Olive oil is considered a healthy fat because of its many health benefits, including positive effects on the heart and metabolism. Therefore, olive oil also has a positive effect on the liver.
Research conducted with 11 people with NAFLD found that consuming one teaspoon (6.5 ml) of olive oil per day improved levels of liver enzymes and fats.
At the same time, olive oil also increases levels of a protein that is associated with positive metabolic effects. Participants also had less fat accumulation and better blood circulation in the liver.
The accumulation of fat in the liver is part of the first stage of liver disease. Thus, olive oil's positive impact on liver fat, as well as other aspects of health, makes it a valuable part of a healthy diet.
In addition to eating what is good for the liver, to have a healthy liver, you should also pay attention to your lifestyle and perform periodic health checks. This is considered a key factor to help assess the health of the liver so that the diet can be adjusted appropriately.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has developed a comprehensive hepatobiliary screening package to help customers check for early detection of liver disease risks for appropriate treatment. The above package offers the following services:
Evaluation of the liver's ability to work through liver enzyme tests Assessment of intravascular nutritional bile function Early screening for liver cancer Perform tests such as General Analysis blood cells, blood clotting ability, screening for hepatitis B, C Assessment of hepatobiliary status through ultrasound images and diseases that have the potential to affect liver disease / make liver disease worse Deep analysis of information assessment of hepatobiliary function through laboratory and subclinical tests; the risk of affecting the liver and early screening for hepatobiliary cancer. The examination is always performed by a team of doctors with many years of experience. Therefore, customers can completely trust the quality of medical examination at the hospital.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: healthline.com - webmd.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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