Is lower abdominal pain after sex dangerous?

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The phenomenon of lower abdominal pain after sex is not too dangerous but has different properties in each person. This can be a physiological manifestation or a warning signal of dangerous diseases in the genitals early to prevent.

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1. Causes of lower abdominal pain after sex

Lower abdominal pain is a common phenomenon in women from the time of menstruation. Those pains will go away after the end of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, many people mistakenly think that only women have lower abdominal pain after sex but forget that men can also suffer.
Here are the reasons why women experience lower abdominal pain after sex:
The duration of intercourse is longer than average: The difference in the working principle of the female and male genitalia makes the time Everyone's sex life will be different. For men, it will only happen once during sex, and for women, it can be many times. For women, if the sex lasts too long, the muscles will be tired, especially the pelvic area is blocked with circulation, causing uncomfortable pain to appear. Rough sexual behavior: Excessively intense sex often occurs in young couples. They want to experience and lead to roughness, unintentionally causing damage to pelvic muscles, uterus, rectum or bladder.... Rough behavior will create great pressure and suddenly cause pain to pull. to intense. More seriously, the damage leads to bleeding and long-lasting dull pain that reduces the quality of married life. Sex in pregnancy: Sex during pregnancy needs to be very careful compared to the previous period. Contractions coming from the vagina can cause the uterus to contract, leading to a threatened miscarriage or premature birth. The phenomenon of lower abdominal pain after sex in pregnant women will appear commonly in the first 3 months and the last 3 months. These are the times when the uterus can contract which greatly affects the mother and baby. To ensure safety during pregnancy, you need to ensure the health of mother and baby. Avoid rough sex and moderation to ensure the safety of the fetus. At the same time, it is necessary to consider some comfortable positions so as not to put pressure on the abdomen. The structure of the uterus is tilted: The structure of the uterus in each person is inherently different. Some people's uterus leans forward, but some people lean back. According to laboratory samples, about 25% of women have a tilted uterus, also known as a tilted uterus. Uterus leaning back is under more pressure during marital life. Therefore, people with a tilted uterus will have higher abdominal pain after sex. Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a fairly dangerous disease for female physiological health. Manifestations to rule out the risk of endometriosis is pain around the genitals, stomach and back during sex. In addition, you will experience some other symptoms in daily life such as: abdominal pain, difficulty in defecation, abnormal vaginal bleeding... Ovarian cysts appear: Ovarian cysts in women female is a dangerous disease that can be cured or not. Some severe cases affect reproductive function and women's lives. The pain caused by ovarian cysts can be mild or prolonged, making the patient uncomfortable. Especially after sex, people with ovarian cysts may experience short-term or severe pain. Sexually transmitted diseases: Sexually transmitted diseases are extremely dangerous. They affect married life and weaken the immune system health. Most of these diseases are detected only when they have become severe or advanced.

Lạc nội mạc tử cung là bệnh lý nguy hiểm có thể gây ra các cơn đau bụng dưới sau khi quan hệ
Lạc nội mạc tử cung là bệnh lý nguy hiểm có thể gây ra các cơn đau bụng dưới sau khi quan hệ

Causes of lower abdominal pain in men after sex:
Cancer cells appear in the testicles: Testicular cancer is considered an extremely dangerous disease in men. The health of the testicles has a great influence on sex life as well as the quality of sperm to conceive. The nature of the disease is extremely dangerous and complicated, it needs to be detected early for treatment intervention to avoid leading to infertility and infertility. When testicular cancer cells appear, you will gradually feel pain in the scrotum or lower abdomen when having sex. Inflammation of the epididymis: Inflammation of the epididymis is a hindrance to men's low self-esteem and fear of intimacy. The more severe the inflammation, the more painful it will be during sex or ejaculation. In addition, the pelvic region will also have pain and pain in the testicles, making you feel pain in the lower abdomen after sex. Urinary tract infections: Urinary tract infections are a common disease in men if they do not thoroughly clean the genitals. When you have a urinary tract infection, after sex the pain will extend to the lower back and abdomen. To determine if you have this disease, you can recognize it with other symptoms such as urinary incontinence, frequent urination, blood in the urine, strong-smelling urine.... Especially, each time you urinate, you feel pain. chills increase not decrease. Prostatitis: Prostatitis is common in men over 45 years of age. Inflammation can be chronic or acute. People with prostatitis will have pain in the back and lower abdomen during sex and difficulty ejaculating because of fear of pain.

2. First aid for mild pain in the lower abdomen after sex

After sex, pain in the lower abdomen is more common in women. Therefore, they will feel tired and psychologically haunted. In that situation, you need to stay calm and give first aid to effectively relieve the pain. Avoid psychological stress that increases pain.
A comfortable lying position will help you relax. Following that is a spirit of relaxation and thinking about positive things. If stress and anxiety are active, the blood circulation is not good, it will only make the pain incessantly intense and the lower abdomen painful, making the situation more dangerous.
When the circulation in the lower abdomen is poor, it can cause pain to appear, especially during menstruation. So if you experience lower abdominal pain after sex, you can use a warm pack to apply to your abdomen. The warmth will help the muscles relax blood vessels and reduce pain effectively. Then you can gently massage to relax the muscles.

3. Treatment direction for prolonged lower abdominal pain

3.1. Symptoms associated with abdominal pain after sex should be noted Most of the cases after sex have lower abdominal pain is usually a bodily reaction due to being inserted, not too serious. So you can perform first aid at home to relieve pain and rest. However, if the pain is still present, you should talk to your gynecologist for specific advice.
In addition, if you unfortunately fall into a few dangerous cases, pay attention to the following symptoms: High fever due to constant pain, increasing discomfort with pain, regional bleeding vaginal discharge, abnormal discharge.
Feeling pain in the lower abdomen after sex will greatly affect the daily life of both men and women. However, most pain is mild and goes away on its own. But you should also not be subjective or pay attention to each symptom to determine when to see a doctor for treatment.
3.2. Direction to treat symptoms of lower abdominal pain after sex Treatment of lower abdominal pain after sex due to physiological problems Physiological pain will improve if we change unhealthy living habits. Therefore, an optimistic spirit and a scientific lifestyle will help reduce lower abdominal pain effectively.
For women, intimate hygiene is always focused. Along with that, mood affects endocrine and life. When having sex to relieve physiological pain, you can choose the right position or use lubricant if needed.
Treatment of lower abdominal pain after sex due to medical problems Pathologies that lead to lower abdominal pain after sex are all at risk of affecting health. If detected early in the early stages, the doctor will choose a method of placing the drug less invasive and less complications. This treatment also solves inflammation and prevents tumors or cancer cells from forming ....
For patients with late detection, the condition will be difficult to cure if only drugs are placed. In the most severe cases, the doctor will perform surgery or use surgical methods to handle it thoroughly.
Depending on the cause of the pain, the treatment regimen will be different. But patients who pay attention to abnormal symptoms and go to the doctor to detect them soon will have a higher chance of recovery.
Lower abdominal pain after sex can be physiological or pathological. This is not an individual problem, if you have unusual symptoms with lower abdominal pain, please quickly go to the nearest medical facility for treatment support.

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