Why are children "addicted" to biting their nails?

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Most kids who bite their nails will stop on their own, but if it takes longer or if it's a habit you just can't accept, there are simple ways to help your child break it.

1. Why do children bite their own nails?

Your child can bite his nails for any number of reasons - curiosity, boredom, stress, routine or imitation. Nail biting is the most common on the list of "nervous habits," which includes thumb sucking, nose picking, hair twisting or pulling, and teeth grinding. This habit is also more likely to continue into adulthood.
In the process of growing up, children may experience a lot of anxiety, stress and pressure without their parents knowing. So you don't have to worry too much if your child bites his or her nails :
Moderately enough, not to the point of injuring yourself Unconsciously, such as while watching TV To react to situations stressful situations, such as standing in front of a crowd or taking a test. In rare cases, a child's severe nail biting can signal excessive anxiety. Accordingly, you should take your child to the doctor if:
The nail biting causes the fingertips to hurt or bleed The child is also engaging in other worrisome behaviors, such as picking his skin, plucking his eyelashes or hair The child does not sleep well. In addition, you should also consult a doctor if your child's nail biting habit suddenly appears and develops rapidly. Both cases require psychological counseling and treatment by specialists.
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Cắn móng tay khiến đầu ngón tay đau hoặc chảy máu

2. Children biting their nails what to do?

2.1. Addressing Your Child's Concerns Before you try to stop your child's unusual behavior, it's essential to address the underlying causes of the behavior.
If you suspect something might be worrying your child: a recent move, a family breakup, a new school, or an upcoming musical performance, try to get your child to open up about it. your own worries, let you know what is really bothering your baby.
2.2. Don't nag or punish You can't do much if your baby doesn't really want to stop biting his nails. Like other neurotic habits, children who bite their own nails tend to be unconscious.
If your child doesn't even know he's biting his nails, it's pretty useless to nag and punish him. Even adults have to work very hard to get rid of these same unconscious habits. When your child's nail biting really bothers you, set reasonable limits and rules so that the child gradually becomes aware and does not repeat the offense.
It should be noted not to take the problem too seriously and push it too far. Suppressing anger can start a long and exhausting war.
In general, as long as your child doesn't hurt himself and isn't too stressed, the best course of action is to keep his nails neatly trimmed, remind him to wash his hands often with soap, and try to focus attention on elsewhere. If you pressure your child to stop, you will only add stress and risk reinforcing the behavior.
Moreover, any direct intervention on your part - such as painting an unpleasant smelling solution on your baby's nails, will be like a punishment. The less disturbed children are in this routine, the more likely they are to stop when they're ready, and the more comfortable they'll feel when asking for help.
2.3. Help When Your Child Wants to Stop If he is being teased by a friend, he may be more willing to stop the habit and need your help.
First, ask your child about being teased and encourage her to tell you how she feels. Promise your child that we will still love you no matter what your nails look like. Parents can then slowly move on to other possible solutions.
Trẻ nhỏ 10 tháng tuổi
Cha mẹ có thể giúp đỡ khi con muốn dừng lại thói quen cắn móng tay

2.4. Talk about a plan to kick the habit Ask your child what causes anxiety and recommend ways to quit. You and your child should read books together on topics like What To Do When You're "Addicted" to Bad Habits: A Child's Guide to Giving Up Nail Biting and more.
Next, decide how parents should help their children. Does your child want you to remind her when she's negligent, or will it upset her? Older kids often don't like their parents interfering too much in their lives.

2.5. Help your baby become aware of habits Parents encourage so that children can become self-aware about when to bite their nails. Find a way to silently remind her of times when she forgets - like a gentle tap on her arm or saying a code word instead of pointing out her mistake, causing her to bite her nails in embarrassment.
It can be helpful to wear tape over your fingertips or apply several coats to make biting your nails more difficult. If your child wants to try nail polish with a bitter solution, consider it, but check the label. Some solutions contain ingredients such as cayenne pepper, which can sting your eyes if rubbed with them.
For girls, you can take your child to the nail salon, so she will stop biting her nails to keep her nails beautiful.
2.6. Offer an alternative Recommend 1 - 2 alternative activities. For example, let your child play with clay while on a long ride, or hold a smooth stone while reading. Have your child practice the alternate routine a few minutes before school or before bed. Also, teach your child some relaxation techniques when he feels the urge to bite his nails, such as taking a deep breath or squeezing and releasing his hand.
If your child is old enough, teach them how to use a nail file and keep one on the bedside table or conveniently located in the bathroom.
Give your child lots of opportunities to run, jump and play outside to burn off energy and dispel stress and anxiety. Some children find that making arts and crafts is a good way to keep their hands busy and relaxed. For other children, learning to play an instrument can also be helpful.
Cắt cắn móng tay
Cha mẹ có thể cắt và giũa móng tay cho trẻ

2.7. Try again patiently Explain to your child that each technique works differently and encourage them to try multiple solutions if the first doesn't work. As children get older, they take on more responsibility in their efforts to kick the habit.
Finally, let your child know that we are always there for you. Let your child rest when he needs it, and give him lots of love and attention whether he or she has successfully kicked the nail-biting habit or not. In the end, patience and perseverance will pay off.
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Reference source: babycenter.com
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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