Is Morning Sex Beneficial?
Morning sex offers numerous health benefits, including boosting immunity, preventing aging, enhancing memory, reducing stress, and reducing disease risk.
1. Enhances Immunity
When is the best time to have sex to improve your immune system?
Studies have shown that having sex in the morning increases the production of IgA antibodies, which are essential for mucosal immune function and help the body fight off infections. Therefore, morning is the best time for sex if you want to boost your immunity.
2. Enhances Memory
Engaging in sex early in the morning stimulates brain activity and promotes the production of sex hormones, which helps keep the brain alert and attentive throughout the day.
3. Similar to morning exercises
Morning sex can burn a similar amount of calories as moderate-intensity exercises, such as jogging for about 30 minutes, it helps the body release positive hormones that relax muscles and maintain energy, providing a boost to start the day. On average, sex burns 240 calories in men and 180 calories in women.
4. Increase sexual desire
Engaging in sexual activity early in the morning, when the body is ready for a new day, can lead to the production of higher levels of the sex hormones oxytocin and dopamine, which help increase feelings of satisfaction and sexual desire.

5. Reduce stress
Many studies indicate that sex is effective in reducing stress for up to 7 days. Especially, having sex in the morning is believed to have the best effect.
6. Prevent Aging
Achieving orgasm after morning sex can enhance blood circulation, raise estrogen levels, and support healthier skin and hair, thereby contributing to a more youthful appearance.
7. Reduce the risk of disease
Many studies indicate that having sex at least 3 times a week can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by up to 50% compared to individuals who engage in sexual activity less frequently. So what time of day is best to have sex? The benefits can increase by up to 70% for those who regularly have sex in the morning. Having sex in the morning also helps improve sperm quality, increase fertility, and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
8. Sex lasts longer
Early morning is the time when men have the highest testosterone levels of the day, this helps increase sexual desire and improve erection, thereby helping to prolong sexual intercourse.
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