Sex in the third trimester of pregnancy

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The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Thi Phuong Loan - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Many couples reveal that having sex during pregnancy is the best experience they have ever had in their sex life. However, during pregnancy, especially in the last months of pregnancy, a woman's body has to go through many changes as well as the fear of harming the fetus that makes couples always wonder. : should or should not have sex in the third trimester of pregnancy?

1. Physiological changes in pregnant women in the last three months of pregnancy

2.1. Changes in the mother's body in the last three months of pregnancy The third trimester of pregnancy is the time when the fetus has gradually completed its organ systems and gained weight rapidly. Therefore, in the last trimester, pregnant women have to experience many hormonal changes, the growth of the uterus, the rapid enlargement of the abdomen, the growth of the breasts, breast pain and signs such as vomiting, weight gain. fast, feeling heavy, slow, easily tired and exhausted, so sex during pregnancy is also greatly reduced.
In addition, during this time, there are other causes such as joint swelling, leg edema, back pain, heartburn, etc., which cause pain and discomfort to pregnant women, so they are less interested in sex.
2.2. Maternal psychology in the last three months of pregnancy Most women are more cherished by their husbands during pregnancy. The value of a woman's life increases, her soul relaxes, so she wants to be closer to her husband. In addition, a woman's body during pregnancy changes and seems more attractive: her breasts are bigger, her body is more developed, etc., making her husband more desirable.
However, by the third trimester of pregnancy, due to rapid body weight gain, enlarged abdomen and back pain, restricting sexual intercourse with your partner will often decrease libido.
In addition, most women today are engaged in social work. Besides fatigue due to pregnancy, work pressures, conflicts with colleagues, superiors and family resonated heavily with pregnant women, leading to frigidity during pregnancy. At this time, more than anyone else, the husband must be the one to comfort, comfort, encourage and help the wife overcome this psychological barrier.

2. Is it advisable to have sex in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Có thể quan hệ tình dục khi mang thai nếu thực hiện đúng cách

Many couples ask their obstetrician and gynecologist whether they should have sex again when they are pregnant. The answer is: Yes, because sex during pregnancy is safe for both mother and baby if done correctly.
During pregnancy, if the pregnancy is normal, sex is safe and the mother does not have to worry about affecting the fetus. Normal pregnancies are those that do not fall into the high-risk group for preterm birth or miscarriage. For high-risk pregnancies, your doctor will advise you not to have sex.
In fact, if the pregnancy is normal, the husband's penis can't reach the fetus, semen can't enter the uterus because the cervix has a thick and viscous plug, which helps prevent bacteria and semen . During orgasm, the uterus contracts harder and the fetus moves more, but it doesn't cause any harm.
In addition, sex in the last 3 months of pregnancy is also helpful in helping the couple get closer, psychologically comfortable and sleep better, and this is good for preparing for the birth of the baby. . However, pregnant women need to be aware of the body changes during pregnancy and should adjust the posture accordingly to bring the best emotions.

3. Does sex cause labor?

According to a study on 90 pregnant women at the end of pregnancy about their sex life: More than 50% of pregnant women have sex after 37 weeks. Sex at this stage not only does not induce labor but also delays labor by several days. Specifically, the sexually active group gave birth at about 39.6 weeks gestation, while the non-sexual group gave birth at about 39.2 weeks. Although this difference is not clinically significant, it plays an opening role for future studies, giving us some judgment about the safety of sex in the last 3 months of pregnancy.
Thus, unless there are health problems and the doctor advises to abstain from intercourse, couples can have sex throughout the pregnancy.
The sensation of orgasm can cause uterine contractions but these contractions are not enough to induce labor. Therefore, orgasm from sex does not increase the risk of preterm birth. Even in cases where the pregnancy reaches the due date, sexual intercourse does not induce labor.

