Is it okay for pregnant women to ride motorbikes a lot?

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According to recommendations from experts, pregnant women riding motorbikes for long distances and shocks will have many potential dangers for both mother and baby. Therefore, to ensure absolute safety, during pregnancy, pregnant women should not or limit traveling by motorbike for long distances.

1. Is it okay for pregnant women to ride a motorbike a lot?

Motorcycles are the most widely used means of transport because of their convenience and ease of movement. However, pregnant women should limit traveling a lot by motorbike, because when the fetus is growing and the pregnant mother's belly is big, it makes balancing difficult, prone to falls and accidents. related accident.
Traveling by motorbike during pregnancy may encounter the following risks:
Changes in hormonal hormones during pregnancy make pregnant women appear symptoms such as fatigue, morning sickness. .. and lead to driving discomfort. Most cases of pregnant women during pregnancy need to limit driving to avoid affecting the fetus; Pregnant women who ride motorbikes are more likely to lose their balance and fall due to their large belly and slower reaction than usual; Many small, convex and concave roads make pregnant women riding motorbikes shock and adversely affect the fetus; Most motorbikes are very heavy, so moving, driving and parking will be very difficult for pregnant women. Generally, pregnant women who are in the first 3 months of pregnancy (first trimester) have a lower risk of riding a motorbike than in the later stages of pregnancy. Because in the last stage, the fetus is growing, the pregnant mother's belly is larger and the body also becomes heavy, less flexible and prone to collisions. The collision, even though it's light, also makes the mother's psyche excited and can lead to premature birth. For pregnant women with a history of miscarriage, miscarriage or complications such as placenta previa, abortion, etc., it is necessary to limit traveling by motorbike.
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2. Note when pregnant women ride motorbikes for long distances

According to recommendations from experts, the average person traveling by motorbike is much more dangerous than bicycles and cars. For pregnant women, this risk increases even more due to the large belly and easy loss of balance, especially when pregnant women ride motorbikes for long distances. Therefore, to ensure absolute safety, during pregnancy, pregnant women should not travel by motorbike. In case it is necessary to ride a motorbike, pregnant women should note a number of issues as follows:
Wear a qualified helmet even when driving or sitting behind someone else's vehicle; Do not wear high heels when riding a motorbike; Do not ride a motorbike during rush hour because it is easy to get stuck in traffic and have an accident; Avoid riding a motorbike for a long time because pregnant women sitting on a motorbike for a long time can easily cause the uterus and pelvis to be pinched, poor blood circulation and affect the fetus; Wear a luminous jacket that is easy to see from a distance in case of riding a motorbike at night; Do not ride a motorbike in the rain or after the rain because the road is slippery and prone to accidents; Adjust the rearview mirror in accordance with the vision to be able to observe the traffic behind and best control the vehicle; Drive at a slow speed, limit passing other vehicles on the road, and pay attention to stable maneuvers and stay calm to ensure the safety of the fetus is not strongly affected; Use a small, easy-to-drive motorbike and should regularly maintain and check the vehicle to avoid the vehicle being damaged in the middle of the road.
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3. Some means of transportation replace motorbikes

Pregnant women should minimize traveling by motorbike, especially on long trips, it is absolutely not recommended for pregnant women to ride a motorbike for long distances. The use of means of transportation to replace motorbikes in this case is extremely appropriate, including the following vehicles:
Airplane: The development of the aviation industry today with depressurization technology The air force in the aircraft cabin helps ensure the safety of pregnant women traveling by this vehicle. Recommendations from experts indicate that pregnant women only need to be cautious when traveling by long flights and pay attention to the quality of medical services in transit and landing places. Besides, pregnant women with sickle cell anemia, severe anemia, fetal problems or history of phlebitis are relatively contraindicated when traveling by plane; Car: Pregnant women traveling by car need to fasten their safety belts over their hips, not over their abdomen, to ensure that their thighs and shoulders are not moved in the event of a collision. After traveling for 2 hours, it is necessary to stop the car to relax and go to the toilet to help the bladder relax, prevent urinary tract infections ... Train: Train is considered one of the means of transportation. safe for pregnant women, similar to cars and airplanes. All requirements for keeping pregnant women healthy are also made similar to the above means. Therefore, pregnant women should limit traveling by motorbike to ensure safety for the health and development of the fetus. In the case of long distance travel, the use of vehicles to replace motorbikes is extremely appropriate.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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