Fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, offers numerous health benefits, including supporting cardiovascular health, brain function, skin health, and reducing the risk of depression. Additionally, it may aid in weight loss.
1. What is omega-3 fish oil?
Omega-3 is a group of fats essential for human health. Among its types, two are most important:
- Essential omega-3 fatty acid: Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the only essential omega-3 fatty acid, as the body cannot produce it. ALA is found in plants such as walnuts, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and their oils.
- Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are prominent long-chain omega-3s found primarily in fish oil and fatty fish but also in seafood, algae, and algal oils.
While the body can convert ALA into EPA and DHA, the process is inefficient, with only 2–10% of ALA converted. For this reason, many health professionals recommend consuming 200–300 mg of EPA and DHA daily through two servings of fatty fish per week or supplementation.

EPA and DHA are vital for numerous bodily functions, including brain and eye development and maintenance. Studies suggest adequate EPA and DHA intake may prevent inflammation, depression, breast cancer, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Fish oil supplements are widely available in liquid or capsule forms.
2. Fish oil reduces hunger and cravings
Fish oil may help with weight loss by reducing hunger and cravings, especially for people on a low-calorie diet.
Studies indicate varying effects:
- Healthy individuals on calorie-restricted diets consuming less than 0.3 g or more than 1.3 g of omega-3 fish oil daily felt significantly fuller up to two hours after meals.
- In healthy adults not on calorie-restricted diets, those consuming 5 g of fish oil daily reported feeling 20% less full after breakfast and 28% hungrier compared to placebo.
- Cancer or kidney disease patients given fish oil reported increased appetite and caloric intake compared to placebo groups.
- Omega-3 increased satiety hormone levels in obese individuals but decreased them in non-obese individuals.
More research is needed to confirm these findings.

3. Fish oil boosts metabolism
Omega-3 in fish oil may promote weight loss by increasing metabolic rate. Metabolism can be measured by the metabolic rate, which determines the calories burned daily.
A higher metabolic rate means more calories burned, aiding weight loss.
Studies show:
- Healthy young adults consuming 6 g of fish oil daily for 12 weeks increased their metabolic rate by about 3.8%.
- Healthy older women taking 3 g daily for 12 weeks saw a 14% metabolic rate increase, equivalent to burning 187 extra calories daily.
- Middle-aged healthy adults consuming 3 g daily for 12 weeks increased their metabolic rate by an average of 5.3%.
Fish oil may also help increase muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat. However, further research is needed.
4. Fish oil enhances exercise effectiveness
Fish oil can help the body burn more fat during exercise by using fat instead of carbohydrates for energy.
In one study, women consuming 3 g of fish oil daily for 12 weeks burned 10% more calories and 19–27% more fat during exercise. This suggests fish oil combined with exercise may be more effective in reducing body fat than exercise alone.
5. Fish oil reduces body fat and waist circumference
Omega-3 fish oil may increase muscle mass and reduce fat even without weight changes. In a study of 44 participants taking 4 g of fish oil daily, muscle mass increased by 0.5 kg, and fat mass decreased by 0.5 kg compared to a placebo group.
- Another study replaced 6 g of dietary fat with fish oil for three weeks, resulting in fat loss without weight changes.
- A smaller study found participants taking 3 g daily reduced body fat by 0.6 kg without weight change.

A review of 21 studies concluded fish oil did not significantly reduce body weight but effectively decreased waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratios.
6. Guidelines for omega-3 fish oil use
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers up to 3,000 mg of omega-3 fish oil per day safe, while the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) allows up to 5,000 mg daily. However, omega-3 may cause excessive bleeding in some individuals. Consult a doctor if taking anticoagulant medications before adding fish oil to your diet.
Be cautious of fish oil types, as some, like cod liver oil, may contain vitamin A, which can be toxic in high amounts, particularly for pregnant women and children.
To ensure adequate omega-3 intake, choose fish oil supplements containing at least 50% EPA and DHA, with a minimum of 500 mg of these combined in a 1,000 mg serving.
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