4. Is sex harmful to the unborn baby?

Normally, the fetus in the uterine cavity is relatively safe protected by the amniotic fluid envelop, the amniotic membrane is firm and the mucus plug covers the cervix. Sex movements, even when penetrating deeply, the penis cannot reach the fetus. Therefore, sex can be considered as harmless to the unborn baby in the womb.

5. Those at risk should not have sex in the third trimester of pregnancy

chọc ối song thai
Nếu bà bầu có thai đôi thì không nên quan hệ tình dục trong 3 tháng cuối thai kỳ

History of consecutive miscarriages. Uterine opening. History of preterm birth. There are signs of premature birth: intermittent abdominal pain, pink vaginal discharge, .. Short cervix by ultrasound. My water breaks. Pregnant women or their partners have sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, genital warts, syphilis, HIV, Herpes, Trichomonas infection... Vaginal bleeding. This pregnancy was diagnosed as placenta previa or low attachment. Multiple pregnancy: Having two or more pregnancies. Signs of preeclampsia (hypertension, edema, proteinuria).

6. Things to keep in mind when having sex in the third trimester of pregnancy

Pregnant women with sexually transmitted diseases are at risk of affecting the pregnancy (premature rupture of membranes, amniotic fluid infection, premature birth, ...) and the fetus (fetal infection, preterm pregnancy, etc.). .). Therefore, if your partner has a sexually transmitted disease, it is necessary to wear a condom. On the other hand, there are pregnant women who can have sex with different sex partners and do not know clearly about the health of their new partner, so using condoms is very necessary.
Adopting the right posture during pregnancy can help reduce the inconveniences that can cause discomfort during intercourse during pregnancy.
During the first months of pregnancy, the traditional position does not affect much. When the pregnancy is over 14 weeks, the belly gradually grows, so it is necessary to have suitable positions.
Suitable positions for sex during the third trimester include:
Woman on top: this position allows for control over the depth of penetration of the penis and most of the movement. should be suitable throughout the pregnancy until the date of delivery. Spooning position: This position when the man is behind, puts the penis between the thighs and penetrates the vagina from behind. This pose does not put pressure on the abdomen. Many women find this position comfortable for sex during pregnancy. Hands and Knees (Hands and Knees): This is a suitable position for pregnant women because it is not directly pressed on the abdomen. Side lying, knee pulled up. Is oral intercourse possible? The answer is yes. However, pregnant women should note:
Your partner should not blow air into the pregnant woman's genitals. With thrust, gas can enter the vagina and into the fetal circulation causing air embolism. This is rare, but if it does, it is very dangerous for the life of both mother and child. Make sure your sexual partner is not infected with oral herpes because oral sex can transmit diseases such as herpes (if your partner has oral herpes), the Herpes virus will enter the pregnant woman's genital tract and cause disease. . Although sex during pregnancy is considered safe, this is not true for all pregnant women. There are cases where pregnant women are advised not to have sex during pregnancy because it can affect the health of mother and baby. In addition, pregnant women should pay attention to antenatal care immediately if during or after intercourse, they experience abdominal pain, watery or vaginal bleeding. The third trimester is the most sensitive period of pregnancy, with only minor abnormalities can also be signs of premature birth, stillbirth. Therefore, pregnant women should actively conduct regular antenatal check-ups to monitor the baby's health and take early intervention measures if any abnormalities occur.
To protect the health of the mother and baby comprehensively as well as help the mother feel more secure during labor, Vinmec provides a full Maternity service. With this package, the mother will have regular antenatal check-ups and routine tests to monitor her health. The fetus is monitored for fetal heart rate and uterine contractions by obstetric monitor at 37-40 weeks of expected time of delivery. If the baby is born prematurely, they will be cared for and raised with international standards. Premature births are organized in a methodical manner under the coordination of many specialties: obstetrics, anesthesiology, and especially neonatology and paediatrics. This helps to reduce the risks and increase the effectiveness of treatment for health problems that premature babies may have. As a result, the technique of treating premature babies at Vinmec has achieved extremely positive effects, saving the lives of many seemingly hopeless premature births.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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