Banana pepper - precious food and medicine

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Our country has many kinds of bananas: pepper banana, western banana, king banana, honey banana, seed banana, leaf banana...but the most delicious and nutritious is still the pepper banana. This is a food suitable for everyone, of all ages, a delicious fruit with many nutrients that are essential for children, the elderly and hard-working physical workers who need to improve their health.

In terms of nutritional value, in 100g of ripe bananas, there are 74g of water, 1.5g of protid, 0.4g of organic acids, 22.4g of glucid, 0.8g of cellulose, providing 100 calories, far surpassing other fruits. Other sweets in terms of energy supply (100g oranges for 43 calories, ripe papaya for 36 calories, longan for 49 calories, custard apple for 43 calories...) The amount of glucide in such a ripe banana is very high, in the form of glucose ( 20%), fructose (1.5%) and sucrose (65%) are precious natural sugars of ripe fruit, easy to digest, quickly absorbed by the body and provide a lot of energy. Through research, nutritionists have confirmed that ripe bananas are foods that are quickly digested by the body and provide a significant source of energy. Just eating a few ripe bananas, the body immediately provides hundreds of calories, so it is a valuable food for people who do heavy physical labor, and sports athletes who need a lot of glucose in the blood. When prolonged strenuous labor takes a lot of energy, the body often has to mobilize blood sugar to supply the muscles. In these cases, the glucose in the ripe bananas will be quickly absorbed into the blood to replenish the sugar consumed by the body, helping the worker recover quickly. In addition, ripe bananas also have many mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, especially potassium) and vitamins (0.12mg carotene, 0.04mg vitamin B1, 0.05mg vitamin B2, 0.7mg vitamin P6, 6mg vitamin C, etc.) are substances necessary for the body. For people with liver disease: Banana pepper is a very suitable food because the patient needs a lot of glucide, especially the easily absorbed type of glucide to enhance glycogen stores in the liver, protect the liver against harmful factors. liver toxicity and prevent fatty infiltration in the liver. This type of sugar is very readily available in ripe bananas. For people with hypertension: banana pepper is a good antihypertensive drug and does not have any side effects. Researchers have long found that foods high in potassium and low in sodium have the ability to lower high blood pressure and prevent stroke. Ripe bananas are a typical food of this type. This is a food with a lot of potassium, up to nearly 400mg of potassium in 100g of bananas, meaning the richest in potassium in vegetables we often eat, but with very little sodium, only about 1mg of sodium in 100g. The correlation between potassium and sodium is related to blood pressure and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Sodium is an important component of table salt that can cause a burden on the cardiovascular system between the water in the body, and potassium, on the other hand, helps the body eliminate sodium. Also, foods rich in potassium and low in sodium have the ability to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension, if eaten regularly 2-3 ripe bananas for a few weeks can reduce blood pressure index. about 10% or more. In addition to the above effects, recent studies also show that ripe bananas have an important place in low-lipid diets, salt diets and for people with high cholesterol in the blood, people with constipation, digestive problems. So, ripe bananas are not only a delicious and nutritious food, but also a medicine that nourishes the body and cures many diseases.
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